Shadow's and Coal's hind hooves manage to hit the final guard at the same time, both of them bucking him in the midsection. The guard collapses and starts breathing shallowly (he won't be chasing after you).
The captain manages to get close enough to his knife that he almost picks it up, but in the nick of time Spirit snatched it up with his magic and floated it to his waiting hooves. The guard is the worse for wear and starts staggering towards Spirit.
"No, no no no nnnuh." the guard says weakly. After he moves about five feet he starts hacking and coughing and with each cough he shudders painfully. The more he coughs, blood starts appearing on his lips and he's close enough for you to tell that he has at least one broken rib that has punctured a lung probably more. He staggers on, obviously in shock and then falls to the ground, making him convulse in pain. The head guard starts dragging himself towards Spirit, his eyes show a hint of rage but it is dull and the eyes are starting to glaze over. He reaches Spirit's hooves and stares at the knife longingly, he reaches for it breathing shallowly and painfully. He opens his mouth to speak, nothing comes out, then a whisper and finally and very laboriously:
"Muh muh m-ine, give-knife-back, stupid unic- unicuh, must kill peg-sis, kill you."
The guard coughs violently again, convulsing and wincing in extreme pain. He looks at his knife again reaching with both hooves, then one, then none. His hooves fall to the ground and he keeps staring, his breathing getting shallower and shallower, never taking his eyes off the knife. Finally one long drawn out breath marks his last, and whatever was in him rustles when it leaves. His eyes glaze over and become dull, the evil leaving them, blood dripping out of his mouth.
Spirit is still bleeding from his cut and the blood is starting to form a small pool at the bottom of his left hoof.
The other guards who were knocked to the ground start fading, as in they literally start to become transparent and fade away. The head guard sticks around for much longer and he starts to decay very fast and in a matter of minutes becomes a skeleton, then dust, then nothing. The guard that Shadow and Coal kicked to the ground is still around and still in pain and still conscious.