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Everything posted by CyanSheepMedia

  1. Have an image of me when my hair was cut! And another when the job was only half done: You can see the anger grow within...
  2. It appears as though asking you about Bronies the musical is about as useful as asking a tea leaf to recite the entire history of the East India Company.
  3. Applejack would have the power to make people to tell the truth and instead of banishing the bad to the moon she would turn them into Apples. Also her orders would be to make all of the pony community to pick apples and run apple farms. Fluttershy would have the power to summon Smaug but is unable to because she lakes the confidence. Rarity would order all of the ground in Equestria to be turned into a silk carpet and her power would be to annoy Rainbow Dash.
  4. Mine would be a red crowbar or a Gravity Gun or a Portal Gun to show my love and skill for Valve games and games altogether.
  5. Rarity is often perceived and portrayed as a gold digger by many fan works who like the character. This can result to the artists and writers developing her character to say such things as "Bend over, darling.". I also feel that the phrase "worst pony" can often be applied to any pony but it all depends on what the fans opinion is. For example I am not the biggest fan of Rainbow Dash (although I wouldn't say she is worst pony).
  6. I absolutely love a dark and gruesome twist on anything! I think I may need mental help.
  7. My life outside of ponies consist of playing games on Steam and also building a buck ton of LEGO. Eating and sleeping also tend to be uncontrollable pass times of mine.
  8. I adore Applejack and feel as though she is my favourite pony. Of course I feel that she is nothing like me for I am much more similar to Rarity. I feel Applejack would just make a wonderful waifu for me. Although Braeburn is also a cutsie!
  9. If at all there is any spin off series I desire that involve mainly colts and stallions than it would be a show featuring both Big Mac and Braeburn. I feel the adventures the cousins could have would just be fun. Other than that I feel that the show does not need too many stallions. Much like in real life, the ratio for stallions to mares show that there are more female then males anyway meaning the show currently having more female characters actually makes sense.
  10. If you use Reddit than I recommend the pony emoticon browser extension. You can find more on it here: https://ponymotes.net/bpm/
  11. I like a strong, black outline and darker colours. I like the tone of the image created instead of the regular MLP art style.
  12. I would say a fool with a heart of gold would have the greatest chance with Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie. I say this because Fluttershy is the element of kindness and it works out. Pinkie Pie is of course Pinkie Pie so there is no question an idiot with a heart of gold would have a shot. Twilight not so much in a relationship.
  13. This assistant sounds rather rude and ignorant. If she asks you if you are a brony she shouldn't than start ranting to you. Perhaps to someone who share the same opinion as her but certainly not someone who she appears to despise. I fear it is too late for you to go back now but next time you find yourself in the same position tell them off and state they are being rude to you and if they refuseto leave than go and see the manager.
  14. I go to Forbidden Planet to get my pony merchandise as the UK is bare of it. I go in get what I want and leave. Believe me know that no clerk cares about what you are buying as long as they can make a sale. They don't care if you are buying it for someone else, yourself or for an organization for as long as they earn some money by the end of the day than they care not for what you buy. This is just here to tell you all that you need not worry about what they may think of you.
  15. I am well aware of the videos but should a child really be browsing YouTube. There is much worse on that site and overall is immature for young audiences. Most sites that the gore and such are on are sites which children shouldn't be visiting. If you want to be a good parent than don't let your child go on sites where the adult community is immature and out weighs the child community. Also a good parent would have a program on their computer blocking certain content which most kids won't know how to get past. It is not about the internet changing for children but for parents to limit what their children go on to protect them. Some parents will be fine with letting their kids use YouTube and let them raise their kids that way. Don't intervene on the internet when trying to protect kids. Let the parents of the children intervene their kids from browsing certain sites. P.S. Most sites that require age verification is literally a "Are you over 18?" question with a "yes" or "no" button. Most kids would click yes anyway and not be scared off by it.
  16. If someone wishes to create content which may be dark, filled with gore, or pornographic I feel that they have the right too. Bronies don't act as though they own the show but they do have the right to create fan content which is not for kids. My Little Pony isn't the only show which children watch where this happens. Here is a list; Thomas The Tank Engine, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Mr Bean, Spongebob Sqaurepants etc. Even toys such as LEGO have fan made adult themed items on the internet. I feel that stopping all of this would be bad for the mature online community. Whether it is creepy, gory, pornographic it is fair use and over all a good and healthy thing. On the matter of children finding it makes this a hard thing to deal with. Censorship is certainly no the answer as censorship is an invasion of human rights to view certain footage and information. Most children won't find the content online and if they do than all I can say is tough as most children either won't understand it or see similar content elsewhere anyway.
  17. I judge all shows before watching them. Not just cartoons but also live action and comedies. I think I was pretty tame in judging My Little Pony as I only accidentally came across it on YouTube. It is because of the fandom that I found the show and in turn had no time to judge it before joining it. I judge most new LEGO animations made by LEGO very often which is surprising as I love LEGO. On cartoons as I whole I tend not to judge. I find it too hard to judge something before watching it unless I have a long lasting hatred for the creator. For example I hate most of Shakespeare's works because I disliked having to learn about Romeo and Juliet. I suppose this makes me ignorant but I couldn't stand reading another piece of his literature,
  18. We already have a male main character, his name is Big Mac and he is one of the main six. (Sorry Applejack)
  19. Twilight would most likely win. I mean she has almost unlimited power. Power which are almost equivalent to nuclear weapons. I feel as though she is a little over powered now but than again she is a princess so this is expected. Why they are in a death battle is a much more interesting matter. I am sure there is already some fan fiction where this happens. One can only dream of a canon result.
  20. For some unknown reason I relate Fluttershy to this. This is most likely due to Smile HD. Fluttershy can be a real badass.
  21. The problem I am facing here is that I am incapable of taking any animal with the exception of bunnies. If it is just angel than I could succed rather well but other than that I would be unable to get that date.
  22. Considering that Twilight studies friendship as well as magic I would say it would still be fairly safe to date her and not worry about being vaporized to nothing. In fact her magic could probably make the relationship more fun.
  23. Rarity is by far the pony I would date out of the mares. She is so stylish and woman like. I enjoy her feminine stance but still a strong one at that. For the stallions I would choose either Big Mac, Braeburn or Caramel. In fact I can't seem to decide for any one stallion.
  24. Assuming that the aliens have the capabilities to speak any language the show airs in and that they have no prior knowledge of the human race than they would most likely think one of two things. Either they think that horses are the natural inhabitants of the world or that humans love horses as gods.
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