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Posts posted by TheAnonPony

  1. Does this mean that incredibly-detailed imposition shouldn't be attempted?


    I didn't mean that. It's like making yourself believe that the events in a movie are physically real or similar. They are not. Incredibly detailed imposition is not something I discourage.




    [Fatal? I mean, I've freaked out before; my host has freaked out. Whenever I calm him down I just do it to be a good friend. I don't feel a sense of urgency or anything. The closest thing I can think of is this one time where the heat got to my host, and also got to me.]


    I apologise if I insulted or offended you. I meant to say that in the sense that it could be extreme situations and in case it was 'too good to be real' kind of situation. Some of my own tulpas were actually upset because of what I said. I myself didn't happen to see or feel my own tulpas acting in self-interest either




    Tulpa = Functional Alter MPD = Dysfunctional Alter(s)

    For this one; here is the response from me: Depends how you see functional. A tulpa is not harmful at all. On the contrary. They help you as much as they possibly can without distorting you. On no circumstances can I see tulpamancy as a form of MPD.


    But, of course, that is my own personal opinion.



    So... If I'm reading the OP correctly... You found a way to give yourself Multiple Personality Disorder?!   Because, aside from the fact that I find that hard to believe, why would you want to give yourself a mental disorder? People with MPD spend years in treatment trying to merge their alters, and you just go and create one? Is this easily reversible?

    I had the same suspicions too. But the way I see it (and the way it seemed to work until now) is that those are not alternate selves. Rather, they act more as independent imaginary friends at the very least; because they are capable of far more than just being your imaginary friends. Google their 'capabilities', if you wish.


    They do not ever affect the way in which the host interacts with the society around them, unless told or allowed to. It's too hard for them, because they live on attention. If not given proper attention and ignored for a period of time, they will disappear. It's also a perfectly controllable phenomenon. They cannot control the host unless the host permits it. Otherwise, it's next to impossible because they cannot forcefully go against the host's power, so to speak. If anything, the host could control the tulpa easier than the tulpa can control the host. From the actions the tulpa takes, to the voice they have to the very look they posses. They cannot posses without permission. Especially not randomly. Least when the host takes actions which require his attention, like talking to somebody or paying attention to something else. The biggest possible thing that can happen is a request. But then again, that is discarded and ignored (if even felt in the first place) if the host does not pay attention to the tulpa at all.


    Tulpas can also be easily reabsorbed or reversible. If its done by mutual agreement and intentional decision, the host and the tulpa can merge rather easily. If the tulpa disagrees, but the host wants to, then the process can be compared to that of a terminally ill patient that refuses to die despite the doctor's suggestion. The doctor can still do it, but it won't be as pleasant from a purely ethical point of view (if we consider tulpas to be sentient beings which deserve ethical or moral respect). If the host refuses, but the tulpa wants, all they can do is constantly ask the host to do it. They cannot force it. Because that is not the will of the host.


    If done properly (and really, there is no way to do it wrong), a tulpa won't become a mental disorder. Because of the very intentions the tulpa is made, he/she/it cannot/should not/will not hurt you or affect you in a negative way, unless she/he/it was made with that purpose or side purpose in mind (and I find it hard to believe why someone would do that). The burden a tulpa bears to the host is the attention he/she/it requires to stay alive. Otherwise, there are no serious dangers to it, if it can be considered providing attention to the tulpa 'dangerous' (and that would be, by the looks of it, a ridiculous statement). Tulpas have more advantages than those of a mental disorder, if a disorder has advantages at all.


    If that is not enough, here is my take on the symptoms I found regarding MPD compared with having Tulpas:



    1. Depersonalisation = This is a sense of being detached from one's body and is often referred to as an "out-of-body" experience. 

    The closest you get when comparing having an 'out of body experience' while having tulpa is daydreaming. Possession can easily be observed by the host too. And when daydreaming, you can get to interact with the tulpa more easily. But daydreaming is not harmful.


