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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by SeraphStar

  1. So much love for the Princess of the Night... Luna is pleased. (As am I, but Luna comes first )
  2. OK, questions: Besides Twilie, who's best princess (in your opinion) and why? What game have you logged the most time on? Also, which Pokémon generation is your favorite?
  3. I'm sorry if this comes off as rambly and incoherent: there are some things about myself that are hard to talk (or write) about. All of this stuff is mostly (not entirely, I'm ashamed to say) in the past. I am misanthropic, to the point that I can sequester myself from society for days and not care at all. My 'people hate' is a learned habit from years of bullying (and other reasons). It seeps into my everyday life (for instance: if someone nearby starts revving their car engines or yelling obnoxiously, I will think, "I hope you crash" (for the former) and "STFU, ******!" (for the latter) every single time.) I'm passive aggressive, so it's always (usually) internalized. At it's worst (if you read this part, I want to apologize in advance. I have done things that are completely deplorable): I was going to write something here, but I'm disgusted with myself now
  4. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your time here; and maybe join us in the Luna Fan Club (sorry I can't link it :/ ).
  5. Wow! Your sigs and banners are awesome! :D You are seriously talented.

    1. Azura


      I've thought about going pro one day. :3

    2. SeraphStar


      You totally should, your work is captivating (and that's not an exaggeration; I literally had to force myself to stop gawking at your page :o )

    3. Azura


      I'll make sure I come back and tell everypony if I ever become pro. :3

  6. My name in Japanese would be: serafusutā — セラフスター My first name would be: raien — ライエン And my online monikers (among others, these would be my gaming nicknames) are: Tarama no Miyuki — 多良間の美雪 (Miyuki of Tarama; because I'm ¼ Taraman); and Tenba Miyuki — 天馬 美雪 English meaning: Beautiful Snow Pegasus (Japanese last/family names come first) (And my online nickname (miyuki) does have real life origin).
  7. Sorry I didn't see your friebd request until now — my phone is stupid sometimes. :(

  8. @@GammaDove thank you In my opinion, the last one just scraped by - I am too hyper-critical about what I draw, and I'm not that good (yet, I try). There are some amazing artists on these forums: I can only hope to be half as good as them. Edit: and thank you @Adorkable And, now my first attempt at Twilight Sparkle. I'm being hyper-critical again, but I shall improve.
  9. Another sketch, this time displaying an epic cooking-fail. Now, I've never had anything catch fire while cooking (let alone water), but I wasn't always as mediocre as I am now ^.^; live and learn (this took me like 35min, could've used more detail but it's not the greatest to begin with). As soon as I get some decent art supplies... till then I need to practice drawing some canon ponies *ramble, ramble* And yes, the book does say, "How To Boil Water."
  10. @@ThePurpleK, sorry but these two girls deserve it. They took a living creature and tried to light it on fire then stomped and smashed it to death. That doesn't sound like, "Oh, I'm a teenager and life is confusing and I'm crying out for help." That sounds like, "I'm an emotionless sociopath, I don't value life, I torture creatures smaller than me to feel powerful and I wonder what I'm gonna do next?" But I agree, that the police need to be involved, however maybe some public shaming is in order. They either posted the video for 1) attention (which they're gonna get, now) or 2) because they just really enjoyed what they did (and if that's the case, I don't know if psychology is going to be all that useful). Just my two cents on the matter.
  11. I have become infatuated with Alex S's remix of 20 Percent Cooler — the beat is captivating and I cannot stop listening to it. That's all I did yesterday, and I regret nothing.

  12. Dang. I knew I should have waited (I haven't played it yet because I need an HDD)... hopefully mine won't have as many technical issues. -_- (unlikely).
  13. @@IceeBrony that's just their opinion and we are free to ignore it :comeatus: besides, you can't exactly measure emotion or somepony's sympathy through a computer screen. We feel what we feels. Anyway, a few pics before I return to YouTube. (I'm honestly forgetting where I've gotten half of these.)
  14. Weekend is here!! The 14 hour coma will commence in 3-4 hours.

  15. Hello! Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your stay and have fun And don't worry about being shy, just keep calm and flutter on (I don't know why I typed that)
  16. Aww, thank you I'm hoping to improve my drawing ability, so hopefully this thread'll be motivation to draw (or at least scribble) more often
  17. While I do enjoy writing, I love drawing (even if I suck sometimes) So I'll post random doodles, etc. about my ponysona. And stuff... I guess. Anyway, this one took ~40 mins (about), and it depicts my reaction/ experience while reading the Luna Fan Club thread. (Yeah, kind of niche, I guess, haha.)
  18. I tied this, but I couldn't stay still through the RD one. One day though, because I am an awesome pony.... didn't take :okiedokielokie:
  19. My Korean-inspired kind-of-Italian food was a success. *sighs and thinks, "I should've been a fry cook."*

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      You've never tried in in mac-and-cheese? :D You simply must! What sort of exciting morsels do you put in yours be-cheesed noodles?

    3. SeraphStar


      I've only ventured into beef and bacon so far. Also breadcrumbs with pepper and 2+ cheeses. I'm kind of simple, ha.

    4. Undubbed Wubs

      Undubbed Wubs

      Simple? The latter ingredients you listed make for FANCY-MAC and goes for $16 a bowl and snooty service to boot! My additions are more... earth-pony. Peas. Tuna. Chili. x3

  20. Hi Cici. Welcome to the forums. Glad to hear you're enjoying it here and making friends.
  21. Welcome and have fun in the forums. Can't wait to see more of your artwork. /)
  22. Okay, I should stop moping about the whole world cup cheating thing (yeah its bugged me up til now). Anyway, Twilie won and I'm sure Luna would be happy about that. I have a lot of pics that were supposed to be used for propaganda cheerleader-ing, but now I shall put them here.
  23. thinking of writing a fanfiction... wondering whether or not to center it on the Mane 6 or not.

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