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Everything posted by LZRD WZRD

  1. Think I wouldn't notice this cheeky little edit Hypno? Yeah this was pretty LAME and oh my god Rarity's character is pretty much ruined now!!! SO UNCHARACTERISTIC!!!!!! But yeah, obligatory baby catching scene was unnecessary. Aside from that, Flurry Heart was booked about as well as you could book such an unwanted character. WWE ought to take notes for:
  2. Nailed it! In fact her actions facilitate character development, so as long as she keeps getting written into good roles she should be just fine!
  3. Hey everyone! Long time no see I'm back at it again with some MLP analysis for you to maybe appreciate the controversial new character Flurry Heart more Hope you all enjoy and I look forward to reading your comments
  4. I don't think she's going anywhere, so the best thing to do is make the best of her I suppose. I'm interested to see where the writers go with her.
  5. 3 Things that Will Make Season 6 of MLP Great!

  6. After reflecting on season 5 and sitting through interviews with members of MLP's staff, I feel pretty optimistic about the direction this show is heading. I think we could be in for a bit of change next season and season 5 was largely used to bridge the gap. Taking that into account, here are 3 things that the writers could do that will make season 6 totally awesome Thanks for watching and please feel free to leave comments!
  7. For me it's a toss up between A Clockwork Orange, Once Upon a Time In the West, and Blade Runner (which coincidentally were made by my three favorite directors: Stanley Kubrick, Sergio Leone, and Ridley Scott respectively)
  8. Check out my new Warrior Cats analysis video!

  9. Hey guys! Here's episode 2 of my analysis of Warriors: Into the Wild by Erin Hunter. All aspiring writers can learn something from what this book does right. I hope you enjoy Be sure to like and subscribe if you want more and stay tuned for a new MLP video next week
  10. Idk, I guess that depends on whether the Pinkie clones were legitimate organic brings or whether they were shallow magical copies with no true cognitive abilities or not. If they were 100% magic, then it's probably ok, although you could look at it the same way as the androids/replicants in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?/Blade Runner. If they're indistinguishable from regular life forms, can you really deny that they're living beings with the right to love? Idk maybe. They were pretty annoying after all
  11. Probably Diamond Tiara, since she was just a bratty kid. All of the others arguably have personality disorders that would keep them from just up and changing.
  12. She has the mentality of one of those progressive activists at college campuses imo. >equality more important than anything >ends justify means >illiberal — coercion and censorship >dishonest >resorts to shouting when she's losing an argument
  13. I tried watching this yesterday and boy this was the worst movie in the franchise and it wasn't even close. Couldn't even finish it was so boring. The dialogue and opening songs were just dreadful imo. My brother and I loved watching the first two and were disappointed at how this one turned out.
  14. Just like how MLP appeals to some people and not at all to others, Adventure Time has an audience that loves it and one that doesn't get it. Overrated is a pretty ridiculous term to throw around imo, since you're essentially saying that people like something more than they should. I once really got into Adventure Time, but then I got in the MLP mindset and it became less appealing. Gonna try to watch it again with my friends.
  15. Netflix screwed up the order of season 4 as well lol.
  16. season 1: Dragonshy: Fluttershy flipping out and cutting that epic promo on the dragon. Bride Gossip: That whole scene where the poison joke kicks in and Flutterguy appears. Funniest thing ever when I saw it the first time. Sonic Rainboom: Yay! scene A Dog and Pony Show: This is whining! season 2: Lesson Zero: "Clock is ticking, Twilight!" scene May the Best Pet Win: The Find a Pet song The Mysterious Mare Do Well: Rainbow feeling lonely on the cloud scene. Read It and Weep: The scene where Rainbow realizes she loves reading and says "I'm an egghead!" Putting Your Hoof Down: When Fluttershy cuts another legendary promo on Pinkie and Rarity. Edgy, I know Hurricane Fluttershy: All of it, but especially the end. A Canterlot Wedding: This Day Aria Season 3: The Crystal Empire: The scene where Twilight and Spike find Sombra's enchanted room or whatever. The moment where MLP took a really dark turn (and not just in tone kek jk tbh the show didn't go downhill until later ) Sleepless In Ponyville: When Dash takes Scoots under her wing. Magical Mystery Cure: >tfw A True, True Friend starts idk about seasons 4 and 5. Definitely include the end of Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3 when all of Ponyville teams up to help Dash out. Ending of Filli Vanilli. I'll probably think of more later
  17. MLP will never come close to Star Wars-level relevance, but in fairness nothing ever will probably. I'm fairly certain the last movie that was as hyped as The Force Awakens is was The Phantom Menace. Maybe Avatar. Point is, no cartoon series, especially one with a niche audience like MLP will ever become that big. MLP as a brand though is and will continue to be relevant. The show is basically an internet meme that has already peaked in relevance. The fact is, G4 MLP was really unique. It completely subverted expectations and attracted an unexpected audience in a way that I don't think can be replicated (due to it having broken a mold so to speak). The show or any like it will never be as big a deal as G4 was from 2012-2014. The fandom isn't going to die though. G4 MLP's already had its time to shine. If it's going to remain relevant, it will have to inspire other shows that become big (ie create a niche market/influence the cartoon industry the way shows like Neon Genesis Evangelion or K-On! etc have for anime)
  18. new warrior cats video!

    1. CaptainDoubloon


      I'm glad to see you back! (seeker dragonheart here, switched to my unicorn OC)

    2. LZRD WZRD


      Hey there! Thanks, it's good to be back :)

  19. Hey guys! I haven't been very active here lately, mostly because I was busy with finishing my first quarter in college and honestly I was burned out on MLP. However, I'm back and better than ever with a new video about the Warriors series that I think any writers or critics here could benefit from watching! I hope you guys enjoy and feel free to leave comments below! TO SUBSCRIBEhttp://www.youtube.com/user/TheLZRDWZRD?sub_confirmation=1
  20. WWE's been unwatchable for me lately (and not just because Seth got hurt ) The story lines just haven't been engaging and even when they start to do something good (Undertaker+Kane promo on Wyatt family), it goes on way too long. They waste and job all the best wrestlers (aka Wade Barrett ) and let boring old guys like Kane get screen time. Wrestling can be cool, but they refuse to let it happen. As it is, I can't bring myself to watch it.
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