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Posts posted by Pinkamena-Pills

  1. On 7/6/2017 at 10:27 PM, ChB said:


    What's your favorite Pinkie Pie moment, so far?




    While i am totally late have many moments of Pinkie that are my favorite..--basically all of them, i'll nonetheless try to pick one that personally hit home for me in a specific way:

    The ending scene of Party of One. 
    Pinkie's in full on negativity mode, believing her to not only have abandoned her, but also now attempting to throw a ironic party for her no longer likely being in their lives. 
    She was dragged their to boot too! Such rudeness; iknow right?!
    Ofcouse, after it being revealed that they were actually throwing her a surprise birthday party...


    Hah! Imagine if it really was a Surprise birthday party! MIND=BLOWNImage result#MyShamelessSurprisePlug

    *ahem*..thus explaining their behavior ect, Pinkie goes from being miserable to elated once again, then enjoys her birthday party with her friends, and hopefully that cake too because that looked really desirable; for realzies.

    To me the scene really highlighted how one can fall into negativity & cynicism just by viewing things in your life in a particular light(especially at first glance), and how changing/adjusting your outlook on the situation(or the truth of the matters being revealed to you) can make you feel a complete 180 on the situation. 
    Imean, your friends aren't always going to disown you then later barge into your teaparty, talk smack to your best friend whose made of a bucket of beats - then try to kidnap you; making you sit on their face in self-defense and not have it be due to trying to lure you to a surprise birthday party!

    Im sure we've all had those moments like the ending of Party of One -- not sure about the teaparty thing tho -- probably just a few of us on that front 

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Ever had a day, where your just abit down in the dump due to happenings? Even if your usually a cheery jolly jellybean?

    Image result for pinkie pie art

    i think we all have. Even Pinkie has!

    Regardless of a reason, whether it be because of a confrontation with a friend, dropping a batch of eggs after you just cleaned the kitchen floor, getting your arm cut off by a deltoid-less samurai, issues at work, toxic youtube comments, love issues, or a vengeful goat devil trying to reset your universe -- we all have those down in the dump kind of days.

    And we all usually feel pretty bad about it in one way or another, even if we openly stay positive. 

    But it's alright, it's alright to feel bad when you've had or are having bad day. 

    What isn't alright is when you give up hope. Or when you let that bad day erode at your heart & soul. 

    Bad days happen, for some it's alot less than others, and vice-versa. 

    But bad days don't define you, it's what you do to overcome that bad day(s). To improve, to heal, to make amends, or just smile again, to make them smile again.
    Or pick the Retry option! 

    Regardless of how horrible things may be or may seem or outright be, you can still be joyful, whether it be by yourself or with others, in some way, or some fashion, that flame is still there.
    Strive for it, that joy, for yourself, and for those you care for.

    Yes, it's difficult-- sometimes seemingly impossible, impossible; impossible. But if you give up, or let the situation(s) bury your joy, you certainly won't be breathing to well. Because, you know, your're buried. Imean idk maybe some people can breathe dirt..or..something..air pocket? Maybe they don't even need air!..huh.. - Well hopefully you get my point!

    Just remember:
    We all sometimes fall into a den of despair, or entropy.
    But that doesn't mean we cannot ever strive to rise out of it in joyous harmony.
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    • Brohoof 8
  3. Happy Birthday, Pinkie Pie.

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    Only you can bring me out of my endless lurking!


















    . . .

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    It really has been a long time since i've posted here. Or there.. Orrrr mostly anywhere outside of responding to a status!

    Can i really just post a sentence or two and resign back to being a forum phantom for goodness knows how long on Pinkie's birthday? It is her birthday after all, and to me that means a whole lot -- even if im terrible with remembering dates unlike Pinkie herself. Actually, i could say her birthday means everything to me. Heck; birthdays in general.

    Imean, what really is a birthday?? Duuhhhh--a day where you get free gifts, some sweets, and a excuse to not go to work!

    But isn't it more than that? -- Not sure why im putting question marks--it's obvious that it does mean more than that. 

    But i think often, least with those i know, and even myself sometimes--we sortof, kina brush over our birthday--blehh; just another day m'right? 


    That certainly isn't really wrong to think tho. The world hasn't drastically changed, the orbits of the various celestial bodies don't go out of their way to do anything special for ya.

    The universe is, 99.999999999...% as it was, as it was going to be, as it is, and as it will be; your birthday or not. Is your birthday really that special at all???? It affects nothing in the grand scheme of, well, a whole lot of things! 

    And yet, if you remember what your birthday represents--the 'just another day' that the particular day your birthday falls on -- remember what happened on that x-amount of years/decades/centuries/millennias ago and wowzies, thing really start to become almost insurmountably special! 


