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That Guy

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Posts posted by That Guy

  1. it have completely devoured my social life ;__;

    the endless amount of worlds

    the monsters

    the dungeons

    its been worth the wait, i tell you that.

    ive been playing it pretty much all day and all night since it came out, with a small break near the wipe

  2. lately all my social life have been killed by 2 games.

    Starbound and Hearthstone

    there is just soooo much to do in starbound and ive been waiting months for the beta key!
    and i have a strong feeling i will stick with em

    and Dota2, especially now with a new game mode and champ!

  3. ((PC master race))
    nah but one of my all time fav is GameCube with Windwaker and Luigis Mansion.

    though i have to deny my childhood friend for the PS2, it is just something with that console.

    and the game the fav game for it have to be Kingdom Hearts, no matter what its still a classic and a wonderful game

    if anyone ever get the chance to play it i highly recommend it

  4. i have like, 3 best friends, but there is only one that i share everything with.
    I've known one since the second i was born, not even kidding. he was in the room when i came to life, he still means the world to me and will always be my friend.
    the other one i met when i moved for the first time, but time went past and he changed into something he used to make fun off, i love him, but i dont really trust him as much as i used to.
    The one i trust the most have i known since i was 3, even though he is the youngest of all my friends, he is the one i trust the most.
    well since i have known him since he was 1, i had a big part of his childhood, we have almost everything in common, every thought, opinion, morals and such, i dont even call him for a friend anymore, he is more like my brother c:

  5. Hey, my mom listens to the Dropkick Murphys. They're pretty great. tongue.png


    Music makes me break down sometimes too, so I can relate to you. If you listen to MrSuicideSheep on YouTube, there are chillsteps, dubstep, and some of those emotional songs that make you break down lol. 

    Sheepy is just one channel, then we have such great people like Rameses B, Blackmill, MitiS, but sheepy posts their songs so i guess you can count them as one.

    and if you want some music tips, i am your man, i constantly search for new music and is open to try pretty much anything.

    like for example; ya want Celtic music = brunuhville and Adrian VonZiegler, loud noises which barely make sense = We Butter Bread With Butter :D

  6. i use music for pretty much everything, but it all depends on the style/genre.
    for example; whenever i work out i tend to listen on Metal and punk, such as Alestorm, Dropkick Murphys, Skiltron, Raised Fist etc.
    when i just want to calm down and think there is chillstep and classical, when i feel like i want to draw or animate it really depends on the moment.
    if i want to get in character when playing D&D or just voiceacting, Two Steps From Hell is the path to go.
    and then we have the few songs that just, REALLY hit the spots, some always cheer me up and some can break me down to a pile of gross sobbing in seconds.
    TL;DR: pretty much for everything

    • Brohoof 1
  7. dragonlance!
    all of them, its a D&D book.
    well if you're into fantasy and long parts when little things happens. but it will all lead up to something big, i really enjoy it and at least think its worth a try

  8. Pc for life <3
    i mostly play on it since i got most games on there, its easier to communicate with friends, more games, and EMULATORS x3

    i have a Wii and Xbax360 but i dont really fancys that and my sister always nabs the Tv >:c

  9. well, there is this one candy that they sell here, the name is Finnish so i wont even bother trying to spell it xD
    but its small candy, but whats to special about it is that it contains lot of tar :3
    and i love the smell of tar so its a win win. and it taste glorious ;3;

  10. well i dont usually rage over bosses.. but there are two bosses that made me break things T__T thatonlyhappenedoncebutstill.

    the final boss in kingdom hearts 1. when you cant summon and is always flying. TOOK ME 2 YEARS!
    and then the MOTHER FU*beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* XIGBAR FROM KH2!
    *flips table*
    that bastard is still my Nr1 baddie >:C
    with his guns and shit

  11. i was grew up in a small village with not over 50 people living there, but it was really nice :3
    lived near the water and loads of farms. but it almost never happened anything there, it was really boring and i couldn't get in to the city without a ride :/
    so that sucked, but i still loved it.
    then we moved cause the house got smoke damaged ;_; lost my everything except my PC (thank dear god for that)
    so we moved to another village to take over the house that have been going thorough my family for century's.
    its a small place. bigger then the first one ofc.
    but this one is sooo much better, we got markets, festivals and ffs MEDIEVAL AND VIKING CELEBRATIONS ;W;

    but yeah, small, polite, extremely christian .-. and loads of old people.
    kinda saw that coming if the place is named ChurchVillage (sounds better in swedish :P )

  12. nothing really BIG have happened in my life, so i haven't been that happy.
    but the day i remember i was most happy and hype was the day dad came home with a gamecube and a huge box with old comics ;3;
    i really regret selling the GC ;_;

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