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Posts posted by PokeBolter

  1. Ew NO! No offense I just go for the cute girls not the beauty ones. Oh yeah and this is Silver Belle, Sweetie Belle's r63 version so this is a guy just to let you know so if you're a girl you could date him however guys if you say yes you're just a little on the gay side.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Ok Rarity gets killed by Sweetie Belle and the CMCs, Luna gets murded by Tirek when he strikes back, and Diamond Tiara gets get tortured by all of the apples once Apple Bloom snitches to Apple Jack. And no I'm not back on the site.......................

  3. So around Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday......

    I'm sorry to say but you've been wasting your time with my signature I just got lots of warnings from moderators so I think it's about time to move on from being a brony however if you continue please send it to my e-mail which is louiskonakci@gmail.com thanks for doing this for me but goodbye anyhow.

  4. Is this a trick question especially after MLP left there's shows like Tiny Toon Adventures, Spongebob, Good Luck Charlie, LPS(Littlest Petshop),  Kirby Right Back at Ya, Teen Titans Go!, Bubble Guppies is also still kind of good though I'm 15 all I need is a funny cartoon that's well animated with a good plot line, which anyhow MLP recently is around my 3 or 4th after Tiny Toons, Spongebob, oh yeah and Looneytunes Show Daffy Duck really makes it entertaining.

  5. So I was kind of wondering, if I was a pony how old would I be I'm 15 and I'd kind of want to know if I would be Silver Belle's age because even though I didn't watch it I saw he would be a Freshman in Equestria Girls and I'm a Freshman so would that make me the age of the CMC what do you think the age range is people to ponies?

  6. Ok so..

    1. I'm bringing PokeBolter which is my ponysoa so that's original, well Silver Belle is just my friend he's an r63 anyhow.

    2. Fine I'll make PokeBolter accurate and not overthrowing a princess even though she was really super duper close to the balcony that anypony could tip her by just grabbing her hooves.

    3. I'm not really sure what a filler is so I'm kind of scared about that part.

    4. I already know that I'm at the gala, I'll try to make the plot line more reasonable.

    5. I won't take control I'll only use PokeBolter from OC's and the ponies in Mlp:Fim also some r63 versions too

    6. That's a joke everypony else is just going walking around seeing things that interests them, talking to themselves end of story that's just really lame. Now for my character so he's kind of small school aged 15 year old unicorn. He met Silver Belle when he was crusading with the CMC and now PokeBolter's friends with Silver Belle but not yet in the CMC. He doesn't have his mark though and he likes causing hardship for the ponies, however he's also part human which is his real diginity. The first part was actually something he made up he only knows the CMC exist by watching the show and seeing Sweetie Belle with them. He's also yellow with green eyes and a short yellow and orange mane. You're really good at making things seem boring good job now I don't even want to go to the gala anymore I thought you were going to create a fun role play surprise surprise guess not I don't really get a point I mean I can't even get a dialogue going. I think I know what you should've made your user name something like fun ruiner or the funtrasher or something close to that.

  7. Can I come I'm sorry I broke the rules before I didn't know and I want a second chance? Oh come on please just let me come I'll not hurt Luna this time. You know what I completely change my mind since I have to do it story mode and not a script it's pointless so go ahead remove me from the gala see if I care which I don't and you know what you are you are a Square and yellow.

  8. Ok I was wondering if somepony could make me a signature with these pictures and I'll tell you how to do it. Now here's what I want I want a yellow background the shade of the yellow if itd be possible crop out the Kirby. Now here's for my complicated instructions Silver Belle on the left then to the right a lighting bolt however in the middle it will say "PokeBolter the colt of awesomeness" then following will be another electric bolt and lastly Spark Kirby. Thank you to whoever makes it for me and you can use the pictures I have however don't get any pictures of Sweetie Belle but if you can find images 20% cooler use them. If this actually gets done I'll quit my ways of being an anti-brony thanks in advanced. :)





  9. Rainblow Hash have you ever heard of r63 because that's not Sweetie Belle it's Silver Belle. There's a difference Sweetie Belle's a lame sweaty filly however Silver Belle is a boss like colt who's also awesome just doesn't have his cutie mark so it's Silver Belle. Here's the difference Sweetie Belle one on left Silver Belle one on right.



  10. I ban you for leaving something that says Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Apple Jack are best pony when it's Silver Belle so you lied.

  11. Episode: Sister Hooves Social

    Rarity: Oh no I'm not going in the mud especially when it covered me now I need to wash up.

