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Sugar & Sins

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Everything posted by Sugar & Sins

  1. Playing Monster Hunter with friends and still am. ^^
  2. Food: Marmite a.k.a Satan's Jam Drink: Tricky one but i'd say either Gin or Dilute pops since all Dilute triggers my migraines. (I only drink water nowadays anyway.)
  3. I posted a ton when I first got on the site but slowly stopped doing it and eventually just began to watch the forums for anything interesting to read.
  4. "To all the world, to all my friends, I love you, I have to leave." Awesome parting song if you ask me.
  5. Steam: derpydashpie 3DS: 5043-5028-3735 I only really play Monster Hunter 4 on the DS (since its the only game I have) but I play plenty of stuff on steam so feel free to add me. ^^
  6. I don't think I have a reputation at all, I mean I used to offer up advice on the Life Advice section and got some positive results from that but other than that meh...
  7. Italian BMT, cheese and toasted with lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, olives, onions and sweet onion or Chipotle Southwest sauce.
  8. Once, my grandad slapped the shit outta me with a belt, needless to say I never did it again.
  9. Always say what you feel, if you don't your friend grows up to be the biggest cockhole in town and you end up hating him enough to warn his girlfriend (who is also a good friend) that he WILL cheat on her and you know he will because you've know him for years and seen what he has become, so then she starts hating you and 2 years down the line lo and behold he cheats on her and she comes crawling back telling you how you were right. Basically, if you don't speak your mind (in the right situations of course) bad things can happen e.g. friends getting hurt and you could of prevented it or at least tried to.
  10. Lady from Devil May Cry, the best kind of bazooka toting female badass.
  11. Yep, because best friends are the best kind of assholes and they just love to ruin your best moments.
  12. Slugs and Snails, I think mainly because when they were squashed and all their guts splurted out it made me feel sick, Im gipping just thinking about it about it to be honest...
  13. New forum banner is dank as hell

  14. As an example to how annoying/fun to use some moves can be, here's a video me and my mate made yesterday, Im Sanity Not Included and i'm also the guy talking since it didn't pick up my mates voice for some reason, so it kinda sounds like i'm talking to myself...
  15. My issues with the game are: The transformation system is ridiculous, you should have the choice of which transformation you want to take on, which brings me to my next point. Move sets should NOT be relevant to the costume you pick, why not just use a similar system to Raging Blast and make custom sets for the characters and pick whichever costume you like? Some Supers, Ultimates and Z-Souls are extremely unbalanced and are just way to necessary for Online Battles, a good example is the "I'm neither Kami nor Piccolo now..." Z-Soul, It is ridiculously over powered and feels like a staple if you want the best character you can possibly make. A lot of the parallel missions feel stupidly unfair, for example 'Super Saiyan Bargain Sale' or 'Super Super Ultimate Series of Battles', both ridiculously unfair since the first time you take them on you have to do it alone, not to mention that by the end of them its 3v1 and they're all Super saiyan and spamming their ultimates every 5 fucking seconds, and for anyone who hasn't played it yet, that is seriously NOT an exaggeration ... There are very few combos in the game that work or even feel viable, i've played fighting games all my life and let me tell you that this is one of the clunky and unresponsive ones. Dialogue and subs are so sloppy it baffled me, how can you even miss that... Server issues are a real pain and they still haven't fixed them. Another thing is the bonus objectives have a chance of activating regardless of whether or not you have completed the conditions or not which is very annoying. If you create a saiyan you don't have a tail... Not to be too critical but you are supposed to be a full blooded saiyan soooo yeah... After all the bad points i've just pointed out, I still don't think its a bad game, it is by far the best Dragonball game to come out since Raging Blast 2, the character customisation is solid and the there are heaps of costumes to customise your character with, I just feel like they could of done a much better job and not of made such a half assed, sloppy attempt.
  16. Heard this not long ago and haven't been able to get it out of my head since.
  17. Without a doubt Life Must Go On.
  18. Aha! Sugary treats are my speciality! Sticky Toffee pudding is one of the best, but I like all kinds of pudding, chocolate, caramel, banana, milk pudding and all the rest except strawberry, I like strawberries but everything that says it's strawberry flavoured doesn't even taste like strawberry!
  19. A world without music would be the worst, it's quite a big part of my life and spurs my imagination into thinking of some truly wonderful things, even my lucid dreams are filled with it. Yep, a world without music would certainly be a depressing one.
  20. Purple ^^ Mainly because I absolutely loved Spyro when I was younger.
  21. When I think it will add a bit of humour into a sentence, plus I don't really see them as bad words or anything, I mean I always wondered how words could be seen as offensive. I've never been offended by words, only actions.
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