I always enjoy a forum with very clean but free rules. Helps things stay nice and enjoyable. ^~^
Hello, my name is Soradrago, but you may call me Skyler or Sora. Either works.
I'm new to mlp:fim, or at least more enthralled with it. Back when I first found out about mlp, I was a tad arrogant towards it, but a school friend talked me into watching it. I gave it a shot to see what the buzz was about, not knowing much about it, but once I reached the 4th episode, I just couldn't continue because I wasn't enjoying it. Couldn't keep my attention.
That was last year, around the beginning of summer. I had a very negative outlook on the world at that time, considering how many bad things were happening all at once. America was deep in the recession, kids from school were just so uninteresting and hard to be around, and I was still in the closet. The first two may not have changed much (well, America has prospered, but is still kind of in the pooper), but the last once changed quite nicely. living in an area that is mostly acceptable of gay people made it a tad easier to do.
but regardless, I've definitely become much more happier and open minded to my surroundings sense then, and mlp has just made the happier part 2x cooler, or as the meme would go 20% cooler. My interest prospered when i was introduced to some fan material by "micthemicrophone" and "thelivingtombstone". The music was just so great that i listened to that one song over and over. i just loved it so much. So i looked a bit more and finally said "you know what, i'm going to give the show another go." and man am i glad i made that decision. Because of my new intrigue in the show, I decided I needed to delve EVEN deeper into the fandom. I've been on the internet for very long, and I know the creepy parts of it. Hell, i could say i'm equally creepy when it comes to certain things, but my god is the world perverted... perverted in the sense of tainted, not sexually... well, okay both. I already expected poorly made fanfic and undesirable pictures of... well, you know. That's not a shocker, but what initially got me into the show was so impressive I had to look! I'm not even kidding when i say that the mlp fan base is probably one of the BEST I've seen on the internet in... well, forever. I like to say its the most stable... he he, get it. meh.
I'm multi-artistic as i like to say. i draw, write poetry and am slowly (very, VERY slowly) learning the piano. I also like to rant and write stories and books too when I'm up to it. I respect everyone's opinion. Its not fair for me to drive my views down your throat, I just want you to hear me out and vice versa. I expect great things from this place, and I hope you feel the same for me. /)^u^(\