    Sweetie Belle: Rarity?! What are you doing here?

    Director: CUT, Rarity you have to be buried in the dirt so then you can switch out with Apple Jack.

    Apple Jack: C'mon Sweetie Belle.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. I've gotta admit Sweaty Belle may not be that cool however her r63 version Silver Belle is AMAZING. I mean really he has to deal with Elusive and also though I'm a guy I've gotta admit he's cute and what's really even the point about the Sweetie Bot? 

    • Brohoof 2
  13. The only reason I'm leaving the fandom and the site is because I can't even sleep at night because this is really all I can think about and I kind of want to get my life back to normal. Also I don't even watch Mlpfim and I probably won't untill the next season because with most shows I just watch the new episodes when they're still said to make new ones. Thanks to all the ones who made me feel welcome here and well you can check out my fan fic but I guess that this is a goodbye one more brohoof to my friends on the page /) and goodbye oh yeah and I'm not doing this to get attention if that's what some think I really can't sleep at night and ponies are all my mind focuses on outside of school now so goodbye :( Oh yeah one more thing I won't be trolling the bronies on Facebook anymore.

  14. (Flamey’s dressed as her favorite typony Flamisinge)

    Flamey: Sup the name’s Flamisinge and it’s time for..

    Jolt Spark: Aw man really chumpidoodle TYPONYS man you’re getting lamer and lamer by the day.

    Flamey: You are going to the typony con right?

    Jolt Spark: ME going to a Typony Con! Aw man chumpidoodle chumpidoodle chumpidoodle why would I ever do that I hate ponies.

    Psyfight: What’d you say about us I’m magical and I have the power of friendship!

    Jolt Spark: Oh I’d better not look you in the eyes.

    Sparkin Blitz: What’d you say about Psyfight don’t make me hurt you!

    Flamisinge: Ya no fun parties either that’s only for you typony fans and us ponies.

    Apple Attack: Ya I’d reckon you take that back!

    Divinity: Oh yes darling you need a head to toe makeover.

    Shutterfly: Uh fightings not really my thing let’s just try to be nice.

    Jolt Spark: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    All typonys and ponies: It’s time for Type Creatures!

    (Theme Song)

    3 Random Creatures: My Awesome Typony.

    Fire Creature and Water Creature: Not! Man Typonys and the ponies are really lame.

    Electric Creature: NO THEY'RE NOT! Well not the ponies I mean Soul Belle is awesome.

    Fire Creature: Oh you mean Heart Belle that stupid girly unicorn who you LOVE! Maybe I’ll incinerate “Soul Belle” here.

    Electric Creature: No please give him back I really love him plus he costed me like 20 bucks so please give him!

    Water Creature: Guys the toons starting.

    Soul Belle: Man I’m glad that’s over.

    Flamey: Sup’

    Rocko Fistor: Oh hey guys.

    (Radio playing my awesome typony theme song)

    Flamey: Awesome I love this song lets go.

    Rocko Fistor: UGH fine but you’d better not tell anyone I was a witness to this!

    (My Awesome Typony Theme)

    Typony Goro: Come on Come all to the Typony Con. where is it you may ask, why it’s just a mile away from the school so prepare your costumes get your ponies and go to the Typony con. see ya all in an hour.

    Flamey: Aw man I have to get Munna Oona c’mon Rocko Fistor.

    Rocko Fistor: At least I can take my anger out on Jolt Spark’s new Sparkisoar we can torture.

    (Then they made their way to the class door)

    Giltron: Hey

    Razor Leaf: Sup’

    Munna Oona: Hello Flamey and Rocko Fistor

    Jolt Spark: Sup Rocko Dude, Chumpidoodle!

    Typicals: Sup’ Mr. Trouper

    Mr. Trouper: Good Morning guys.

    Flamey: Hey Munna Oona you’re going to the Typony con right?

    Munna Oona: Who’s Munna Oona I’m Psyfight the princess of psychic and typical friendship.

    Jolt Spark: Hey guys who wants to see my brand new pony I just got yesterday.

    Flamey: Jolt Spark got a pony this can’t be good!

    Jolt Spark: Introducing Sparkin Blitz the LAMEST PONY AROUND! Well aside from all the others on the show but here’s my own version. We need to beat him up first Rocko Dude please assist.

    Rocko Fistor: Ok I got it with my pony torture attack.

