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Everything posted by DragonFlyer

  1. An entire episode focused on the villains? Haha, that sounds like my cup of tea. I really enjoyed it! The banter between Tirek, Chrysalis & Cozy was great and the three of them are really entertaining together. Makes me wonder how Sombra might have fit into this group... kinda feels like a waste there. While not my favorite villain Cozy is starting to grow on me -- she's "Darla Dimple" aka evil Shirley Temple and there's always been something oddly hilarious about such a character. I find Grogar to be intriguing and have high hopes for him being truly as powerful and dangerous as he claims to be. I wonder if revealing just how easily Discord could have taken out Sombra was a hint of something to come -- I have a feeling Grogar is stronger than him. It'll be interesting to see where our villainous trio's backstabbing plan leads and if Grogar is already anticipating it. He obviously doesn't trust any of them and seems to be pretty smart. I thought this was a great ep overall, it deviated from what we're used to and the focus on developing the villains and their relationships, while adding to the plot, was very refreshing. Hopefully we'll see more of this uh... fiendship soon!
  2. Hands down one of the best episodes of the whole show, in my opinion at least! Just....wow. Absolutely worth the wait and yes manly tears were shed, I have no shame in admitting that. Beautiful story. Loved the song too! That was when the waterworks really started for me...and the ending was just....very bittersweet. I am still curious about exactly what happened to Bright Mac and Pear Butter and hope more will be revealed one day.
  3. I enjoyed the trailer and don't mind the animation -- actually I kind of like it. It'll be nice to see a 2D-ish style on the big screen after...how many years has it been now? Maybe I'm just old but it kind of gave me a 90s vibe and I'm glad it's not pure CGI like everything else seems to be these days. There are a LOT of new characters to take in and I'm a little worried how they'll fit them all in without making things feel rushed...but I trust they'll make it work. Tempest looks pretty awesome and I can't wait to find out more about her. From what little I've seen I have a feeling she'll be a favorite among the new characters. I wasn't sure I would like Grubber when I first saw his image but now I think he's kinda cute. Still can't figure out if he's suppose to be a badger (honey badger?) or whatever but I love pie too. XD We don't get to see too much of Storm King in the trailer but for some reason he strikes me as a mix of Tirek and Discord. Capper is also barely in the trailer but I do think he's cute and I'm not among those complaining about how weird or out of place anthro cats are since anthro cats have been in the MLP world before. Remember Catrina from G1? Her being from Abyssinia would make perfect sense. Starlight Glimmer is standing near Trixie at 0:17. Luna, Celestia and Cadence can also be seen (albeit very briefly) at 0:28 in. No sign of Discord, Big Mac, Shining Armor or the CMC unless I missed something but I hope they all at least get cameo appearances. I'll be honest, my hype level dropped considerably when I read this because Discord is my favorite character. I guess there's still a chance he could have a few minutes of screen time with no speaking lines. It would seem rather odd to leave any of these characters out especially when every other character (even minor background ponies) seems to be making an appearance. Speaking of which, haven't seen any Derpy yet but I have a feeling they'll throw her in somewhere. Soo yeah, I guess I'm "nervouscited" but I think (hope!) this gon' be good.
  4. NOOooo!! No moar awicornz!! XD If anyone else becomes an alicorn princess it should be Discord. He totally rocked it. As for a gay character/couple, maybe I'm just too much of an optimist but I won't give up hope. The times they are a changin'.
  5. Yeah I saw that on EQD earlier. Pretty cool! Just wish they hadn't turned her into an alicorn. XD
  6. Never say never! The world is (slowly but surely) becoming more progressive. Gay relationships should be normalized in kids shows and I'm happy to see other cartoons are already doing this. Also, while they may never officially confirm them as a couple, Lyra & Bon Bon are totally "best friends".
  7. Interesting...very interesting. Anthropomorphic animals are nothing new in the MLP universe. I actually love the look of Capper, he reminds me of Catrina from G1 and I can't help but wonder if there will be any mention of her. Probably not but hey, my nostalgic heart can dream. I'm most intrigued by Tempest Shadow, a unicorn with a broken horn...can't wait to hear her story. Grubber immediately made me think of Bunga from The Lion Guard.... _o:
  8. Helping critters in need is pretty much my life. Fixing feral cats, fostering kittens, rescuing dogs, nursing an injured raccoon back to health, helping an abused chicken and getting her to sanctuary, aiding in pig rescue, baby birds, snakes, toads, etc. Even the smallest matter. Just last week I moved a grasshopper and a caterpillar out of the road. Fluttershy is my spirit animal. :awuh:
  9. Ooh, nice! I agree that the long noses are reminiscent of real seahorses. Also interesting to see Rarity and RD as sea ponies...they're adorable. XD I can't be the only one who hopes they somehow work in the old G1 sea pony song, right? The nostalgia would be overwhelming. Shoo be doo!
