My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: I was literally searching for a MLP forums website so I googled it.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: This is going to sound odd, put I got introduced through Cupcakes. I was browsing Newgrounds one day and saw an entire section dedicated to MLP. Then while looking at the flashes there I saw one with and "M" rating that said "Based off the infamous fanfiction Cupcakes". Let's just say I'm the kind of person who enjoys Happy Tree Friends ^^;. So after reading Cupcakes I became more interested in the fandom. And after a while I joined it.
My name is Lighting Star, I'm a seventeen year old Pegasus pony, and my cutie mark is a thought bubble to signify my creative mind full of ideas that...i'm usually to shy to share with anypony but myself. I'm a freelance writer. If you're actually interested in seeing what I have in the way of writing then feel free to check out my FIMfiction
Though I seemed to be cursed with an extreme case of laziness, so if I have an idea, I fear it may never come into reality.
The reason I found this sight is because I was thinking about what the Mane Six's roles be if they played Sburb from Homestuck. If anypony would to be so kind as to show me the form where I can post that? ^^;
I'm open to new friends all the time and new ideas as well