    (Then he punched the pony open into 2 pieces then crunched it’s head in his hand and tore the wings apart)

    Flamey and Munna Oona: Poor Sparkin Blitz

    Jolt Spark: Good job fighting friend now for the water boss to drown it.

    Giltron: Sorry girls I’m not on your side this time but ponies are really girly so..

    (Then he used a mini hydro cannon on it about the size of the pony)

    Jolt Spark: You’ve seen it here folks the power of 2 friends and a..a...a aw I CAN’T BELIEVE I DID THAT JUST LOOK HOW AWESOME HE LOOKS NOW.

    Guys: Wha!?

    Jolt Spark: I’m going to the Typony Con. c’mon girls.

    Flamey and Munna Oona: You mean fillies!

    (At the Typony con.)

    Apple Doom: Aw man just look at how many fans showed up.

    Heart Belle: I know they must really love us.

    Motor Spark: That’s for sure lets sing our song fillies.

    Cuties: Not so fast we infiltrate first.

    (Then the 2 fillies and colt were infiltrated by the cuties)

    (Cutie Mark Infiltrators theme song)

    Flamey: pant.pant we’re..there Ah what we missed the opening!

    Jolt Spark: Aw crapichip c’mon guys lets go do what the other typonies are doing.

    (Back with the Typicals)

    Giltron: Guys I have a plan but Rocko Fistor won’t like it that much.

    Razor Leaf: What is it Giltron?

    Rocko Fistor: And why won’t I like it?

    Giltron: We’ll have to go out dressed up as typonys.

    Rocko Fistor: AW WHAT so that’s why you said I wouldn’t like it!

    Giltron: Ha ha actually Rocko Fistor you’ll have to go as Divinity.

    Rocko Fistor: WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S THE GIRLIEST ONE OF ALL!!!!!!

    Giltron: Yeah you just proved my point.

    Rocko Fistor: How does yelling do that?

    Giltron: It’s easy since you’re loud you can’t be shutterfly he’s really quiet and well Razor Leaf already has dibs on Apple Attack for some reason.

    Razor Leaf: Well I’m not goin’ as some girly fashion pony of the what “beauty matters” I don’t care, so have fun Rocko Fistor.
    Rocko Fistor: Fine I’ll try uh, Oh I’m Divinity the most gorgeous unicorn in all of Typefestia do you want any pretty clothes or do you need something else because I’m the one and only Divinity.

    Giltron: Not bad dude that’s actually pretty good so do you think we’re ready?

    Razor Leaf: I sure reckon we are.

    Mr. Trouper: Then go off to the Typony Con. you need to stop the typicals from joining the fandom for good right now they just like it but they could start to love it if they’re influenced enough and never want to quit also Jolt Spark could stop making machines.

    Giltron, Rocko Fistor, and Razor Leaf: Then let’s go!

    (At the Typony Con.)

    Munna Oona: I finally found her this time hey Psyfight!

    Psyfight: Hi I like good girl ike ou

    Munna Oona: Oh no she was infiltrated by CUTIES!

    Heart Belle: It’s our old friend Oony I’ll try to infiltrate her.

    Apple Doom: You can’t you’re a girl allow Motor Spark to do it he’d seem cuter.

    Motor Spark: Ok I’m on it, hey Oony can you help me earn my cutie mark?

    Munna Oona: I’ve gotta stop the cuties real quick sorry Sparky.

    Motor Spark: C’mon just say that into my eyes.

    Munna Oona: Oh Kay wait ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    (Then she was turned into a unicorn)

    Munna Oona: Wha..wha happened I don’t feel cutified at all but I..I..I I’m a unicorn!!!!!!

    Flamey: Hey Flamisinge do you want to have a fire party like in the cartoon?

    Flamisinge: Did you say party here’s your moustache now lets PARTY! Amy Amy i a wittle willy

    Flamey: gulp she youngerified into a wait whenever that happens it means the cuties are..here.

    Heart Belle: It’s Ok Flamey here I’ll zap you with my happiness magic that makes you feel great.

    Flamey: Thanks but no thanks that’s kind of on the weird side.

    Heart Belle: I won’t take no for an answer.

    (Then Flamey was zapped into an earth pony)

    Flamey: Ahhhh I’m a filly aw great and I’m infiltrated I really hope Jolt Spark can escape before he turns into a colt.

    Jolt Spark: Aw nice I never knew I’d actually see a pony game with Sparkeo’s name on it and well his picture. It says a Sparkin way to adventure I don’t even have this. Uh excuse me GORO is this game fan made or is it official.

