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Everything posted by Unr3alGamer

  1. The fandom itself is overrated by the people within it.
  2. Until the writers can make her much more than "I'm so worried about what people think of me after that horrible thing I did!", I'm not liking Starlight that much. Also, her presence is lacking when the Mane 6 are out doing something without her. What the heck does she do when the Mane 6 are out and about?
  3. I play PS4 95% of the time, but here are my names: PSN ID: colonelih8gumby Games for PS4: Battlefield 4, Black Ops 3, Minecraft, Destiny, Uncharted 4, Star Wars: Battlefront, The Division Xbox One: Jesturd Games for XBone: Master Chief Collection, Halo 5, Minecraft Like I said, I primarily play PS4. I have a Minecraft world I want to show several people, and I'm always up for BO3 and BF4.
  4. Bobbins's main point is that there has been a skill compression in CoD, and now everyone is trying to match CoD and make each shooter easily accessible for everyone. I think that's bull for a few reasons: Firstly, my overall KD in BO3 is lower than my KD in MW2, MW3, and BO1, though it is higher than BO2, and I've played MW2 and BO2 the most out of any CoD. I'm fairly decent at BO3, but other people have killed me several times because they were more aware of the environment/more skillful in their play-styles. If the skill gap was as compressed as he claims, I would be a top-tier CoD player and everyone else would be too. Secondly, if any other company is trying to match CoD in anything, it's fluidity. CoD games have always had silky-smooth framerates and easy aiming and shooting, and other shooters are trying to replicate that feel. Some shooters replicate the feel, have a steeper learning curve in how to use each weapon effectively (Battlefield 4 comes to mind).
  5. I've bought every CoD game that's come out since Modern Warfare 2, and I bought each around launch. This year, I decided to place my preorder on Battlefield 1.
  6. The most least MLG pony you will ever see. Feast your eyes upon: Baja Blast!
  7. The dude is also wearing a fedora. If he is the stereotype I'm thinking, then he doesn't really have any guts or balls. Other people like said stereotype have done weirder things.
  8. It's part of the "final act" of fandom. Arrive, peak, overstay its welcome, die.
  9. I have every right to find out. As a matter of fact, mythology has already told me. Besides, this is a *public* forum.
  10. Well yes, obviously. Her blue eyes have a hint of green in them. But that's just a theory.... A DUMB THEORY.
  11. So Kronos. How is your sex life with Rhea?
  12. It's the greatest late night comedy ever. So much bullshit happens on MLPForums.
  13. You made that same argument earlier. It's stupid. Don't use it.
  14. Let me ask you this, then: Why do they continue watching the show and run into what they think is a good episode every now and then? People only use this argument when people have a negative opinion (or maybe even a different opinion) on episodes. It's a double standard to keep positivity afloat. Good episode comes around: "OMG MLP IS AMAZIN'" Bad episode comes around: "Oh well it's a kid's show. People are just looking too deep into it."
  15. I meant more so that it doesn't have fun with itself the same way it used to. The show's new definition of fun is Slice of Life and Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?. Zaniness, meme-tastic crap. But I know where you're coming from. I didn't particularly like Gift of Maud Pie, but not because it wasn't as bouncy. PM me if you want to know why.
  16. There was a Tweet I saw on Sethisto's Twitter by some random guy in relation to the reception the most recent episode's had, and he said: "Enjoy the show for what it is, not what you'd like it to be.", and I am going to respond with one of the rare cases of me using curse words: That's bullshit. I'll explain why: When the show has had such a tonal and structural shift (in terms of writing and overall "feel") from its 2 early seasons, it's hard to enjoy the show for doing something different than what you initially came to watch the show for. I'm not going to adjust my expectations because the show has become different overtime. Why should I have to? And even if I did, why is it acceptable? Since we're using the term that relates to fruits, I'll illustrate my point using this analogy: Let's imagine you go to a Produce Store that sells all oranges, and oranges that tend to be very tasty. Let's say you buy those oranges from that store for 2 years, and then they suddenly replace their stock with apples. It's still a fruit, and it may or may not be flavorful, but it's not something you went to the store to buy. ^ I feel like that is what's going on with MLP: FiM and how fans are perceiving it. If you want my take: Seasons 1-4 were very focused on developing its characters while putting them in more "fun" situations. Ticket Master had a chase scene that was a play on Benny Hill; Applebuck Season made fun (unironically speaking) of Applejack's weariness; Lesson Zero had fun with Twilight's insanity; Luna Eclipse had fun with Luna's royal voice; Too Many Pinkie Pies had fun with how many Pinkie Pies you could put on screen at once, etc. etc. Season 5 (and especially Season 6) takes a huge step back from all of this for the most part, and a good chunk of the episodes are very laid back and casual. Castle Sweet Castle, Brotherhooves Social, Amending Fences, Canterlot Boutique, etc. There are a few episodes that can be considered "fun", but compared to earlier seasons, they are few and far between each other. All of this may be playing a part as to why people are thinking the show is losing its quality, but personally, I think the show is losing itself because of a mix of all of the above plus the fact that the overall writing has gotten worse. Take yesterday's episode for example: The entire bit with RD imitating the Mane 6 makes zero sense and was entirely expendable. Sure, she's doing it to look more awesome, but how the heck did she think to herself "if I impersonate my friends, they'll think I'm cool and stop calling me rainbow crash!"? You could remove that entire bit out and the end result would be the exact same. I've found that there really is not one universal reason as to why Bronies watch the show; they all watch it for vastly different reasons. Some like it because it's cute and innocent; some like it because it's written well (not really, but whatever); some like it because of the characters and their personalities reflecting their own; some like it because of the potential with the lore (why do you think there's so many fanfics about MLP?); everyone has their reason. They'll still be around as long as the show is around. Edit: Also (in relation to Sethisto's twitter) I love how people are telling others that their opinions are subjective but only mention so when they toss out a negative opinion.
