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~ Dr. Ocsid ~

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Posts posted by ~ Dr. Ocsid ~

  1. There are probably some criminals in them - even an utopia has assholes. Also there wouldn´t be a reason for guards and police to exist without criminals.

    The dungeons are probably there because Canterlot wasn´t always the royal residency, so it might have had a cruel ruler once who required dungeons.

    But I don´t think these dungeons are used nowadays like a traditional dungeon, but more as some place criminals are put until Celestia (or a pony she delegetates the job to) figures out why they are criminals, and how to help them and their victims.

  2. By the end, Garble already knew they were there. I don't think anyone would have questioned the morality of defending one's self when they are on a ledge overlooking a firey drop of certain death and their surrogate son/brother/lackey is in mortal danger.

    The Dragon Lord quite obviously wants to attack Equestria (if I heard it correctly, I may be wrong). While just being there doesn´t make for a good reason to declare war, them interfering and Spike getting the Sceptre would be a good reason to declare the trial for non-valid, to banish Spike and Ember as traitors to dragonkind and to demand a new trial. This would likely cause a schism between the dragons, some would follow Ember (thus either be neutral or help defend Equestria) or whoever becomes dragon lord according to the new trial (thus attack Equestria)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. That ep was actually really good. However it was weird, as it did not really feel like an ep. Of MLP but I don't think it was a bad thing. In fact this is my favorite ep of the season so far!

    I feel very much the same; it was like the plot of some platform-rpg based on mlp.

  4. That was decent. Twilight probably could have ended it like 29 different times without exposing herself, but whatever.

    That would have meant a declaration of war between Equestria and the Dragons. A princess interfering directly in the political affairs of another countries without their consent? Completely out of question.

    Plus, she follows scientific rules in her studies, so her interfering would mean both a political eclat (if not war) and the knowledge she gained being without value.

    • Brohoof 4
  5. Dude, this Dragon Lord needs to be the target of a prank-off between Discord and Pinkie Pie.

    Gotta love those fishies


    Theory: The Dragon Lord is this big because of the power of his position. (Similar to how greed makes a dragon large) When his daughter becomes Dragon Lady, she will grow and he will become small.

    Edit: Theory is proven wrong, but no hard feelings as it makes for a better story this way.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Nice to see Spike helping Rarity again with her gem hunting. Yikes, shortest cold open ever, however? The animation quality and effects look really good so far!


    They should have brought Fluttershy along though to help with the bats.

    She would have told them not to go there.

  7. The episode was not at the height of the last CMC episode, but it was somewhat alright I guess

    Ahem, I don´t think we should judge CMC episodes on how they compare to that one. It´s pretty hard to get that high on the scale

    • Brohoof 3
  8. Fluffy growing up as a new Diamond Tiara! Growing up in fame and attention just to end up being a spoiled little princess. +power that is waay bigger then Celestia's, Luna's or even Twilight's. Will the aunt be able to lift her hoof on the daughter of her own brother for the sake of the whole country? Hehehe.... This NEEDS to happen! 

    Very much yes, apart from the power thing: I don´t think she would be quiet that powerful. It´s pretty canon that babies have powerlevels farly exceeding those of adults, isn´t it?


    Also apparently her name is actually "Flurry". Since that is a stupid name I vote to ignore it and continue to call her "Fluffy".

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