  10. Hocus Pocus is THE best Halloween movie in my opinion...it's been my favorite for as long as I can remember. Nightmare Before Christmas is a close second, I watch those two every year. It's tradition. Some other classics I enjoy: House of Dark Shadows, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands and Frankenweenie (both the old live action short and the newer animated movie). I'll watch random horror movies and spooky tv shows like Paranormal Witness and My Haunted House too. I like to scare myself...somewhat. One movie I will never watch again is The Ring...the nightmares. :awuh:
  11. Well I wasn't expecting that Changeling twist at the end of the S6 finale either so nothing would surprise me. Plus they brought Sombra back in the comics, soo...why not? If the umbrum look anything like they do in those comics that would be pretty awesome. They were pure nightmare fuel. I loved them. XD I do expect Chrysalis to return for revenge at some point in S7 since it's so heavily implied. This was actually the first thing I thought of after seeing the finale and it seems possible. But would Tirek betray Chrysalis once he regained full power, just as he did to Discord...or would she betray him first? I'm kinda loving the idea of the umbrum army now too. However...bringing Tirek back increases the chances of seeing Scorpan and I really want to see him make an actual appearance. I've loved him ever since Rescue at Midnight Castle. I also really wanna see him have a tea party with Fluttershy and Discord. XD Then again! Maybe we'll get an entirely new villain...or another revamped villain from the 80s (Grogar plz!?) Continuation of the Chrysalis revenge plot aside I also really hope the poor neglected (and easily captured) royal sisters get at least one or two good episodes in S7. I'd love to see more of their past or just a nice episode with them as the main focus. Seriously, make it happen already.
  12. I really hope we get an episode like this one day! This has been the season of Spike and I love all the new friends he's made -- pretty powerful allies, too. I'm sure they plan to revisit them in the future.
  13. Yes, I simply couldn't resist and I'm really bad at avoiding spoilers so I figured it'd be more enjoyable to watch it early. Anyway it was fun staying up late and exciting having to wait for part two instead of getting the episodes back to back.
  14. After watching the second part I just.... ALL THE FEELS. I'll use the spoiler tag again to be safe....
  15. So...it's safe to talk about here? I'll put my reaction behind a spoiler just to be safe.
  16. My top favorite childhood pony was High Flyer, only in my mind she was a he and his name was was Dragonfly (thus my username) Second favorite would have to be Twinkler:
  17. ^ I thought the same thing when I saw the clip. Probably won't happen but it would make sense. As for this episode...I'll withhold judgement until I see it in full but Starlight isn't one of my favorites and I'll be surprised if this changes that.
  18. Woah! That's some incredible work right there!
  19. I think this season has been building all these alliances for a reason...I feel pretty confident we'll see them unite against some major big bad in the finale (most likely Chrysalis or a new villain...or both of them with an army of Changelings and who knows what else!?) Personally I'd love to see Starlight's team of unlikely heroes be former villains/antagonists and it seems likely given how much this season has focused on redemption. Trixie, Discord, Gilda, Ember and Thorax all seem possible and I'm sure Spike and Sunburst will play a role too. This really has been Spike's season to shine!
  20. Chrysalis seems the most likely but I love the idea of her teaming up with some ancient villain...Grogar? Yes. That'd be awesome! But maybe we'll get an entirely new character. Either way I can't wait for this finale.
  21. Meowth dat's right! .... oh, wait. Bulbasaur. XD Bulba is the cutest imo and makes me think of a flower toad. I always wished I could have Meowth as my starter though.
  22. I still think the finale will involve Chrysalis in one way or another but as much as I love a good redemption story I hope she stays a villain. It'd be awesome to see Grogar as the main "big bad" this season!! As for Starlight's "unlikely team of heroes" I'm willing to bet it'll be a group of former villains/antagonists. Considering Starlight's friendship with Trixie I feel pretty certain she'll be a member. I really hope Discord plays a part in this too. This could be an epic finale!
  23. Hey everyone! It's comforting to see all the support here. I identify as agender/genderless but lean towards male on the spectrum. I was perfectly happy as a child and never saw myself as a "girl" or a "boy", just a "kid". Ironically I was into both Thundercats and My Little Pony and always thought shows/toys shouldn't be "gender specific". I just liked what I liked and still do. I always did relate more to the male characters though. Back then I was labelled a "tomboy" and at the time I was fine with that, I figured that's what I was. But as I grew up I realized it was something more. Ever since puberty I've been horribly uncomfortable with the body I was born in, some days it's almost unbearable. I started binding a couple years ago and lost a ton of weight which has helped, but the discomfort is still there. I plan to get top surgery as soon as I can afford it, with any luck sooner rather than later. My family is pretty accepting even if they still struggle with fully understanding. Some of my close friends know and are supportive while others I haven't opened up to because I'm not sure how they'd react. Even though I'm still trying to explain things to my parents I feel I'm pretty fortunate that they're more open-minded than most. I know some people don't have any kind of support and that's why it makes me so happy to see a thread like this one. Just to know others understand is incredibly helpful.
  24. "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss "You're only given one little spark of madness; you mustn't lose it." -- Robin Williams. "Never forget the things that really make you happy." -- Meowth, Pokemon. "Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." -- Littlefoot's Mother, Land Before Time. Those are a few of my all time favorites.
  25. I love all animals but my ideal pet would be a dog...or two...or three...or four. Yes, four is a good amount. A pack! I have four currently, all shapes and sizes (a chihuahua, a miniature pinscher/jack russell terrier mix, a beagle and a siberian husky/rough collie mix); they're my best friends. <3
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