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Itsy Bitsy Alex

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Everything posted by Itsy Bitsy Alex

  1. You know this version of Mega Man smoked a few cigarettes before every adventure.
  2. I'm looking for some pals to play Sm4sh for Wii U with, anyone interested? Nintendo ID: untamedRainbow Mii: Alex
  3. I've heard these before. SoundCloud's been my homesite for a good year now. https://niceme.me/ New SoundClown - Gambino's Stadium: https://soundcloud.com/restinspaghettineverforgetti/gambinos-stadium
  4. One of my many hobbies is creating what we over on SoundCloud call "SoundClowns." This is usually two or more things mashed up for comedic effect, however it can also be just source audio spliced to create something else, like a single source YouTube Poop. I have made eleven of these in the past week, and I just wanted to share some of my best. What are some of your favorite SoundClowns, or if you've ever made any, which ones are yours? Post away, MLPF!
  5. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0hVHJ326kiQ Here I'm reading "Andy the Frog," by Bo Burnham. (Also mind the male voice. Just waiting for the hormonal process to start, woo)
  6. Spruced myself up a bit before taking this picture because I looked like shit: Excuse my forehead wrinkles, I do that sometimes.
  7. My favorite pair of chucks. Also fuzzy socks ^.^
  8. I just search for random wallpapers when I'm bored of the one I have. Here's mine currently:
  9. Truly fantabulous thanks muchfords for ear tones.
  10. Greetings, everyone! Today I am proud to show off a brand new series on my YouTube channel entirely dedicated to MLP and YOU (the bronies). This is the segment where I talk about all things pony. The promo and the first episode have been released, and can be viewed below: Promo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey13BjChycw Episode 1 || What Does it Mean to be a Brony?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FodBDgJ8Qro I plan on making a new episode each week (despite what I said in the promo), so if you could show some love to this show, I'd greatly appreciate it~ With that said I'll be posting new episodes here when they release, and I'll also be taking requests for pony related incidents and happenings to talk about. The one thing that will not be done in this segment is reviews. Maybe some day, but not today. ~Alex
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpI08027AlM Figured I might be of some assistance.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_1gXirS8xA Here's a short unfinished version of what I'm putting in the collab. Note: this is NOWHERE near completion.
  13. Greetings everyone, Alex here, and I have an important announcement to make: I'm hosting a YouTube Poop collaboration! In this collaboration, we'll be doing our best to make the PONY.MOV series even weirder than it already is. Here are the rules: 1. Use ANY installment you wish - Any episode from APPLE.MOV - SWAG.MOV can be used. Yes, SPIKE.MOV also counts (you can also use more than one episodes) 2. Keep it between ONE and FOUR minutes - Don't want the video to go on forever, now do we? 3. Have fun! - Go crazy and do whatever you want. This is a YouTube Poop after all! Other Things: Make sure to add a watermark on the screen (preferably in the bottom right corner) Post all submissions on YouTube, set them as unlisted, and PM me the link If you're going to be sending in a submission, let me know so I can create a list of who's still currently working on their submission and who's completed theirs. ALL submissions are due by the eighth of August. Thank you for participating in advanced. Happy Pooping!
  14. I was wondering if anyone wanted to be in a Skype chat. Been a little down in the dumps and I'd love to have a group of people to chat with. The chat won't be about anything in particular, just a normal chat of a bunch of horse people. Leave your Skype names below if you want to join!

    1. Monsoon


      I honestly don't mind

    2. verycreativeusername


      I have nothing better to do, so why not. My Skype name is: noncreativeusername (Brandon)

  15. The thing about getting them online is that I can NEVER find them within my budget. I'm just getting back on my feet financially so it's been a bit difficult when it comes to funds. But I have found a few good deals on Amazon for NES, so at least there's that. That's so kind of you ;-; But I'd feel bad just taking your games
  16. The other day I dusted off my good ol' N64 to play some Star Fox and Super Mario. After playing both games for countless hours, I ran into a bit of a problem: those are the only two games I have for the damn thing. I live in Massachusetts and I was wondering if anyone knew of any retro game stores around? The only one I knew of that was really close to me was shut down last year and I'm having a hard time finding other places. Thanks in advance!
  17. If I haven't updated already, my username is thatspoopyhorsemusic, and my "full name" is Alex (spoopy). Been looking for people to talk to as I've been sick for the past few days
  18. Going to New York this weekend, preforming in the school Choir. Send help.

  19. Hey, anyone want to play Mario Kart 8? My Nintendo Network ID is untamedRainbow.is

  20. Golden Rule: Have fun. But in terms of just editing, start simple. Do some research on what works for you. Progressively get more advanced as time goes by. That's it from me though, YouTube Poop is an art without (major) principles.
  21. I mean mixed bag in a sense of using a lot of different sources. Little Mermaid and Hercules are two that I don't see that often in the community, so it's nice to see a bit of variety! Spingebill and King of the Hill can only entertain for so long.
  22. Ah, Sony Vegas. I remember using that back when I first started. At the beginning of this year, however, I sort of fell in love with Adobe Premier. Sony Vegas did me good though, especially with ear rape. RIP in Piece Sony Vegas. Sounds like your poops are a bit of a mixed bag. I have no clue why, but my best poops come from reviewers, mostly JonTron and YourMovieSucks, and LPers, like Vinesauce (Vinny specifically) and Game Grumps. Possibly because it gives me two possibilities for humor, the hosts and the game/movie/etc. The MOAR the merrier, I guess.
  23. So I'm finally joining the YouTube Poop community again. About three years ago, I started doing YTP's, and I got better over time. I'm not sure if any of my old ones can be seen on YouTube anymore, but either way, I'm finally getting back into it, and I'm starting with Bee Thompson's Vinesauce collab. My entry has been sent and accepted, and I'm quite excited to see the other entries! But with that said, I was wondering if there was any other YTPers on the forums. I've always found the "art" of the YTP to be interesting, so if there are any of you out there, post your own poops. I'd love to see different styles and whatnot. Thankies~!
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