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Art Thief

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Posts posted by Art Thief

  1. Remember when comic book shows were actually good?





    WTF happened? Don't get me wrong, i don't hate Teen Titans GO! I think some episodes, have some funny jokes. But i'd trade it in a heart beat to get just one well written animated comic book show, that's taking itself seriously, and have the characters acting well, in fucking character. As for the episode itself it was okay i guess, the Titans (excluding Raven) acted like assholes though.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Ok, and superman could destroy almost all of them

    Superman is in a different wait class then Batman. Batman is STREET LEVEL, he hangs with guys like Punisher, Miles Morales, Wolverine, Captain America, and Dare Devil. The highest street leveler is in Peter Parker Spider-Man's class. Superman is a COSMIC LEVEL he hangs with guys like Hyperion, Silver Surfer, Thor, Beta Ray Bill, Nova, and Sentry. Of course people like Superman will destroy Batman, just like Spider-Man(a high end street leveler) could speed blitz Batman, and punch his head clean off without any trouble. You're saying that Superman is OP, but the truth is he's not. He can't solo Galactus, he can't outrun Death like Flash did, and sure as hell can't even step in the presence of high end reality warper like the White Phoenix who, i might add held the UNIVERSE in the palm of her HAND.



    Now THAT is OP.

  3. Not possible. Superman is boring and op

    Didn't Darksied solo the Justice League? WITH Superman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, AND Flash in it? 


    Also Martian Manhunter, Sentry, Hyperion, DoomsDay, and Silver Surfer. These are just a few beings in comics that could destroy Superman. He's even close to OP.

  4. When did that happen, lol? Please tell me this is just a robot or something, otherwise, I will split a seam

    Nope it's the real deal. He got sent to the Ultimate Universe, and merged with Ultimate Ga Lak Tus, Ult Cptain Marvel seperated Ga Lak Tus, and Galactus, leaving him extremely weak, luckily Earth was near by.


    The Ultimates (Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man, Captain America, Spider-Woman, Sue Storm, Reed Richards, Hawkeye, and Tony Stark.) start planing a on how to get rid of Galactus. What was their big plan? Give Kitty Pryde the Giant Man potion, and throw Galactus into a dead Negative Zone. It was pretty ridiculous. lol

  5. Can I also say that Superman's weakness being magic as well as kryponite is complete bullshit?

    It sounds like they added that in just because...

    Or was that in an actual Superman comic/movie/show?

    Superman is also weak to Red Sun radiation. red sun radiation drains his powers.


    I'll admit, I'm not well-informed with the Superman universe, but he's been beaten by multiple people from the DC universe, including Batman, a superhero that really doesn't have any actual superpowers unless you count training himself to a physical and mental peak.

    I believe Batman has never beaten Superman in canon. All the comics that Batman beat Superman in, Batman usually has help, and years of prep. 

  6. Which Superman? There's surprisingly a lot of them.

    Earth 23 Superman


    Val Zod


    Cyborg Superman.


    New 52 Superman.


    Earth 2 Superman.




    Hell there's even a Batman, Superman.


    In  al seriousness all these Supermen would destroy Twilight Sparkle.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I think DYING is a bit too harsh for the show. I think for an event like this, it would be appropriate if she mysteriously disappeared, with no return. Or something like that. Not die, for we have yet to have a character die in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.


    Sombra would like to have a word with you. Oh wait, he can't, he's dead! I can't see them killin' off a main character tho.

    • Brohoof 4
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