    Because our birthdays are a tribute to when we began to exist in this universe. On that day, you were birthed...or flown by a bird onto a doorstep--regardless of however you were born, you were born. Regardless of where ever you were or weren't beforehand, if at all, you are here now. You can grow. You can experience. You can learn. You can feel in ways that the rest of that 99.999999999..% of the rest of the universe can't. . . Least im pretty sure a planetary body can't feel excitement for a episode of FiM..who knows!

    Anywho, what i do know, is you're here. I am here. They are here. We are here. Some are even here directly because of you. In this universe. A universe of wonders.

    A universe of joy, because we live in it and make it so. 

    So take a look around, up, or down, side to side, or what have you. And be joyful. Because you are the 0.000000000..1% of the universe that can be joyful to, well, be, be the way that you are. 


    So smile. Because our birthdays reminds you that we certainly got something to smile about.

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    Well i sure did ramble on as usual. Have funzies everypony!Image result


    • Brohoof 5
  4. Confused why the first "interpretation" put forth in the OP is a valid interpretation at all. It has no real solid basis besides fanon inserts and wild speculation that is just, well, stupid. I enjoy the slightly cray-cray depictions of the mane 6 such as Twilight in Lesson Zero, or Rarity in Inspiration Manifestation, ect. But, much like when i saw Party of One as a person who still hadn't accepted the fact they even liked the show yet for realzies, i din't immediately jump to the conclusion that they were career criminals, or closet killers; nonsense.  :maud: 

    I saw her for what she was(when i first saw such in Party of One): sad, yet still trying to find joy in her life.
    Sure, she figured her friends had abandoned her, and she decided to create a sortof happy place for herself in a attempt to stay joyful in the absence of her creed to make others happy. Ofcourse when her friends tried to return into her life, she was at first unwilling, defensive, angry, and just figured they were going to give her a 'see ya later' party or some trollish shit, something that likely felt damn insulting.  
    Ofcourse, when she realized her friends actually din't abandon her, and were actually trying to surprise her with a party--she instantly went back to being, well, Pinkie.
    No longer were her friends trying to avoid her and not come to her parties because they don't like them and don't wanna be her friends anymore, instead, they were her best friends giving her one hell of a joyful surprise she din't even see coming. :maud: 

    You could say 'why din't she trust in them in the first place', and ya that would be a valid thing to say. But im sure all of us have had moments of doubts even with our closest friends and loved ones. The thing is to not shut yourself out from them, even in your doubtful moments. Imean, you can, but, hopefully they drag you to a barn against your will and introduce you to a surprise party! :nom:


    I was fortunate enough to not know about the fanons ridiculous interpretation of Pinkamena until well after i had viewed the first 3 seasons. Seeing it baffled me, and still does, despite my obvious lack of sanity.  :maud:


    As for how i personally feel for realzies without writing a fucking book, Pinkamena will always be a symbol of hope & joy for me. No matter how sad your life is, you can still find joy, especially with friendship, love, hell even a bucket of turnips and a sandbag.  So ya.  :maud:

    • Brohoof 4
  5. I am stupefied that someone would say that because Pinkie is basically deity hiding in plain site, or the fact that she is not 'normal' when compared to the rest of the mane 6 or everyone else when it comes to things concerning her feats ect, that she is somehow a changeling. A deity, a god, broken, sure, but why can the answer only just be a changeling? She isn't a changeling of any sort, or have anything in common with thrm. C'mon, that is silly. Sillyness.  :maud:









    . . .


    However. I will entertain the notion that she may have something common with changelings, possibly after all. 

    I've never been the one to dismiss the possibility that Pinkie possibly takes all those smiles and happiness she causes among all her friends, and uses it to fuel her powers. In short i wouldn't be surprised if she's basically a pony version of Superman or The Flash, but instead of getting her unexplainable powers from yellow stars or the Speed Force, she gets it from emotion of joy itself, from her own inner joy, and from those who she makes happy.

    She is the element of laughter after all, making everyone jovial is her thing, so if she's secretly(whether by intent or by accident) absorbing the happiness around her, n' thus becoming more 'abnormal' to say the least, then, well, all i can say to that is "duh".  :maud:

    • Brohoof 5
  6. Just a label, created by a bunch of people on 4chan or something apparently. In the end, seriously, call yourself what you want, im not entirely sure why anyone would truly care to sit and argue whether or not you can personally call yourself a "brony" or a "fan of mlp" or whatever other term you come up with to identify yourself with when it comes to mlp...that's just a pointless endeavor.   :maud:


     I don't call myself a brony. What are you going to do about this, besides go back n' forth with me on a forum about what i should personally call myself over my relation to a tv show, and ultimately waste your time?  :maud:




    Arguing semantics is a pointless endeavor. If you don't want to be called a brony because you dislike your interpretation of what the label means, do it. Using alternate labels are perfectly acceptable, provided that others are able to know what it means. Being an MLP fan is just as clear of a term as "brony," but doesn't have any of those connotations you might not like. So go right on ahead. It doesn't hurt anyone, it doesn't affect them. And if someone is bothered by that, then that is their issue.