    Clerkin Hoof: Oh yes the Sparkeo game it was made by pony are un.

    Jolt Spark: Aw man just look around everyone’s turning into BABY PONIES!

    Motor Spark: Hey Jolt Spark do you want to play video games with me?

    Jolt Spark: Oh yeah, I actually never played with a colt before so yeah

    Motor Spark: Sike

    Jolt Spark: Wait wha?

    (Then Jolt Spark was turned into a pegasus along with everypony else in the room)

    Giltron: Ok I’m uh Shutterfly and I wanted to know if you saw a sparken boy around here I really need him back he’s my friend thank you.

    Rocko Fistor: Yes I’m the one and only Divinity of course so I was wondering if you saw a purple unicorn with an M on her horn who really looks like she needs a makeover.

    Razor Leaf: Yeah and did you see any fire head girl round her she has a black mermaid tail and all the red eyes.

    (Then they get to the Typony Con.)

    Giltron: What?

    Rocko Fistor: Happened?

    Razor Leaf: Here?

    Elusive: i was wondering the same thing and why are they all acting so cute?

    Bubble Berry: Man this is sooooooooooo cool we’re actually at a real really for real TYPONY con this is AWESOME!

    ButterScotch: Oh yes but where’s the animals this place kind of creeps me out a bit.

    Rainbow Blitz: Uh yeah hey who’s that awesome stallion in the back with the yellow and the lighting bolt cutie mark.

    Apple Jack: Yeeee Haw actually in the one and only Typical Earth.

    Barb: I’m confused would I fit in here because I’m a dragon who breathes fire and is awesome.

    Prince Dusk Shine: Oh my this is a lot of ponies where are all of the goros?

    Giltron: We think Jolt Spark might’ve made a machine he did recently become a typony.

    Jolt Spark: No I idin’t I inulated by cootie.

    Bubble Berry: Curse you COOTIE! Wait what’s a cootie?

    Giltron: The cuties they must’ve caused this but we need to think of something oh yeah..

    Elusive: Oh I’ll stop you there darling merman but what we need is fashion.

    Rocko Fistor: So does that mean I can stay Rocko Fistor and not Divinity?

    Elusive: Oh you shall become sir divine fist when I’m done here we all need makeovers so awesome and cool that the cuteness would drive out of them but they shouldn’t be perfect no so I’ll just make what you want explain to me.

    Dusk Shine: Oh in that case I’ll take a cape that shows the stars and also some constellations maybe with a vest.

    Elusive: Oh I’ll add a crown in too.

    Dusk Shine: Really Elusive I don’t want ponies here to think of me as a prince I just want to be normal.

    Elusive: C’mon Dusk you need to make your prince ness show my good man Butterscotch.

    Butterscotch: Oh of course Elusive just make me something that has to do with nature like my gala vest.

    Elusive: I got it Butterscotch, Bubble Berry.

    Bubble Berry: Oooo my turn (Talking Fast) I’ll take some streamers with edible candy and of course we need fireworks and who could forget the fun fun fun fun and BALLOONS! Get all that Elusive?

    Elusive: Uh yes maybe yes.

    Bubble Berry: Good!

    (Then he hops away)

    Elusive: Blitz what do you want?

    Rainbow Blitz: What I want is to fly with the Wonderbolts but I don’t see that happening here!

    Elusive: No your suit my good man.

    Rainbow Blitz: Oh that aw just make sparkin since we’re in Typical Earth.

    Elusive: Colorful wait no that’s a bad idea and Berry.

    Bubble Berry: Pary pary eusive yayayayayayay weeeee.

    Giltron: Aw man he’s cutified c’mon Elusive make us any costumes that would be good.

    Elusive: Ok but it will take at least an hour.

    Electric Creature: One hour later hehehe

    Elusive: Ah I’m finally finished sorry some of you have to wear a mini dress I was kind of on the rushed side but they do look manly and lets just say a girl would not be caught dead in..

    All: These look awesome.

    Giltron: Especially mine.

    Rocko Fistor: Buye carry on pithowt me.

    Razor Leaf: Dreah up yay

    Giltron: But wait with the hour AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Everyone’s baby ponies and the cuties are making it worse by hypnotizing gulp.

    Cuties: Ok guys you are insanely cute when you grow up you only make harmony and never fight ever and be the good little ponies you made to be in the name of the cuties now who wants to watch the 15 hour non stop marathon of cootie cute.

    All: ah yay ah yay.

