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Everything posted by Invincible

  1. About 8 monthes ago, which is a new record for me, as i used to get sick every three or so months. I moved out at the end of last year, so I guess the change in lifestyle had something to do with it.
  2. It's a mixed bag to me. I try to do things my own way, and I'm not in a hurry to be affected by others. That being said, i do give others' ideas and interruptions a chance because, in the end of the day I'll blame only me for either misery or happiness.
  3. I used to dislike it, but from a nutritional perspective i feel it is better to eat it with the rest. I started liking it more now, despite my previous preference.
  4. No. Especially because this feels like a lost cause, pursuing a relationship with yourself feels like a reluctance to understand your own flaws and learning of anything new from your partner.
  5. I usually go to a beer with friends after a long day. I rarely drink anything stronger.
  6. I had the craziest dream last night. My only pair of sandals was stolen by gnomes. They took it to a hole under a tree which housed a huge gnome fashion show where they featured mishmash created from stolen items. I had to fight off gnomes to get my sandals back. What the hell, Seriously.
  7. Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Italy, France, Switzerland. Those, basically.
  8. Holon. It's a little south from Tel Aviv. I used to live in Tel Aviv until i moved in with my girlfriend in our own place.
  9. I live in Israel. Cool place, not so cool climates. Y'know.
  10. My voice is basically bass. I have to make a mental note to keep it down when speaking, because my voice is extremely powerful and loud.
  11. My only close friend and i talk on a near everyday basis. Other friends and i get to speak to each other several times a week.
  12. I do not wish a relationship tailored to me by a mommet. I'm fine with bickering and the occasional fight, even at the risk of heartache. It means my girlfriend has a mind of its own.
  13. Yeah, i can. It seems as natural to me as breathing, i wonder what people who can't do it feel when trying to.
  14. Equality. Disadvantaged individuals should make an effort in life to overcome their problems. Everyone should be treated fairly and not give special treatment to one another. A society where one gets more based on criteria promotes stagnation in terms of personal development, with no incentive to improve, you won't make any progress.
  15. No thanks. Ultimately, i wouldn't have the resources and the opportunities i have today. Or, y'know, maybe I could change history or something. That's always a thing.
  16. This makes a reasonable amount of sense. Which is in this case, very ironic
  17. If i were omnipotent I'd probably grow bored in time with all that power. So I'd probably create lifeforms on other planets and rule them as a deity, and give them ridiculously confusing traditions and demands. Yknow just for fun. Or watch the universe crumble until the last known particle is devoid of energy. Or make people fall in love with a cat-shaped cloud. After a while i would still probably lose all interest in whimsical desires and sever ties with mortal lifeforms altogether. Maybe i could set up complex plans for otherwise impossible natural processes and watch them unfold over the millenia. More probable is that at some point I'd erase bordome from my mind and will elect to exist in a different state altogether because of motivations that i might not fully grasp.
  18. The ability to exist in any form or state I choose to. At will, I could become an animal, or a cloud. Or a dream in people's minds. Or maybe a stream of 1s and 0s and travel through internet nodes, 'seeing' (if that's even what it'd be called in my state) internet protocols in action.
  19. Maaaaybe slightly? Lol. I've been around for about two years. I think I've gained some slight recognition. I don't really play n active role in the forums more than answering questions and debating people. I got a couple of friends who i talk to and I think that this is it.
  20. No matter how good you are in one area, eventually someone better will have you replaced. It's important to have variety and a plethora of skills under your belt.
  21. I got an AC in mine. It works somewhat better.
  22. Energy research. Because most of the energy produced on earth is inefficient, wasteful, harmful, and will become obsolete once the natural resources used in the process are depleted. That, or quantum computing. That thing will drive humanity to the space age, allowing more advanced applications such as AI to become reality.
  23. I'd work my butt off and do my best, do my part to win the war. Running away when your friends and family are fighting is cowardice.
  24. I really loved the original trilogy, even though Justice for all felt somewhat weaker in comparison to the first game and T&T. Though i did love Apollo Justice a lot more because we saw phoenix as a mature adult, rather than a rookie, while getting a nice plot-line and a new cast of characters; I kind of appreciated that.
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