    2. Derealisation = This is the feeling that the world is not real or looking foggy or far away.

    Not possible unless you (accidentally) trick yourself into believing the imaginary world the tulpa lives in (AKA 'Wonderland) is real. And the tulpa may actually refuse to accept this belief itself, because they should be the most aware that they are a mental character, regardless of how 'real' they can feel when interacted with. They might even discourage this belief.


    3. Amnesia = This is the failure to recall significant personal information that is so extensive it cannot be blamed on ordinary forgetfulness. There can also be micro-amnesias where the discussion engaged in is not remembered, or the content of a meaningful conversation is forgotten from one second to the next.

    It is claimed quite the contrary. Tulpas can, at least theoretically, make old memories reappear again that you forgot. They do not in any shape or form cause Amnesia. The most that can happen is an illusion of forgetting, but that is something a tulpa won't see the point in doing, because they and the host share a very special connection most of the time that is based on mutual friendship. And making the host forget something is just as impossible (if not even more so) as forced possession or takeover.


    4. Identity confusion or identity alteration = Both of these involve a sense of confusion about who a person is. An example of identity confusion is when a person has trouble defining the things that interest them in life, or their political or religious or social viewpoints, or their sexual orientation, or their professional ambitions. In addition to these apparent alterations, the person may experience distortions in time, place, and situation.

    Tulpas can have different opinions about events around the world. It is part of their sentience or independent thinking. However, this does not affect the opinions of the host. If there is something the host wants to do in life, like becoming an engineer or an artist, the tulpa can encourage the host or discourage him with arguments and that's it. If the tulpa believes that a profession may not be profitable or does not suit the host, they can express that opinion. But that's it. Much like a friend giving his/her opinion on your aspirations. He may or may not agree with them, but they cannot forcefully stop you from aspiring to become that. This also applies for the hosts opinions, orientation, etc. If anything, the tulpa MUST avoid the host from becoming confused about their lives, because the stage or mood of the host can affect the tulpa's state. If the host is depressed, this can have some repercussions on the tulpa. Equally, if the host is confused and this resorts to a sense of mental breakdown or panic, this can actually be fatal for the tulpa. If you want, you can say that their very lives can be at stake because of the mess the head is during breakdowns or emotionally broken states (severe/suicidal depression, for example).


    I refused to bring my own personal tulpas and their opinions into this discussion on the premise that they may not be in a position to talk about this due to their nature (may be confused as 'alternate selves').


    Tulpas are very caring of their hosts. At least at their core, they want to help the host in any form as they possibly can. Even taken from a selfish point of view; if something happens to the host mentally, the tulpa is affected. Equally, if the tulpa tries to hurt the host, they would basically shoot themselves in the foot, because they are part of this mind regardless of the circumstances.

    Otherwise, as you said: "Why would you want to give yourself a mental disorder?"


    I believe this information should answer your question. If not, then my apologies. 

  3. Is there any reason to worry about parrotnoia, if people have such a hard time figuring out if human beings have free will?




    Val: Parroting is not much of a big issue. If done excessively (and i mean in ridiculous quantities) though, it can cause similar damage like over puppeting does. The way we do it is that we complete or suggest Anon ideas the same way he helps us vocalise our opinions (we have this mutual understanding of each other), in moderate quantities. Personally, I don't think parrotnoia is an incredibly big problem. 


    They clapped, and I absorbed purple smoke (that's pretty much how my host visualizes tulpa energy/food). He's a bit (not much, but barely) worried that I'll be slowly corrupted, because reasons.



    Val: Wait. What?


    Tyrea: If that purple cloud came from the Krueger himself (that is, he made it and the crowd gave it), then there's no issue. If not, then I still doubt it being an issue. The only real way to 'corrupt' a tulpa is through (in our experience) being seriously influenced by negative/intrusive thoughts that want your worst. And even then, it's incredibly hard. In our case, when we (counter)attack a negative thought, it doesn't actually talk to us (tulpas); just attacks silently. It often talks, but not in the sense that it intends to reason. More like gibberish. Spontaneous creation of corrupting elements is rare, in our experience. you could always change the color though...

