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Posts posted by PokeBolter

  1. I know that at first when I got into the show I tried hidding it from everyone except my family because I didn't want to be embarrased I think that's the reason I renamed my Ponyta from AppleBloom to Flame but I even played a guessing game however word got out at school about it because that's when I wasn't good at hiding things and then after that everyone knew I watched it and back in September I got ponies and hid them but now my parents know I'm into MLP and they're cool with it(well not yelling at me and doing bad things about it) and my friend's nice so yeah you can come out and as for those in public the worse they could do is say "You're a brony" it would most likely get other bronies attention and then you'll have more friends but take it one step at a time don't just buy lots of ponies run out in public and yell out the MLP:FIM theme song.

  2. I don't really have anything against Brittish persons and their accent is actually amusing especailly the "Ello governor' top o the morning to you" but all the tea talk is just pathetic I mean really.

  3. Same thing for water I mean really why are we always talking about tea this is getting extremely pathetic but I don't care if we're talking about Barney the Dinosaur I'm going to be the last poster and win the game. Or wait AM I THE FOOD!?

  4. Uses my magical horn to not only stab you painfully in the stomach but also to make you spit me out, well then again I bet there'd be some ponies on the outside helping not to remind you that you have a giant whole in your stomach when you're doing so.

  5. No you don't you ate Sweetie Belle! (Grabs a giant object throws at chest and Sweetie Belle comes out) you should've never ate her then there wouldn't be a hole in your chest, I really love Sweetie Belle.

  6. Ok here's a story it's called the ugly and annoying Brittish man once there was an annoying brony who talked like a brittish man he was so annoying that everyone and everypony died the end. You have no idea where I get this from it's too awesome.

  7. Water is not bland water has different flavors wherever you go I mean would you really like to drink poopy water or pure water it's your funeral from disease that could occur so now tea for me.

  8. Hey! No I got rid of all the tea and why has this become all about drinks I miss the good times when we were talking about Sweetie Belle being cuter than Fluttershy it was at least about MLP.

  9. The end part was an opinion but at the beginning of time oceans weren't made out of tea so water was with us forever and the body's made out of water so I really think my opinion is most likely true. Oh yeah and if you mean your last post you made it sound confusing making it seem like a fact so I didn't even know that you were trying to make it an opinion.

  10. No that isn't true water has been around since the beginning of time, tea has been around since England was formed most likely I wouldn't know and I don't care either but the point is water overrules tea big time.

  11. No I don't personally I'm just saying that it can be hot/warm and water used as a drink can be used for many other purposes like swimming in the summer would you really swim in coffie/tea I know I wouldn't so water wins. To make it even cooler it's a Pokemon type so BOOM water best liquid EVER!

  12. @,I'm a ruffian whatever that means I don't care but water is the only good drink in the world so it would've had to be good I mean water can be hot, and cold, and warm. 

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