  17. It's fine, dude. No hard feelings. And thanks for understanding (something some people on this forum don't understand the concept of).
  18. These kinds of posts make wonder why I bother posting on this forum. Let me turn your logic against you and tell you: you can't tell someone something is worth watching because you happen to like it (which is exactly what everyone is doing on this post). And I'm sure most people know that my reply is an opinion. Just because someone said something "is" in this context doesn't always mean they see it as fact. I shouldn't have to always say "In my opinion....." because everyone should already know in this situation their opinion is as valid as the next guy's. It's common sense. You're very welcome. Have a happy catching up (should you choose to continue)!
  19. Disagree as much as you want to. To me, the majority of Season 5 and Season 6 so far are pretty flat. Where Season 2 and 4 had really great character moments, with 5 and 6 it's swapped for boring and awkward dialogue. The episodes don't burst with character the same way they used to and are instead either having its characters stalling in scenes to make episodes longer or being not much outside of Nolan-Rayed awkward-exposition-dumpers. The most recent episode doesn't have these problems, but a good chunk of Season 5 and 4/6 episodes of Season 6, for the most part, do. Be happy to PM me if you wish you continue.
  20. Finish Season 4, and if you want to watch anything past that, at least watch Season 5's Amending Fences and Crusaders of the Lost Mark. Season 5 and Season 6 so far doesn't pack nearly the same punch as Season 2 and 4. You're not missing much past the episodes I listed.
  21. This is a video I co-wrote (and co-star for one section) with my friend GeekySteven. It's a mixture between being a parody of the famous Krusty Krab Training Video from Spongebob as well as being somewhat of a satire on the Bronalysis Community (people who review/analyze MLP). We look over the basics of what it takes to become a part of the bronalysis community and poke fun at it while doing it. We spent a good chunk of time working on this, so I hope you guys enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZVhJVxaCI8 Please, let me know what you guys think!
  22. Then I would he happy to elect Donald Trump as president. He would build a wall around it. It's a wall we would desperately need.
  23. PSN: colonelih8gumby Games: Minecraft, Black Ops 3, Battlefront, The Division (whom I really want more people to play with). If you have The Divison, PM me or friend me on PSN.
  24. I work on a commentary channel myself: https://www.youtube.com/user/RagePlayRecording We do video game commentaries, discussion videos (once in a blue moon), and now, we read and commentate on bad fanfiction. Criticism and Requests on our videos are welcome. Although a commentary on someone else's video? Yeah, nobody really makes a YouTube career off of criticizing other youtube channels. They probably don't get many views/subs because people either don't like their opinion or they simply don't care.
  25. I used to be, but now I don't consider myself one, especially after the colossal disaster that was the Season 5 finale. What pulled me in what this delightful charm the show seemed to have. I have no idea how to describe it, it was just a feel-good feeling. But the entire time I considered myself a brony, I enjoyed the show, but there was always something about it that didn't sit right with me. After re-watching some episodes, the problems with each became more and more clear and it makes me wonder why people think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread. The funny thing is, a lot of problems I had with the first 3 seasons vanished in Season 4, and Season 4 brought on 1 big problem that affected multiple episodes, which then carried into Season 5 but wasn't as big of a deal, and Season 5 has its own problems to deal with. The show is enjoyable on the majority, but it has a lot of major glaring problems that people seem to not notice or not care about (and this counts for all 5 seasons). I'm not necessarily one of those over-analyzers that nit-picks the show every time something doesn't go their way, but If you're curious and want me to elaborate more, PM me and we'll talk from there. You can have an opinion, and I can just as equally not understand it.
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