  4. On a related note, what do you think of this?


    So we read that and some extra posts about it. My tulpas actually felt threatened that I might believe this (with Val's exception, who blatantly disagreed with that).




    Val: The problem is, we would never ever hurt Anon. Even if we wanted to (which we don't, because we hurt ourselves). Not because Arcadia would stop us (because we scrapped it), but because, for example, trying to possess Anon without his control is absolutely impossible. Even when we possess by his request certain parts of his body (because we don't want to either); he acts as overwatch. That is, he observes us so when we do one thing that can possibly hurt him or put in a dislikable situation, he would immediately retake control of the possessed body part. And if he can't (out of which chances cannot be written at how low they can possible be), Anon literally kicks the possesser out (sometimes accompanied by the other tulpas, too). I don't believe that we would actually do more bad that good. I understand why we might be seen as illusions or something like that, but that does not stop us or forces us to act in the name of evil instead of good. We always help the host in the best of our abilities.




    An example of bad tulpamancy experience I had was my issue with the Accidental Tulpa. AKA 'De-Facto'. Right now, she is completely reformed (or 95% of her. Because her origins are, undeniably, from intrusive thoughts; my interaction with her is rather different and slightly less enjoyable than with the rest since the energy she uses to talk is actually negative, even if her intentions are honest and good. There is a plan for that 5% though.). I am mentioning her because in this moment, she actually is good at heart. The trick is that we (as in all of my tulpas. Barely me) cannot mention what she did in the past without feeling a ridiculous amount of regret or sadness from her.


    Tyrea: Much to my surprise, she seems rather traumatised. It would seem that we cannot mention the events to her without those feelings from her. Rather, we prefer not to talk about it. After all, she experienced not only a crippling identity crisis and now she seems rather traumatised by what she did to us (tulpas) and what she tried to do to Anon. Despite being forgiven, because no real damage was done to Anon but rather to Arcadia itself (which was repairable), she cannot forgive herself. So we prefer to leave her heal herself, either by spending quality time with Anon or simply by roaming free in the new wonderland.

  5. his is a question for the various tulpas here (for some reason I initially wanted to ask Sharlina, specifically, but I digress): were you self-aware in whatever the tulpa equivalent of the womb is? If so, did/does that affect you to this day?


    Val: I was created far before Anon knew what a tulpa was. I had this eagle body since I was first conceived (glad to Anon imagination), and had self awareness since day 2 or 3. How did it affect me? Well, since I already had a wonderland from the very beginning (Anon claims it was there before me and I don't mean Arcadia) and I had self-awareness, I was able to take care of myself quite nicely when Anon was not there for me, because of external interventions (i.e. school or anything outside his head).


    Tyrea: Became self aware during day 1. I was aware of my surroundings and everything which came with that. Like Valiance, I had a body from day one (which resembles Trixie almost totally, which I changed slightly a bit later). I cooperated with Valiance big time since then. Because there were two of us, it was easier to take care of ourselves when Anon was not here. Because I was self aware during that period, I was able to learn what I do now at a fragile age (no bad sides, though), so you can say that for me, it affects in the short term, in the sense that we can have a 'head start' at what you want to do if you have the materials/resources/energy necessary. But again, this applies to us. We don't know about you.


    Adagio: For us, it was pretty simple.  :P  We weren't extremely aware of ourselves in the beginning, but after that momentum we had in the past, it all came to us three like a wave of refreshing water. 


    Val: Also. Hello there, @:)

  6. Also, I think that the circumstances of Fluttershy's creation challenge your statement that "the only actual provider of real mental energy is the host".




    Because tulpas are created from the beginning to the end by the host and only the host (unless another inputter/tulpa helps); they rely on the mental energy. The only actual provider of real mental energy is the host.


