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Lighting Star

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Everything posted by Lighting Star

  1. @@Dovashy I think that would be interesting. But that means Stellar would eventually have to die
  2. Just so you know I got grounded so I won't be on for a while
  3. Double Side laughed. "Yeah he might be a pain in the plot sometimes but I love him. And for the longest time he was the only pony I could talk to. But we..." His face seemed to be cringing from the mere mention of the subject. "Don't like talking about that time." Book Worm's face suddenly lit up with realization. "Oh you and Strikeout haven't been properly introduced yet!" He took Silver's free hoof and started to shake it. "Silver, this is my twin brother Strikeout." "It's a pleasure to meet you." He said in his deeper tone of voice. "But I'm not sure how much better it'll be talking to TWO eggheads now." Book Worm grunted. "You do not know how happy I am to get to talk to somepony like you. Everypony calls us "Double Side" for some reason. I think it's so that other ponies don't risk mixing us up." "Speaking of other ponies," Strikeout said. "What do you think of the rest of our group?" "That Domino pony, I don't like him."
  4. @ No need to worry. Don't feel pressured or rushed to do anything.
  5. I personally like Angel's relationship with Fluttershy. Though of course this is all up to whomever is writing it, but here's the way I see it: Angel Bunny truly does love and care about Fluttershy. But the methods he goes about caring for her aren't the ones a majority of people would use; especially on Fluttershy. He believes that a firm hand is needed to guide her, much like Seabreeze from It Ain't Easy Being Breezies. He helps her learn through negative reinforcement. When he wanted to teach her not to let others walk all over her, he went about it by showing her what it was like to be walked all over. While the effectiveness of these methods is debatable, at the end of the day Angel cares about Fluttershy deeply.
  6. I'm not a student in college so I hope it's ok if I ask this here, but how does being a Brony fair in college?
  7. Names are a really funny concept aren't they? They're the sound someone makes when they want to refer to a specific person. Most of the time they're not even actual words. And to add onto their weird concept, a person doesn't get to pick what they want to be legally called. They can create a "nickname" for themselves that they would prefer to be called by officially they don't have any control over what essentially defines who they are. Is there a set criteria that you have to follow when you name force upon a newborn the very definition of their character? Is there something that defines what is acceptable and what isn't when you give them this identity? There seems to be a meta for names; you always see people being named the same things. George, Sarah, Susan, Max, Billy, etc. If you want this to be a crucial part of your child's identity, wouldn't you rather it be something unique? A name like Dash or Vinyl would certainly be an interesting one for your child. Wouldn't it make them stand out more as an individual? Instead of having someone say "Could you call George over here?" And have a reply of "George X or George Y?" You'd have someone say "Could you call Vinyl over here?" And there would be no confusion cause there would only be one Vinyl. Your child would be the unique Vinyl instead of the cookie cutter George. But also what would define what is too far when picking a name? Would you want to pick a name that already has a meaning to it? That would certainly mean you child would be associated with the meaning of their name wouldn't it? Would you name your child Toilet and have them be associated with the object in which body waste is disposed of in? Or would you name then Feces and have them associated with body waste? Names should be unique, but shouldn't boundaries also exist? Again names are a very funny concept.
  8. Hey on a completely unrelated note, if I wrote a story about Double Side would you ponies be interested in reading it?
  9. Whatever direction this RP takes, I think my OC Double Side would fit in quite nicely in this RP http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/double-side-r6395 I'd just need to tweak him a bit for the purpose of being a villain (or ex villain if you wanna go that route). In this RP his "Book Worm" Personality will be a cunning and smooth strategist who would think of every last detail of his evil plans, while his "Strikeout" personality would a masochistic, murder happy pony. And for added fun he will change them constantly.
  10. @ Nah don't worry bro. Take all the time you need. Quality is more important than getting it out asap. Anyway night ^^
  11. @ Sorry if I was sounding impatient or pushy. I was just having a lot of fun and thought you had given up. Sorry.
  12. I just typed this story and wanted to know if it was even worth submitting to FIMfiction. If it's not too much trouble than read it and tell me what you think of it. Do I need to add anything? Do I need to put more details in? Is it even worth submitting to Fimfiction? Please tell me what you think.
  13. @@DarkSonic1221 @ @@Grapz224 Oh Oh I wanna play with you guys too!
  14. Book Worm laughed. "I love him to death but it's nice to talk to somepony who's actually smart sometimes." Double Side suddenly cocked his head to the left, his entire expression changed from a happy on to an annoyed one. "And just what is that supposed to mean?" He said in a slightly deeper voice. He didn't seemed to be addressing Silver anymore. His head cocked to the right again. "I mean that you like to hit first and think about it later. It's nice to find another pony who actually likes to think about them too." "They're bad and they kill ponies, what's there to think about?" "Maybe why they kill ponies? Maybe if there's a way to stop them from killing ponies?" "I've got all the ways I need to stop them right here." He taped his baseball bat with his hooves. Book Worm sighed. "See what I have to deal with sometimes?"
  15. @ Book Worm was ecstatic. Not only was finally talking to somepony, but he was also an intellectual too. He jumped on the chance to add on to that statement. "That's actually a great explanation! I've noticed no levels of higher thinking from them and this explains why they're attracted to noise. But as I said earlier, they're also attracted to bright things. They'll stop and stare at shiny things as long as there isn't a living pony near them." He was on a roll now. "And I've also noticed that over time the infected seem to change and get weaker; or as I call it rot. Freshly infected ones seem to have a sense of smell, sharper hearing, and can run. But over time they seem to rot and lose those abilities. So the ones that have been infected longer are actually the ones that are the safest to fight. And also..." He paused for a second and realized that he was rambling on again. "Oh I'm sorry," He said embarrassed. "I'm just happy I finally get to talk to somepony that's not my brother."
  16. @ "Do these materials have some sort of affect on the infected when they are mixed together?" Book Worm sounded really interested. He realized this an felt the need to explain himself. "It's just that I'm writing this journal with my findings on the infected and I want to know everything I can. So if you've found something that they react to I would love to know." He gave a dorky smile.
  17. @ Double Side looked at the materials with curiosity. The way Silver was holding and reacting to them seemed to imply that they were dangerous. "Might I ask you what exactly those are?" He asked trying not to show his concern. "And whether or not I should get ten feet away from them?"
  18. Double Side rubbed the back of his head. "Well when you find an entire six pack of cola after drinking nothing but water for two weeks straight you'd be surprised on how much you can drink. And a ponies bladder cannot hold that much cola." He outstretched his hoof. "I don't think we got properly introduced. My name is Book Worm."
  19. Double Side outstretched his hooves with a yawn. The pain in his bladder told him that he had to risk getting up and going out into the woods if he wanted to keep this sleeping bag, and he was particularly fond of it. Taking his bat from his pack Double Side got up and went towards a bush to let his liquid waste out. As he prepared to walk back to his bag, he noticed Silver getting up and walking over a little ways from the camp. Concerned, Double Side followed him. "What are you doing?" He whispered when he got next to him.
  20. @@Grapz224 No it's fine man. If you need to attend to other things you could tell us that and let us direct the flow of the RP. But since you are the group leader atm, that's your job for now.
  21. Just curious, should we close off registration now that the story has started so that it doesn't end up getting (any more) confusing? And who is going to be the first pony to wake up?
  22. Wait haven't we left out a couple people who haven't made intro's to the group yet? I guess we'll just have to move on
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