    Giltron: No Flamey, Munna Oona in gulp pony diapers this can’t be happening!

    Elusive: Wait a minute I’m magical I’ll battle the cuties.

    Giltron: I’ll help you dude but I’m never going to become a typony not even in a million years just for my friends.

    Elusive: For friends!

    Giltron: Hey cuties forgetting anyone!?

    Cuties: Oh no Gilly he ruin everything bring it on!

    Fire Creature: Ok so this is probably the first official double battle in Type Creatures so I’ll try to start it right Giltron with Elusive VS Cutie with Cutie FIGHT!

    Cutie: Give it up Giltron you can’t resist the charm of your dog Typical Wolf.

    Cute Typical Wolf: Arf Arf Arf Arf Arf

    Giltron: Aw it’s Typical….puppy Elusive save the day I’m infiltrated.

    Elusive: I didn’t want to do this but you’ve left me no choice…..then he used his magic to turn the cuties into uglies.

    Uglie: Why’d you do that now I can’t even infiltrate anymore.

    (Then everypony turned back to their normal selves)

    All: What happened?

    Elusive: Uh don’t worry about that lets just go back.

    Bubble Berry: Are you crazy let’s party!

    Flamisinge: That’s what I’m talking about.

    Flamey: Wow that was weird but I guess after all that Giltron joined the fandom.

    Jolt Spark: Well i quit.

    Bubble Berry: C’mon guys lets party!

    (So they partied instead of being typonies everyone and everypony were just having a great time)

    Dusk Shine: Uh Giltron do you mind writing a letter to Prince Solaris he’s a friend of mine telling him what you learned today about friendship.

    Giltron: Ok I guess I’ll try. Dear, Prince Solaris is it I recently learned that there will be times in life when people like something you don’t but if they’re your friends you should stick by their side because they might actually need you.

    Jolt Spark: Even if it involves becoming a typony.

    Giltron: Ya even if also ponies aren’t actually that lame and as long as you team up you could unlock a new typical power the power of friendship.

    Barb: I’ll send it if you’re done.

    Giltron: Ok how?

    (Then Barb burned the letter)

    (Sketch Scene)

    Ugly: Hello anyone I want to become cute again Hello HELLO uh what will the fairy realm do with me now well back to the grossing board i guess.

    (Ending Theme)


    Oh yeah and if you wanted the song to it here it is and actually the only place seen on the internet I just thought you might want it.


    Motor Spark: Look here are 3 awesome cuties ready to perform for the typony crowd.

    Heart Belle: Listen up when we infiltrate we're gonna do it 

    Together: Really cute!

    Typonys: Wait, what'd they say, infiltrate what?

    Apple Doom: When you take form of a pony

    Flamey: C'mon we've gotta go there

    Jolt Spark: I'm soaring Blitz

    Munna Oona: And I'm the magical mare

    Rocko Fistor: C'mon guys we've gotta fight the typony fight

    Mr. Trouper: Losing some typicals is what I fear.

    Giltron: I'm thinking of a plan what we should do next

    Non Typonys: To keep the typicals here

    Cuties: We are the Cutie Mark Infiltraters

    Heart Belle: We're the cutest ponies you've seen so far

    Apple Doom: We mean we'll never stop attempting

    Motor Spark: Not til I have my cutie mark

    Flamey: Maybe there'll be Flamisinge fan art

    Munna Oona: Or I could meet Psyfight alright!

    Jolt Spark: Or boss typony creator machines I'm a typony who's true

    Rocko Fistor: I really think we should fight

    Giltron: Dude it's not as easy as it sounds

    Razor Leaf: There's about 1,000 with the same craving it's true. So we'll do whatever it takes.

    Giltron: Jolt I will help you over there

    Electric Creature: C'mon Soul Belle lets go I'm dressed as you

    Cuties: We are the Cutie Mark Infiltraters

    Heart Belle: We're the cutest ponies you've seen so far

    Apple Doom: We mean we'll never stop attempting

    Motor Spark: Not till I have my cutie mark

    Cuties: We are the Cutie Mark Infiltraters

    Heart Belle: We're the cutest ponies you've seen so far

    Apple Doom: And we will never stop attempting.

    Motor Spark: Not till I have my cutie mark!

    (Stage at Typony Con. explodes)

  15. Well the pokemon horses contain Ponyta Rapidash the most commonly known ones however also Keldeo being the colt pokemon and also Mega Absol because it's a pegasus so that's actually all the pony related pokemon now in generation 6

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