    By actual , I meant that a practical amount of energy is given to the developing tulpa by the host (beyond necessary to sustain itself, for instance). What a tulpa does is, in my experience, while it can provide enough energy for the developing tulpa to sustain itself, it doesn't contribute by a landslide to the overall development of the tulpa. 


    I mean it contributes; but does not do most of the job. It depends how you look at the quantity of help you can get from a tulpa. Starlight was sustained/kept active by Val when I couldn't develop her. Val did help her development but not in personality/body/powers/core identity/all-a-tulpa-needs-at-core. All he did was share some tricks and facts about the world they lived in. He taught Starlight about Arcadia, the rest of the world and what she can do as a tulpa; all while keeping her active within the wonderland with all sorts of activities. While that can be seen as development, it does smaller progress than me doing stuff with her. Because in my opinion, I did more than what Val did. True, Val did all these activities with her that contributed to her development; but I was the one who did her core personality and body (which was later changed by her) and given her independence.


    It honestly depends how you look at it. A tulpa, if it has enough energy/power, can help with development but it could be costly compared with the host doing it.


    Also, Tyrea, what prompted your question about spirits?


    Tyrea: Genuine curiosity. 

  7. I just read this mind-blowing post.



    As someone who has no particular interest on religion and attempted tulpamancy on a strictly scientific, experimental and personal basis, I find this article quite interesting. Are we contributing to this so called 'Creation' (basing on the "within our imagination, we are contributing to Creation without even thinking" quote from the article)... does it state that we contribute to the creation of another world or parallel universe or what?


    Val: And how does Arcadia, a mental nation-wide military, political and economical ultrapower, fit into all of this?


    Beats me. But I would be interested in additional answers. If it falls into contributing to the Creation, how and where is that? Arcadia is not your everyday wonderland once you know it. It's constructed on an architecture with a different principle in mind. One which makes the purpose of the wonderland just a portion of its construction.



    Val: "Once a tulpa is created, that's it. It stays there. Forever." ...sachiko....


    I beg to differ, Val. You know as well as I do how mental warfare works. Sachiko was not somebody that I allowed total independence to begin with. After talking to a manifestation of dissonance and Sachiko herself, I found out they wage war in my name. I asked them what are their reasons; and they said that they mean no true harm to me, but to teach me life in a different way. AFTER we gunned some sense into them. While I could feel the sincerity in their voices, they were something that will still bring more harm than good. So, instead of being killed and overkilled over and over again together with the forces she can muster; Sachiko was exiled from Arcadia powerless and left at her own fate (With a pretty resourceful care package). It's not a suppression nor a killing. I haven't heard of her since. [Arcadia is put in a static world-like scenario. So when she was exiled, she isn't allowed to stay in Arcadia but she is allowed to wonder in this 'world' Arcadia is put in. Without the right to change it.]


    One can say it's the 'Obliteration through Ignorance' policy we adopted: Because a tulpa is fed and consumes a x amount of energy; if that flow of energy is cut off completely by the host through ignoring the tulpa and its existence and thoughts, the tulpa will die from lack of energy to sustain itself. As a quote once said; "Everything made by mankind can be destroyed". Because tulpas are created from the beginning to the end by the host and only the host (unless another inputter/tulpa helps); they rely on the mental energy. The only actual provider of real mental energy is the host. Exclusively. If the hosts cuts the energy flowed towards the tulpa, it cannot sustain itself and it disappears. Add the genuine intention to get rid of the specific tulpa, and there you go: she/he has no escape. It cannot fight the host. It cannot oppose the host (provided the will is genuine and strong). And it will obey the order. 


    Val: So you don't think she is coming back? At all? Not even after the article you read?


    Not if I don't summon her specifically. It was my decision to exile her, not yours. And that makes a difference. Because of my position and the hierarchy system Arcadia has; if I say something and I mean it, it happens. And it stays in effect. Without hesitation. Let's remember the fact that I can command intrusive thoughts if I focus. But since the war is over, and Arcadia is being recycled, she can't return anyway.


