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Everything posted by RainbowDangerDashie

  1. Its going to be playing in the Edgewater Multiplex Cinemas! Yesssss! My favorite Dazzling is Sonata Dusk, but then again I can't judge the others since we know very little about them except the fact that they may be ponies from Equestria. or sirens.
  2. I liked the clip, the song is so catchy. What do I expect? Something similar to or better than Equestria Girls (and I liked Equestria Girls).
  3. I don't think it was exactly done on purpose, but then again, we're talking about Hasbro here.
  4. I have some news about Rainbow Rocks! According to this website (http://www.grandcinema.com/movie.php?id=1051), we now know the plot of Rainbow Rocks. "Canterlot High is hosting a musical showcase and Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy are going to be performing with their new band, The Sonic Rainbooms. But when a new girl group, The Dazzlings, arrives at CHS, they convince everyone to turn the friendly showcase into a Battle of the Bands. As tensions mount between the competing musical acts, a reformed Sunset Shimmer realizes that the Dazzlings may not be ordinary girls and are after something far more sinister than just being named Best Band at Canterlot High. The Rainbooms call on Princess Twilight to return to their world to help them perform a musical counter-spell so that they can win a battle that now determines the fate of the entire school." So apparently, the humans now enter Equestria. Or maybe just Rainbow Dash What I'm getting from this is that the Dazzlings might just be ponies from Equestria. Best part about this is that it won't be an exclusive theater release!! Will you be seeing it on September 27th? I sure will be
  5. Stupid soccer moms.... trying to ruin a perfectly good character. #SaveDerpyHooves
  6. What kind of movie could they make for the ponies though? And I'm pretty sure the pony skin tones were put in so parents didn't complain about racism. It wasn't perfect, neither is the show, the show has terrible episodes here and then *coughcough The Mysterious Mare do Well coughcough* (I hated that episode so much, I couldn't watch it all the way, thats not the way you get a friend to stop boasting.) But would you have rather had no movie while waiting or the movie as a filler? (no offense to anypony here) When someone says that they hate MLP, you start cursing at them. When someone says that they hate EQG, everyone agrees. I liked it, it was a nice movie, and not as creepy as the Monster High movies, despite the fact the girls had pink & blue skin.
  7. Like maybe Rainbow Dash is in Canterlot for something, and Celestia has the mirror unlocked, and the human Rainbow Dash goes over to Equestria and gets the pony Dashie?... Yeah. Or, like someone said before, the Twilight from the human world transfers over to Canterlot High, and they see Twilight and get all excited *yay * and they get to know the human Twilight better, then the school has an open slot for a band, and then there they form the Sonic Rainbooms!
  8. I remember when Spongebob actually had funny jokes.... *sigh* Those were the days...
  9. Proof that Equestria exists somewhere yay. When will we at least get the name of ONE other country in Equestria then? I always thought Equestria was a country >.<
  10. Tea since my mom hardly ever lets me drink coffee (not like I want to), i like tea though
  11. But its high school... maybe not in Rainbow Rocks (though we will totally see Brad Flash Centry), but in Equestria Academy, that might as well just be the plot of half the episodes. (The "BOYs!!11111!!1 OMG OMG plot :|)
  12. Adorable >.< You need to do the CMC in your free time.
  13. Movie has nothing to do with the shorts & book. But guys, its Rainbow Rocks. You'd think that they would at least make Rainbow Dash the main character. NOPE! Lets make the girl that became an alicorn in that crappy season finale the star of everything! (and this is coming from a Twilight fan) Plot Twist: Or what if Rainbow Dash does become an alicorn in Rainbow Rocks?
  14. They aren't THAT bad.... then again I own some of the dolls :3
  15. O.O Discord in an egg? We're talking about Discord in Equestria Girls, unless the EQG world has a transportation to a magical world full of eggs!
  16. i was trying to explain to my younger brother why he couldn't download the MLP app when I remembered about the bronies :P

  17. Why not? Although, we do need to see human versions of the Wonderbolts, a human version of Discord, a human version of Cadence & Shining Armor, a human version of Lyra, a human version of Bon Bon, we have plenty of more characters that need human forms too. Though I think the Lyra version got leaked somewhere.
  18. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo for the win, the most adorable tomboys
  19. yesss finally a royalty member on stardoll. my life is complete #yolo

  20. Dailymotion is the best website for finding MLP episodes. They're in full HD, don't have the copyright claimings from Hasbro, and you can find every MLP episode that exists there. (along with Equestria Girls, that's where I watched it since it was in limited theater release)
  21. If a nation filled with magical multicolored talking unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies that have super powers, with a badass ruler *hint hint Luna * isn't the most powerful then I don't know what is.
  22. October only exists to this day because of Halloween. Besides that October has no meaning to life whatsoever.
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