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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by WunderWaffen_

  1. "What do we want?" "A cure for Tourettes!" "When do we want it?" "C*NT!"

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      Not sure if radically funny, or hopelessly offensive...

    2. UCD


      Edgy humor is best humor

  2. Perfect lyrics for bronies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcL---4xQYA Stairway to Celestia?...
  3. I have this sudden overwhelming urge to conquer large parts of Europe.

    1. Malinter


      your not having my bit.

    2. WunderWaffen_


      Don't worry ponies are safe. It's all those weird normal people that should be scared.

  4. Good to hear it all went well, down in SA we barely get any brony recognition. Goddamn, this makes me want to start a brony event in SA.
  5. Visit the YMCA. Apparently it's fun to stay there. Turn back time. (If I could find a way) Never give you up. Never let you down. Never turn around and desert you.
  6. "Never believe anything you see on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

    1. Christmasy Britty

      Christmasy Britty

      why thank you mister president XD

  7. By gosh! I thought I was the only Doom modder left in existance!

    1. remove p l e a s e ?
    2. WunderWaffen_


      What mods do you make, sir? Curiosity strikes me.

    3. remove p l e a s e ?

      remove p l e a s e ?

      Right now I am working on a map pack, which as of now is unnamed.

  8. I better be death-metal. I cannot function without that,
  9. Best. Ship. EVER. Must. resist... finding. it cute... DAMN-IT! It didn't work. *Goes red*
  10. I think these are Xbox 360 screenshots. Look at the controller icons at the bottom of the screens. Just a theory.
  11. GOD-DAMN! EVERYONE CAN DRAW EXCEPT ME! *Inarticulate mumbling*
  12. Very nice. Reminds me of a video game called "Dead Space", where your enemies were created from different parts of people that were infected. Keep doing art like this. Also you don't need to see a psychologist... Don't listen to the haters.
  13. Who ever created that insult to grammar, the English language and Literature professors everywhere, deserves his Google account deleted. Not a single capital letter! Or period! Or apostrophe! It hurts me to even look at that comment. *Grammar nazi takes over* Ich liebe grammatik! But in all seriousness, Maybe we deserve the upvotes! After all the consistent slurs and stereotypes. It's nice to see a brony ontop for once. Usually we are cast to the "weirdo" bin. Now we command a touch of respect. Even if it is from other bronies. Maybe the upvote is for the recognition of one person understanding he is not the only "weirdo" to ever grace the internet. Even if they may write like a 5 year-old with Parkinsons.
  14. A guy named Makarov will shoot up an american a Russian airport, and blame it on the Americans. Thus starting WWIII. Any MW3 bronies here? But in all seriousness. WWIII Won't start. Too many politicians afraid of losing their cushy jobs. One wrong press of a button and BAM! "You are not a president anymore, Mr. President" Say that in both an American and Russian accent, for a laugh, say it in a North Korean accent. Several topics have been made just like this one. All come out with one answer. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Now go back to your ponies. I know I sure as hell will.
  15. I did not know that existed. Damn. Well... Guess I'll go kill myself. *Walks off cliff*
  16. Damn right bro! I wear a T shirt with the word brony on. Big black bold writing. People call me weird. I call them ignorant insults to the human species. Works every time.
  17. People try to modernise music. Bioshock Infinite did the best rendition by making it sound old. The irony.

  18. Hopefully this doesn't get merged back to the stone ages.
  19. PEGASUS! The ability to fly with Rainbow Dash and flutters? To good to ignore.
  20. Personally, I wouldn't. FiM is TOO GOOD. Some would. Equestria girls seemed to me like a hasbro's attempt at catching the older teenage girls, but fell flat. If that became the face of MLP... I might even leave. FiM is something completely different, and unique. Adding teenage problems would only be Hasbro shooting itself in the foot. So to speak.
  21. And here's my 5min creation... Can you guess who it is? I sure a hell cant.
  22. I love ALL of you guys. So I will make you all some free signatures! Nothing too art-farty, but FUNNY! Give me your idea and ill make it for you! RULES: 1) Don't talk about fight club. 2) I can make memes, if you want. 3) I'm only doing this on weekends, so expect them complete then.
  23. Beautiful... *Wipes tear from eye*
  24. Did anyone else get a OpenCandy virus warning upon opening the login screen changer? AVG seemed pretty sure that It was a virus. Damn you AVG!
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