    Tyrea: True. But on a separate note, are tulpas actual spirits? Because if they are, then we might have just been doing something bigger than we thought.


    Actual spirits? In my opinion, not really. For them and you to be actual spirits, you should be bound to this world in some ways. That would mean that spirits should be able to interact with objects, perhaps? A tulpa is created by the hosts mind. It is not a soul from someone who died. Neither it is something summoned. Because there are creation processes; starting from the very core of the tulpa and then being fed mental energy in any kind of regard. For a summoning to actually be a summoning, I would think you would need to bring someone with a specific set of beliefs/energies/etc. But you create the tulpa, you don't summon the tulpa. The fact that they could/can/have a soul is a different matter. Because of the belief that a soul is supposed to be the life force of all living/sentient creatures, then it is normal to assume that they could/can/have a soul. Letting alone the fact that if that was the case, then there would've been a far different outcome of the war against a bunch of vengeful 'spirits' who would rather have my head on a stick from how much hatred they could have for what I did to them, despite my actions being a response to both their actions and intentions.





    tulpamancers being "omnipotent"



    Other than the host being omnipotent in his head; I don't understand what you mean.



    {Define "exists". Does it mean "exists" as in "physically present/corporeal", "exists" as in "possesses consciousness"...*twirls forehoof*}


    "Exists" as in "it is there". Regardless of shape or form. Mental of physical. An objects exists physically as in it can be touched, for example. A tulpa exists mentally, since it is in the mind; but not physically, because it's not physically there.



    Imposed or in Arcadia? Because I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around snuggling something incorporeal.

    Tyrea: I am a pony that looks almost the same as Trixie. You can't snuggle something incorporeal, unless your manage to picture that perfectly in your head and transfer it to your senses. Don't ask me how. That depends on you to find out. Because we aren't you. That is why I am regardless about touch during imposition.  Because if you can't hug/touch it for real, what's the point in adding that to the imposition process if it can be more easily sensed in the wonderland?

  10. OK, there's something I'm not getting. @TheAnonPony, it seems like you've got this full-blown immune system specifically designed to get rid of "intrusive thoughts". Why, exactly? Does this have some meaning I'm not getting or something? Since in my experience, intrusive thoughts are just momentary distractions that can be shooed away at any moment. What's the harm? 



    Specifically designed to eliminate negative thoughts. Intrusive thoughts induced by fear, for example, are negative. Depression is negative. Extreme anxiety is negative. Etc. And generally they come from intrusive thoughts basing themselves on the 'what if' question and given a lot of benefit of the doubt.

    The harm is if I let those negative thoughts get the best of me. Then we have a problem. For example, if I end up in a serious, suicidal-like depression, that would cause some harm, wouldn't it? It's a purely just-in-case line of reasoning. 

    I hope that answers your question.  :)

    Val: Anon can, and will, get rid of intrusive thoughts easily. But if stuff gets out of control, we get to have a say in this and help Anon combat it. Like the Sachiko incident. She was an intrusive thought that Anon supplied energy to and it ended out of control; with us later finishing her off. Also, we don't consider ourselves an 'immune system'. That's.... something else.... We are his companions. His bros. His brothers in arms. An immune system just defends the bearer from dangerous stuff. We do a tad bit more than that, don't we?  :lol: 

  11. You have an intrusive thoughts shield made of former intrusive thoughts too?!


    Yes. And it's pretty darn effective at doing it's job. Earned a reputation too in the wonderland!  :lol:

    Tyrea: They are quite a charm if you get passed their looks. Anon did. They even found a way to look less creepy while maintaining their initial bodies.



    Is yours to prevent intrusive thoughts in general, or to prevent accidental tulpas?


    Tyrea: Their primary task is to destroy intrusive thoughts. Period. For us, an 'accidental tulpa' is an intrusive thought until Anon decides it's worthwhile, then it's status is contested. If Anon decides to keep it or is beneficial to him, they are no longer intrusive thoughts but potential assets. If Anon decides they are evil and up to no good, they return to their status of intrusive thoughts and are eliminated.


