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Star Racer

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Posts posted by Star Racer

  1. Hmm...lets see...

    When i was a kid in elementary school, i was viewed as the annoying kid you wanted to smack each time he opened his mouth (most of this will be from what classmates have said have changed).

    Throughout middle school, i was a bit of a target for people to pick on. This made me dislike people in a way, and i became a bit of a crazy sort of depressed.

    Over the course of highschool (so far), my somewhat antisocial personality is shifting to being more down to earth at times and social. Still, i have my quirks, but im no longer looked at with the thought of "please god, smite him." Im decently well known through the school, and from what i hear, not much good or bad goes around about me outside my circle of friends.

  2. In a marching band competition, the judges very well could go on and not notice a fairly large mistake you make, such as forgetting a phrase if you are in a large enough band. They just pick up on your facial expression, such as when you cringe at a sour note.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Aparently, your team color can help determine your chances at winning if you dont make a conscous effert to think about it.


    Red typically induces agression and/or fear, putting you at an advantage in games like halo, where you have to react quickly and the like.

    Blue, however, induces calmness and logical thinking. This helps in games where you need to plan out your attack.


    Of course, thats what they say. I tend to suck online either way. :lol:

  4. The suggested word count for a novel in my age range in anywhere from 60 thousand to 100 thousand.

    I am currently at around three or four thousand with my novel.

    All books used to be hand written before the invention of the printing press. This invention hwlped promote reading.

  5. How tough am i? How tough am i? I sprained my wrist, and still practiced with the band AND played at state! AND IM A PERCUSSIONIST!


    (For those who dont get it, percussion instruments are played with sticks/mallets and involves movement of only the wrist to strike the head/key. In other words, it frickin hurt like mother brother.)

    • Brohoof 1
  6. A study showed that swearing reduces pain. The people in a group that were allowed to swear once lasted longer with their hand in a bucket of ice water than the group allowed one safe word (like shoot instead of sh!t) and the group that couldnt say anything.

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