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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by WiponCat

  1. thanks for pointing it out to me. I hope the correct grammar please you When I said shit, I meant as in having a failed life and then taking all your misery to the internet. Not refering to my music as shit, thank you
  2. Okay so, It's come to this. I have decided to leave the forums for good. I have come to this decision due to a number of facts -I was hoping people here would be more friendly and open-minded. Except for the few people I've established a good relation with, I find that most people here are basically miserable people trying to maintain themselves by spreading their shit on the internet -I don't find that this forum promote freedom of speech. Rather the opposite. -I don't think that the moderators respect me as a member and they don't offer me constructive critisism whenever I break a rule -I was hoping to be able to promote my music here, but It seems that nobody care about such things. As I didn't get approved for the critic-group, I never got the chance to help stear things up either Don't get me wrong though. I've had some truly great times here at the forums. It's just that the bad things have started to exceed the good ones. So I guess this is goodbye. I was hoping that we could get to know each other, but I guess we'll just have to be missing out on the awesome friendship we could have had. Maybe we'll see each other on some other forum, some other time ps. I'll give you all a couple of days or so to misspell your 'whatever's before I actually delete my account
  3. is there a goodbye plaza?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Evilshy


      I don't think enough people feel the need for a goodbye message to merit an entire forum about it.

    3. WiponCat


      well I think the forum should know why people are leaving so that maybe, they'll take it as critisism and try to better themselves

    4. Evilshy


      Well, most people leave forums because they gradually post less and less, then stop even visiting the site at all. Only rarely is it a big deal that someone is leaving, like if their parents are being bitchy about it, or they have some major, life changing event.

  4. dude, taht piranha one.. taht's some sick special effects XD
  5. I myself am also a fan of philophy and big questions some time ago I got a little thought most of my thoughts may appear silly, but anyway, If you find this worthy prehaps you'll give it a thought >Humans create a machine that tells us what our purpose is (HHGttG: Deep thought) >If there is a god, did he create us in order for us to tell him his purpose? My thoughts:
  6. It's nice, but well.. I myself don'treally see manga as human
  7. Summary: Great! You have a great voice and you did a splendid job writing the hole thing yourself. You managed to write it in a way that makes it intresting and progressive through the entire thing. The guitar is very plain, but then again this is a typical acoustic singer-songwriter song. So, well keep it up! I hope you get a chance to get it recorded with proper equipment sometime:) The singing is on pitch all along and that voice.. - you've got that indie sound I love so much to hear I see other people commenting on the syllables not matching to the song - well, sometimes It's a bit off. I you find that the syllables don't match to the notes, try to add some soul to it and you'll sort it straight out (which you're sort of already doing)
  8. Did you draw taht avatar of yours? It's one of the best ones I've ever seen
  9. there is a movie called "Zu Warriors" basically japaneee jibberish and evil flying coffe-beans
  10. I'm back on the internet.. hoorayy!

  11. Not a bad first attempt at mixing. I see you started up that compressor and it's working fine, but try to tweak some of the knobs on it. I suggest adjusting the attack and release knobs a tad. The general build was neat, but try to add some additional EQ to push the compressor. Like for instance, make sure to keep and eye on that spectrum so that you have sufficent bass ammounts contra the treble. You're really getting the hang of the sound FX when it comes to white-noise and cymbals, but I suggest adding some more hits to add effect, aswell as skipping some of the reverb on the FX in order for it to blend in more with the music. But keep in mind that ups and downs with white-noise and different drum beats can only change the dynamics so far. In order to really make it intresting and progressive, you'll have to work with filters and instruments placed differently on the frequency-spectrum aswell as some variation in the melody. In score, I'd give it Melody: 3/5 - It's a good one, only a bit alone;) -some variation would be awesome Mixing: 3.5/5 - keep up the good work with that compressor! The EQ is getting there - keep an eye on the spectrum
  12. pretty sweet! Although woudn't be necessary. Discord would defeat anypony in a matter of seconds
  13. this was sick man! Heavy wobs, love the acid touch to it. Just awesome I there have to comment on something, it would be that the snare sounds a bit.. over-compressed. Otherwise, plain awesome! mad props!
  14. I've always had a liking for this kind of repetition of chords, and this truly has some sweet harmony to it. Although, I suggest that you add some sort of reverb to the chords to make them sound fuller and not quite so choppy. I know choppy is part of the genere, but you know
  15. Splendid! I thought this forum needed a bit more of this! I hope I get approved, I'm looking forward to this by the way, when/how will we be notified if we get approved?
  16. You have a great register aswell as a great voice - especially for only being singing actively for six months. One thing you'll have to practice though, is the mic technique - make sure you keep a constant distance from the mic to add a more professional touch to it. This is very important since you don't compress your vocals digitally. But all in all, great work! Keep on singing and your pitch-perfection and mic technique will bloom in no time!
  17. okay so you've chosen already? too bad. Well, good luck anyways!
  18. so... much.. MUSIC!!

  19. looks like It's your internet connection or some sort of java/flash bug
  20. quite simply divine! good work as usual! mad props, bro:D
  21. The starting screen says 'pegasister win'.. what a spoiler!
  22. IF the flying lessions would work and I got wings from them, then I'd have those! Otherwise, a DJ-PON3 concert would be totally epic
  23. Also; do you have any chords laid out?If not, I'd be happy to help you out with that if you want to:)
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