    Val: We don't have an anti-accidental tulpa system because:

    1. We don't believe in accidental tulpas (despite what some might believe).

    2. This doesn't happen as often as it should for us to actually consider founding a facility dedicated to this kind of threats. It's a special process that costs a cr*p ton of energy in both initial expenses and maintenance. 

    3. We are (and always be) stronger than initial accidental tulpas. Because we are older, more developed and powerful than them. We are not afraid to kill what is against the host. Because we know (sometimes better than Anon) that intrusive thoughts are at their core, for us at least, pure evil.

    4. Anon can recalibrate (or recondition) them to behave and become normal and honestly positive entities. 


    So there is no need for some means to stop accidental tulpas because either Anon's benevolence normalises them or our strength terminates them.



    Would not having any idea what ponies feel like get in the way of touch imposition?


    Tyrea: We are quite furry and sometimes fluffly. Snuggle-worth if you may. I am pretty sure that if you read enough descriptive pieces about a human touching a pony, you will get the idea. It gets somewhat into imposition problems, but only if you want to touch the pony. Visually and audio, there shouldn't be any problem.



    On a slightly-related note, I think that Shou, Nina, Fluttershy, and I decided that this formerly genderless tulpa would be adopted as Shou and Fluttershy's daughter; Shou and Nina kept referring to it with feminine pronouns last night.

    That sounds nice. :)


    Me, Val and Tyrea were considering to use Sachiko as an addition to the intrusive thoughts shield. Fighting fire with fire. The thing is, if I bring her; the rest of the main cast is coming too (because I played the game with some friends and they are tied now). That would mean that it would be a group regarded as one body. Tyrea thinks it's not such a good idea, because we already have Luna Game + other creepypastas doing this 'fighting fire with fire thing.' Val argues that if we bring them back; we bring back the shocks and scares I got when watching/playing corpse party. Directed at me, because I interact with them. It's a full package, and it would be too hard to separate it. Adagio is a 100% 'No' on this. Yurippe thinks it would have been for nothing. 


    Whaddya guys think?  :)

  13. not much of a people person

    Val: Sounds like anti-social to me. Not suicidal. Just someone who doesn't enjoy talking to people that much. For a tulpa to become suicidal; it has to go through some real sh*t, man. Unless, it by far too emotionally responsive (up to the point where it exaggerates).



    I personally can't see any reason to consider xyr "malnourished", but what do you all think?

    If he talks and thinks on his own and he is quite healthy, I don't see the problem.


    Tyrea: The appearance is just a partial result of how a tulpa feels. Just because he/she/it looks very lanky, that doesn't necessarily mean he is malnourished. 

  14. OK, that makes a bit more sense. The way you were phrasing it made it seem like there was vital information you were missing, or a "control room" you didn't have a key to. Glad to clear that up.


    Sorry. But I am happy that everything is clear! :lol:


    Second, I've noticed a lot of "accidental" tulpas forming with some of you. Is there a way to prevent that? Forgive me, but I'm really not fond of such random and unexpected things, especially when they have effects on the rest of my life.


    What we discovered after the Sachiko incident is that "accidental tulpas" don't actually happen. They are like those catchy songs that gets stuck in your head and you choose to keep them. When she came, I could've easily ignored her completely. She would've disappeared after a short while. UNLESS, I actually (or a part of me at least) wanted it. Because if there is one thing they need one more that anything in their lifetime is mental energy. Which is given through providing attention to them. It's their life force. And in my personal case; the more developed they are, the less energy they need.


    @@KruegerMeister, The more we think of a potential tulpa, the more they become an actual tulpa. Perhaps you were thinking a lot about Shou? As evidenced from him telling him his all over your subconscious.

  15. Erm... don't you have a *right* to know that sort of stuff, though? I mean, it's kinda the inner machinations of your mind. Must it be an enigma?