    This. :maud:  

    • Brohoof 10
  7. Honestly, i was expecting her over, so i'd obviously ask her "So...Princess...are you ready for a all nighter?" :maud:

    At that moment, epic sax music would play, because honestly, why not.   :maud:

    And she'd turn to me, and give me that look, that look that tells me all i need to know..  :maud:



    I'd then move closer to her politely, and...





    Turn on my ps4 that's behind her next to my bed, and then we'd play Rocket League, Minecraft, GTA V & Destiny all night.

    Unless she wants to play Titanfall or Halo MCC, we could do that also.  :maud:


    Chat too, i have tons of questions, like why the hell she wasn't in the last episode...

    Oh, and i have lots of donuts and cupcakes she can eat too, so she will get her sweets fix.  :maud:





    • Brohoof 7
  8. He will appear as a final or semi-final boss, because cliche reasons.  :maud:

    Either that or during a beam struggle or a losing battle he will appear randomly as a ghost/phantom and tell Twilight & mane 6 some encouraging words that will magically help them gain the power to beat whatever. Who knows.  :maud:



    I don't care how he appears, i just hope he's not closely related to Twilight Sparkle's family lineage, that will bloody bug me to no end.  :maud:

    • Brohoof 1
  9. No. Not at all. I don't hate Fluttershy, but "attractive" isn't the first thought that pops into my head when seeing Fluttershy in anyway, whether it be show, or fanmade content(yes even nsfw). 

    I just don't find anything about her "attractive" at all personally, not her looks, or her personality. I also don't find her "cute" whatsoever.  :maud:


    I do, however, respect Fluttershy and what she represents, shes a good character, i just don't personally find her attractive in anyway. And truth be told, i can't even try to think of her as attractive, it doesn't work -- hell im trying now just for shits & giggles, and it just makes me feel odd, like im trying to think of a sister or family member ect, it creeps me the fuck out.  :maud:


    For whatever reason, i get a feeling of "sister" in my spirit & mind when i think of Fluttershy, and that just kills any possible feelings of attractiveness or 'omg shes so hawt'. 

    I can see why others could find her attractive and whatnot, but those sortof feelings are just not for me. So ya.  :maud:

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Woah woah now, let's not be crazy here, season 6 so early?   :maud:

    *reads Tweet*  :maud:


    . . . Bakana 




    Well, if this isn't some odd joke or mistake, then i look forward to season 6..once season 5 actually finishes. I do suspect it will be a short season tho most likely. But still..   :maud:


    . . .



    Exxxxxcellent..   :nom:

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I think it doesn't take much to tell im not interested in other's peoples negative thoughts on me in general. I do, however, appreciate the positive, even from those i do not know.  :maud:


    I simply see no point in caring about what random person #56642 thinks about me, especially if i have no respect for them. They are just another single grain of sand on a beach.

    In layman's terms: Fuck them. :maud:


    Personally, i believe caring too much for what others think is a bad thing, i cannot imagine how it could be healthy for ones mind to literally care for everything anyone thinks about them, i could only imagine the turmoil that would cause, and those who usually do care too much, are usually the kind of person that want's everyone under the sun to think something positive about them, and that's just not realistic in this world. This isn't ponyville.  :maud:


    I do, however, think it's good to care about those who you value and respect think of you, they are not random person #7709222, they are *insert w/e person you truly value*, they care about you, as you do them, they wish to better you(atleast i hope so), so if they have a opinion about you that they truly feel that if you took into consideration that it would better you, than i think that's worth caring about. Also, probably good to atleast care abit about what your employer/employees ect. think about you.

    Tho do not loose who you truly are, those who you value you may not agree with what negative things they think of you, and while it may hurt abit, don't let it destroy the real you.  :maud:



    tldr; don't care about randoms, care about those you actually give a damn about, don't loose yourself in the process.  :maud:

    • Brohoof 7
  12. First off i need to say..






    Goodness, so many, so much 3D, and they look damn good! :D








    Excellent job Kelly on the molding, and excellent job to Bruno on the texturing, im no expert on 3D, but im impressed as i've ever been seeing various 3D models, this is quality stuff!  :pinkie:



    Pinkie/10 Like Skyrim with 3D technicolor ponies - IGN.

    Excellent job, the both of you, as usual. 


    • Brohoof 3
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