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The JLmle

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Everything posted by The JLmle

  1. I know I e been gone for ever; so sorry. Miss you guys. Fortunately, TailsIsNotAlone sent a message to my personal email so I logged in to cast my vote for Rarity! Miss you, will try and check in more often...
  2. I know I've been gone for a while, but since I got an email saying that Rarity needed my vote, so I had to respond!
  3. Dont have a lot of time do to the holidays, but I thought I'd drop in and say "BOO"
  4. Aptly called Eye for Detail... Source
  5. I'll certainly do my best! I miss y'all too! Just been so busy lately... Maybe I'll have more time after the holiday rush? Feel free to contact me by email to (there's a yahoo listed on my profile that goes to my cell phone)
  6. Just stopping by and saying hi to everypony, seeking work is tough work Glad to log in to see Rarity with her own banner! Oh, and I think I found the dress I want to get married in...
  7. taking a long hiatus from the site, send an email to the yahoo account listed on my profile if you wanna chat

  8. I will miss you all very much, and I may be back someday, but I've got so much stuff going on that I just don't have time to keep up with the site; So I'm headed out on an extended hiatus... But know that I Love all of my RFC brothers and sisters, and that I left my yahoo email address on my profile if anypony wants to contact me...
  9. Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I'm actually doing amazingly old right now! I've just been super busy and have had some pretty big changes in my life that required me to take a few steps back and evaluate where I'm at on a number of things. But I should've checked in my with friends here more often no matter what all was going on. *hugs for everypony!* Oh, and did somepony say "Rarijack?"
  10. Sorry I've been gone so long, been going through a lot lately but will try and stop by here a bit more often. Feel free to pm me if you wanna chat, I'll reply to all
  11. Filled with hope and optimism!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      yay indeed! *hugs*

      I was worried about some things this morning but I figure I can either have faith that they will go well, or I can freak about them... I choose faith!


    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hugs* It's always better to give room to optimism than be sad ! :)

    4. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Good philosophy x3

  12. Scared...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bright Bastion

      Bright Bastion

      You'll be okay I'm sure.

    3. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      @ Bright Bastion.... I'm sure I'll survive; I just know that things will be different.... Hopefully for the better....

    4. Bright Bastion

      Bright Bastion

      That's the spirit. If you can't know how something is going to turn out, then you shouldn't worry too much about it. Different isn't always worse.

  13. I'm still around, just not as active...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      @Makusu... I'll try. Just super busy these days

    3. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      @Makusu... I'll try. Just super busy these days

    4. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      I know the feel, 'Tis nearing exam time for me!

      Busy, busy days!

  14. It's been a long, hard day... Soon I'll be able to sleep, but what I really need as a nice vacation! Something like this...
  15. That's an easy one Rares, so that you'd be free to meet your true love...
  16. Up to my eyeballs in life... I'll be responding to the RFC and PM's only for a few days, sorry...

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      I hope they will be better soon *hugs*

    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      Thanks! It's not necessarily bad... Just hectic...

    3. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Of course! Take your time with things!

      There's no need to stress yourself out any further.

  17. Yes, it much better once my car got started, went to work, did my time, then went to hang out with The friend I met Rainbow Rocks, Who I could probably call my best friend this point, she's that awesome! So a bad morning became a wonderful day, yay! That's also why I wasn't here much yesterday, but I'll catch up when I can!Oh, and Rarity!
  18. Good morning everypony! Hope your days going better than mine. Got woken up from a dead sleep by my boss asking where I was... Apparently, the other person in my area is on vacation, and no one bothered to tell me! And now, I'm waiting for the tow truck to jump my car because I leftmy lights on yesterday… And of course, this happens the one day this month that the wife is out of town; so she can't help me... I'll be about 2 1/2 hours late for work today, that's not too bad is it?
  19. Sleepy time for this kitty... See y'all soon I'll go back to my usual pic soon, but for tonight, something somewhat NIghtmare Night related Edit: Oops.. That's a pegasus that stole Rare's hair... oh well, pretend it's her?
  20. Anyways... Sleepy time for me... Night night!
  21. I'm a redhead now!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The JLmle

      The JLmle

      Me too! anyways... I'm off to sleep friend, take care!

    3. DaReaper
    4. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      I see you've come to the ways of the best colour ever.

      Nicely done! XD

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