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Everything posted by Spatt

  1. Shy horse noises

  2. Once upon a time (Gosh has it really been 5 years now? Geese I feel old...) I would rp a little on a different mlp forum. I'm just in need of little help getting back into the swing of things and a bit of advice on how to join rps. Since then I've developed pretty bad social anxiety though, and it's hard to get myself out there, heck, posting this is one of the hardest things I've done in a while. Feel free to treat me like a complete newbie though, i've lost a lot of luster.
  3. Bread.

    1. I used to be a stranger

      I used to be a stranger

      We cannot teleport bread anymore.

  4. I'm really ticklish in my everywhere. Even my hands are ticklish!
  5. That would be called asexual.
  6. It's a tie for me between these Owl City songs:
  7. I can't decide between Granny Smiths (the apples, not the wrinkly pony) or honeycrisp... darnit now I really crave apples.
  8. Why is it so hard to find a nice casual RP? It seams like every second one is about overthrowing the princesses or some grimdark horror nonsense.

  9. If you're a Lyra fan you might like this blog http://heartstringscomic.tumblr.com/ I think it's really well made, tells a great story and looks just like the show.
  10. I'm the kind of person who can't sleep without cuddling on something, so I have a large pillow that I use as a substitute for the lack of real person. Being alone doesn't bother me, but I just can not get comfortable just laying there by myself.
  11. This is pretty much what I think would happen.
  12. I count myself as homosexual because I like men, and while I have no problem with the physical appearances of women, I have yet to find myself attracted to a woman yet.
  13. "Sorry" (I literally tell people i'm sorry even when there is no reason to).
  14. Spatt

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I need to post more, ughhh.
  15. My normal order of things I constantly sift through over and over again as the day passes by: -YouTube -Tumblr -Gmail -EQD -and very recently MLP Forums -Then the cycle continues
  16. Spatt

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I just graduated High school and have no direction for what to do next in life.
  17. Name: Clayton Age: 18 Gender: Male Country: U.S. Likes: Ponies, Video games, Owl City, Honesty, the quiet, friendly debates about random nonsense among friends, and other stuff that i'm to lazy to think of/remember. :/ Dislikes: Dubstep (It hurts my head), Black olives, bad drivers, disrespectful people, myself, competition, loud noises/people. Hobbies: Video games (usually multiplayer on Steam), art (If I could ever build up the confidence to do it), talking with friends, tumblr, and hopefully I can make posting on these forums a hobby of mine. Other Info: I am agnostic, bi, i'm pretty feminine when I get the chance but I usually have to hide it around family, I take things a little too seriously (especially friends, i'm a little clingy and have gotten in trouble for not giving people enough space), I have very low self-esteem and sometimes talk down on myself, i'm very forgetful, i'm kinda shy and it'e impossible for me to start a conversation (so I would need you to talk to me first) and I think that's it, maybe.
  18. I'm an 18 year old male, I prefer guys, but girls are cool too. I'm so jealous of you, when I told my friends they almost instantly abandoned me. They wont let me go near them anymore and I think that's the reason. (These are all friends that I had known for 10 years prior to telling them)
  19. I used to have a couple other aliases back in the olden days (trust me, they weren't very good). But eventually a friend and I worked together to make me new one, and Spatt had a sound that I liked and it just kinda stuck. So I kinda chose mine, with help from others.
  20. Marry: Coco Pommel "Cuddle": Big Mac~ (because hottt) Never have anything to do with: Gilda
  21. Before I found the show, I had been in this almost limbo-type state where I never did anything but sit around and think about things. My friends just kind of forgot about me and no matter what I tried to do they wouldn't acknowledge my existence. I was rather lonely, until I started watching the show, and quickly found an old mlp forum that helped me make new friends, a few I still hold on to today. Finding the show was a major turning point in my life, if I hadn't found such an amazing fandom to get behind I might still be in my social limbo. Plus the show just makes me so happy when I watch it.
  22. Some time in early February of 2012 I overheard a friend watching it while we played some online game. The specific quote that caught my attention was "This is where they make the rainbows!"-Rainbow Dash. After that I stayed up til about 5 o-clock on a school night and marathon-ed about half of the first season.
  23. Spatt

    Hey, friend!

    Oh, wow. This is a lot of welcome all at once. I'm a little overwhelmed honestly. Um... What would be the best place to start posting in the forums?
  24. How did you find MLP Forums?: Once upon a time, I went to different mlp forum site where I made a lot of friends. Sadly, I kinda drifted away from the site and stopped going there. I missed the good o'l days and wanted to find somewhere that could give me the same (if not similar) feelings and experiences. A quick google search away and *poof* here I am! How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was playing a game with a couple of friends, and in the background I could hear weird sounds coming from one of their mics. At just about the time I started asking what they were watching I heard Rainbow Dash yell "This is where they make the rainbows!". This got me a little more interested than I think any normal person should have gotten, but from that sentence alone I freaked out and begged to know what that was so I could see it for myself. Only after a private marathon I had did I find that episode 16 (Sonic Rainboom) of season 1 was the one that got me interested. HI there! The name's Spatt, and I want to make new friends! (so gimme) Well, other than that I have always really wanted to try out roleplaying, I've never done it before, so I'll probably need some pointers. I'm 18 years old, live in Texas (I've never even ridden a hoarse, i'm no cowboy) and I have a serious gaming addiction. My fovourite foods include Pineapple (though I have developed an allergic reaction to them), steak, and some other things that I probably forget about. Hobbies include, but are not limited to: Video Games (specifically pc(go Steam!)) Hanging out with friends Drawing (if I could ever find the drive to do so) Watching far too much youtube And generally being completely unproductive. ...and just so you know, I didn't pick a favourite pony because I have no real preference over them, they're all such good characters that I can't pick.
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