I'm a huge fan of Star Wars. I've always wanted to make a fan/short film based around it's interesting universe, and now I'm finally taking that chance.
Here's the basic plot: It takes place years and years after Episode Six. The galaxy is more technologically advanced, and as such, the inevitable return of the sith happens. After a long war, there's only one dark lord left, and a gifted child is found, abandoned in a woodland area. A band of rebels raise him to be a strong young man who turns out to have the powers of the force. The rebels realize what they have been graced with, and are determined to defeat the last lord of the Sith.
Not the most original in the world, but I think it works.
What I Need:
- Composer
- Editor (needs to generate lightsaber blades, energy balls, blaster beams, etc)
- Co-writers (sharing ideas, making different scripts to get ideas from, etc.)
-Artists (concept art, storyboarding, etc.)
If you are at all interested, please contact me by either PM or skype (djditt0, Dirk "Hella" Strider).
Looking forward to this guys. I hope others are as interested in this as I am.