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Wild Tangent

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  1. Only played Red Alert 2 and 3. I always sucked on RTS, but had so much fun...
  2. To be honest, I NEVER ever EVER imagined seeing SerB holding a pony. The_Chieftain is a brony, yes. But not SerB. I thought he hated them. This is a big turn of events to me...
  3. I grew with SF64. No matter how many times I played it, how many times I flew the same planets over and over and over, since I was small (And even still now), I totally praise how SF64 allows you to build your own travel route. I might be fully wrong, and several games came with that concept way before SF64, but I firmly believe SF64 was one of the first games that imposed minimal choice/performance differences to affect your gameplay long-term (Short-Term at least in here). You know, like on Mass-Effect series where you choose to be either good or bad? That kind of thing... Sadly, I couldn't get Adventures (No $$$), but thank god, I would feel it would be such a radical change of playstyle I loved on 64. Then I got assault. Even Assault is more closely-related on 64 than Adventures, yet I still felt it... odd. Maps were bigger, yes. They were prettier and stuff. But the variety is what I praise so much on the 64. When I figured out Assault was purely linear, it killed it for me.There were several other factors ('Cruise' mode on the arwing so fixed for GB technology. No maps that were mixed Cruise+All-Range Mode like on SF64, no warp zones, etc) that made me feel Assault being somewhat odd. At least the Multiplayer was richer and more versatile than the 64 one. Then I missed Command (No DS). Then I heard 64 3DS. No 3DS. But it was virtually the same game as on the 64, so no big loss. Nintendo is really concerned the StarFox saga has not been so profitable as the 64 version, and are considering (or already considered. I hope not...) to abandon the SF saga and focus on another ones. I truly, truly, truly, truly, truly hope Nintendo (Or Rare???) manages to get another StarFox working. I am perfectly sure if they made it as versatile as the 64 one (With a variety of worlds/path to choose and such), I'm pretty sure it will go well. Oh well, I guess it's just about to cross fingers, and hope for the best at this point... PD: Assault Landmaster is kinda ugly to me. Prefer the 64 one aesthetically.
  4. Everything is fine, nice and dandy, perfectly easy to win on Civ V, until you manage to get a Cultural Victory (Only Gods and Kings DLC, not BNW). That thing is very hard to do. Bothersome and annoying, yes, but keeping other Civs out of your own bussiness while keeping your cities to a minimun? A challengue. (Level 5) Despite I know I will be crushed on MP so easily, I would like to try it sometime, but the list is always empty... maybe I might try again sometime soon...
  5. Everybody has an important offensive power on TF2. But that offensive power means nothing if your life ends quickly... That and I love the macabre sadist nature of the german doc...
  6. A subjective point of view of my best games, from top to bottom: - StarFox 64 (I bought Assault when it was released. New tech, but... it is just not the same. Really... I am really hoping the SF saga manages to revive. Not soon, but at least to try...) - Project Torque (RIP. Hands down best Racing MMO ever. Except for the overpowered P2P Lancer Evo and Subaru. But still...) - World of Tanks (Best F2P "MMO" [not exactly] game so far I am currently approving) - Counter Strike (Not the first FPS ever, but it widely popularized it, based on HL engine) - Dissidia: Final Fantasy (Only fighting game I ever liked) - Runescape. When your laptop exploded with web-based games (RS miracleously being an exception), let alone installed games... - Forza Horizon - Civilization V (AoE 2 was waaaaaaaaaaaay older, but even myself as a small kid, it was hell frustrating. Civ5 is a lot friendlier for the not-so-bright RTS guy...) Aaaaand I'm out of ideas for now...
  7. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: A friend suggested me the place. First time in here. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Right when S1 was over, I was starting to hear the hype it was getting on the internet. Never hated ponies, just was curious of why they were making such hype. It started appreciating the well-detailed animation aaaaand... managed to catch up all S1 in like, 2 days before S2 Premiere. Welp, title says it all. Right now I am going full panic, having no idea what to fill ._. So... My changeling pony OC real former name was Legion. Sadly, it is taken already... so, I registered with his alias name he uses as a disguise: Wild Tangent. Why that name? No idea. The panicking makes me go wild and always out of the tangent sometimes, so the comments I have heard about it long time ago made me chuckle. In the end, I decided to strap that mix as my OC name. Sadly, I ain't as electric I used to be, but never loosing hopes, heh. For me, I LOVE gaming. Mostly of the time I am spending quality rage time on World of Tanks, and sometimes on CS:Global Offensive, or Team Fortress 2, depending how is my mood. When I am not playing with pixel games, I am roleplaying. Really like to roleplay as well. As the nature as how I explained the origin of my name, it is natural the best Mane 6 for me is Pinkie Pie. And best ruler is Chrissy. Y u no come back :'C Aaaaand that's it! Shouting out a big HOLAS! to the whole MLPForums...
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