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Arceus Clone

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Status Replies posted by Arceus Clone

  1. You may not see me often, because i have made the choice to get off the computer and get a life,

  2. I am trying to think of something clever to put here, but I don't know what to say! XD

    1. Arceus Clone

      Arceus Clone

      put clever as your status

      it'll help by 30000 precent

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I am now streaming! Come join me as I fight people and stuff. http://twitch.tv/kyoshilonehearted

    1. Arceus Clone

      Arceus Clone

      STOP SPAMMING MY INBOXXXXXXXX. oh and. kay im gonna come


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. I'm finally beginning to stabilize on my new laptop *phew*

  5. I sat the wrong way in my chair for over an hour, now all my joints hurt.

  6. I changed my username everypony! I am no longer Moonlight Magician. You may now call me TheLatiosMan381! :)

    1. Arceus Clone

      Arceus Clone

      (random comment)

      Helix fossil,

      Also. Ke latiosman

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. First shiny: Shroomish.

    1. Arceus Clone

      Arceus Clone

      My first shiny was on a rom hack called Glazed..But it still counts right?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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