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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Tyoeman

  1. As you are all talking amongst yourselves a pony walks up on you. She is a mare Earth Pony, that has a light green coat and lime green eyes. Her mane is colored butterscotch with peach highlights. She is carrying saddlebags full of different kinds of flowers. For those of you who have lived in Ponyville a while you know her as Junebug (yes that one ) those of you who are relatively new or have just arrived don't know who she is or have only seen her in passing. She walks up to Coal, but addresses the group as a whole. "Uh, hey everybody would you like to buy a flower? They are only three bits each." She looks warmly at Coal, but you can see a slight tinge of tiredness in her eyes. As if she has been working hard for almost nothing for a long time.
  2. hey slendy you can post because spirit asked you a question
  3. yep it's time for you guys to get acquainted
  4. It's been a day since it was his turn so you are fine.
  5. That's fine we were waiting on Coal anyway.
  6. GuitarGuru, your name change scared me. I thought some random person was posting in the rp. lol
  7. "My name?" The guard thought for a moment "I think it was Chestnut." he thought for a moment more "Chestnut Oaktree." a look of slight pain both from his injuries and trying to remember his almost forgotten name appeared on his face. He then looked upon Ponyville, tears streaming down his face. "It hasn't changed." he whispered "There is where mama gave me my first play sword. Where I met Daisy. Where I told ma I was joining the Royal Guard." His eyelids were drooping slowly. "Where I betrayed my friends." he paused for a moment. And a curious thing starts to happen, he starts to fade away in your arms, his weight dissipating. "Thank you, thank you for letting me see my home for one last time, in peace. Daisy, I'm coming home." And with those last words his whole form disappeared leaving nothing but silence. The mist from the Everfree Forest starts to fade as the Sun rises higher in the sky. All is quiet at the moment save for the mumblings of Hazey and the coaxing words of Spirit. The town square is empty. An uneasy calm from the turmoil that has just passed, the only remnant from it is the Captain of the Guards' knife.
  8. Banned because you decided to use full twenty four hour timecodes as opposed to a twelve hour timecode.
  9. "Unicorn. Ugh." The last remaining guard said to Shadow, short of breath writhing on the ground. "Unicorn, Ahh!" the guard was in pain. "Tell Princess Celestia, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to leave. Hnnghh. Please. I don't have much time left. I want to see Ponyville one last time. I grew up here before you came. Lift my head so I can see it once more. Ugh." The last guard had tears in his eyes, he was being genuine. Whatever was controlling him seemed to have left him. "Please unicorn." The last guard looked into Shadow's eyes, and the guards' eyes were full of sadness and sorrow.
  10. Slendy it's you next and then I'll post my response. Hey SkySong, how long do you plan on staying unconscious? I was just wondering.
  11. Hey man this rp is closed and there is a new ooc sorry.
  12. Shadow's and Coal's hind hooves manage to hit the final guard at the same time, both of them bucking him in the midsection. The guard collapses and starts breathing shallowly (he won't be chasing after you). The captain manages to get close enough to his knife that he almost picks it up, but in the nick of time Spirit snatched it up with his magic and floated it to his waiting hooves. The guard is the worse for wear and starts staggering towards Spirit. "No, no no no nnnuh." the guard says weakly. After he moves about five feet he starts hacking and coughing and with each cough he shudders painfully. The more he coughs, blood starts appearing on his lips and he's close enough for you to tell that he has at least one broken rib that has punctured a lung probably more. He staggers on, obviously in shock and then falls to the ground, making him convulse in pain. The head guard starts dragging himself towards Spirit, his eyes show a hint of rage but it is dull and the eyes are starting to glaze over. He reaches Spirit's hooves and stares at the knife longingly, he reaches for it breathing shallowly and painfully. He opens his mouth to speak, nothing comes out, then a whisper and finally and very laboriously: "Muh muh m-ine, give-knife-back, stupid unic- unicuh, must kill peg-sis, kill you." The guard coughs violently again, convulsing and wincing in extreme pain. He looks at his knife again reaching with both hooves, then one, then none. His hooves fall to the ground and he keeps staring, his breathing getting shallower and shallower, never taking his eyes off the knife. Finally one long drawn out breath marks his last, and whatever was in him rustles when it leaves. His eyes glaze over and become dull, the evil leaving them, blood dripping out of his mouth. Spirit is still bleeding from his cut and the blood is starting to form a small pool at the bottom of his left hoof. The other guards who were knocked to the ground start fading, as in they literally start to become transparent and fade away. The head guard sticks around for much longer and he starts to decay very fast and in a matter of minutes becomes a skeleton, then dust, then nothing. The guard that Shadow and Coal kicked to the ground is still around and still in pain and still conscious.
  13. That's fine. Your schoolwork is more important. Post when you can. Guitarguru you can post if you like and we'll go from there.
  14. The guard that Coal pushes off rears up and starts to try to beat him with his fore hooves. Then he turns his attention to Shadow and bucks at him fighting like a cornered beast. Both of you are standing on either side of him. The head guard starts putting pressure on the blade and it breaks the skin. At the same moment a blue magical flute rushes toward the knife, but at the last second the guard sees it and moves the knife out of the way. Then he goes back to finish the job. With a heavy thud Hazey hits the guard in his side at full speed and knocks the knife out of his mouth sending it flying ten feet away. The guard is toppled over on his side and Hazey is in a heap next to him (it felt like you hit a sack full of lead, you dislocate your right shoulder). The cut on Spirit's neck is bleeding a lot but it is not too deep (it didn't hit your jugular thankfully, it was literally millimeters away though). The force that Hazey hit the guard with seemed to stun him for a moment and he staggered trying to get up. He huffed and puffed and managed to get up and, shaking his head, began to run for his knife.
  15. I'll be posting soon, I'm working on it as I'm writing this. (is that even possible )
  16. Once the guitar hits the guard holding the right wing of Hazey he lets out and "OOF" falls and lets the wing go, snapping the wing back in place, unbroken but a pretty uncomfortable feeling. The guard who got hit by the electric wave tenses up and bites down harder on the left wing, pulling out one of the feathers as he falls down to the ground (this hurts a lot but the wing is not broken and you can still fly). The guard that is grappling with Coal sees Shadow get up and try attacking him, he tries to headbutt Shadow (while still grappling with Coal) but only manages to make a glancing blow. The head guard looks down at the money purse that had just hit him very hard in the head, rage oozing from his face. He watches the two guards holding Hazey go down and he snaps. Like a bull set loose from the corral, the guard charges at Spirit. He catches up quite quickly almost too quickly. "RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL DIE FEATHERING UNICORN YOU- WILL- DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The guard tackles Spirit and holds him down breathing heavily, rage dripping and leaking out of every breath. The guard gathers his composure for a few moments before saying something to Spirit. "You, you, you, you, you. YOU will pay." The very essence of rage seems to pour out of his mouth with every "you" the head guard says. "Nopony, nopony has EVER shamed me and lived. I won't perform surgery on your horn doctor boy, oh no, oh no. I think it's time for some throat surgery." With that he pulls out a large knife from under his armor with his mouth, and holds it to Spirit's throat. "I bet your blood tastes good." The guard says to Spirit, a very rage filled, evil, and hungry look in his eye.
  17. if there's action going on order doesn't matter, I suppose. Also you guys are good. I'm serious, this has become a very interesting rp, thank you. XD
  18. One of the guards is caught unaware and falls to the ground. The other dodges your buck and tries to grapple with you.
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