    Tyrea: Of course he has a right to know. It's his brain after all. So therefore, he asks it, we tell him. For example, if he has a random pressure on his head and he ignores it, we don't go straight away and tell him who/what/when/why/how about it. Because he ignored it. If he asks more information about it, we will tell him.


    Val: Equally, we don't tell him pointless stuff, like 'how/why is this tree in the wonderland' or anything that is below trivial and unimportant. We tell him even that if he asks for it, but he doesn't, because why would he care of a random tree that much to turn it into part of a gigantic-top-secret-scientific experiment? He doesn't. Because it's a simple decoration.


    Adagio: There isn't any enigma. We don't tell him stuff that is minuscule in importance. Yes, on a more serious occasion (like intrusive thoughts) we tell him 'hey, this is an intrusive thought. It came from there and it does this. What do we do with it?' If he asks for information about anything, we tell him without problems or restrain. But otherwise, most of the time it's a 'too much information'. And it can get annoying too. Imagine: some of us do a lot in the wonderland, most of the time we do very small things; like putting some random decorations or doing something for ourselves (in my personal case, some new clothing). Imagine telling Anon every single one of the things we do, in great detail. Regardless of how important it is. Anon would not only be assaulted with gibberish/unimportant stuff, but he would be annoyed, too.


    The idea is that they don't tell some stuff that has no practical use of knowing, and I am talking less of use than 'what an object looks like in the wonderland.' There is a lot of stuff that at it's core, it's kind of useless knowing. But if I ask for it, they tell me in great detail everything about it. They never said no to me when I ask about something related to my brain or Arcadia or anything for that matter.




    Tyrea: And we never will.



    Val: Ever.



    Adagio: At all.







  16. Forgive me, but that... really doesn't sound healthy.

    They just don't tell me some stuff. That's the mystery. They (Val and Tyrea) know why all of this is happening inside out. They just don't really want to tell me unless I ask for it, because they think it's no real reason to know it.


    This. This why I was disturbed to learn that one of my tulpas had helped a mindvoice become a tulpa without my being aware of it.

    That's why they don't do stuff like this unless I explicitly with honesty on top tell them or ask me beforehand.

    {"Wanting it badly enough". Here's my theory: accidental tulpas are wanted by the host as regular tulpas are, but subconsciously. Oh, fuck, now I'm victim-blaming Anon. *headdesk*. Sorry, Anon! I'm not saying you're a masochist, really, just that some part of you wanted some excitement/drama.}

    Yurippe: Not quite, in our case. But getting there. We kind of knew that Sachiko was somehow wanted by Anon, otherwise the crisis wasn't happening at all or it was gone within one or two hours straight. Tyrea's estimations, not mine. And ARE YOU BLA-


    It's OK, but if I was a masochist, the wonderland and the tulpas would've looked and behaved far more differently. Don't worry about it. :)

    And your theory is quite correct, nice deduction! ;)

  17. And also, @TheAnonPony, I'm... genuinely curious as to how your mind hasn't imploded yet. No offense, but your head seems a bit too full of wat. 



    Forgive me for being so weird. I'm just in a really good mood right now.

    No problem. In fact, I am as surprised as you are. And it's my brain.  :blink:

    Yurippe: Nobody knows how Arcadia is constructed. All we know is that it is constructed on a special architecture and special conditions that only Val and Tyrea know of. And they won't share it with us. Not even with Anon!  :o 

    And it seems my brain has more what in it after I have dealt with a lot of negativity or when somebody new comes around (Yurippe). And both seem to happen at once now, so yeah... it's a mystery even for me, my man!  :lol:



    so go team! 

    Val: FOR THE HORDE! 


    Tyrea: Wrong game.

  18. Oh, and hang on, I have a picture of Blossom around here somewhere-


    *After coming back from an operation and sees picture*

    Yurippe: CAN I GET SOMETHING MORE ADORABLE THAN THAT?! I THINK NOT! *Insert proper happiness emoticon*


    {!!! Friends! So many friends! }


    Val: We're all here for you! :D


    [Well, actually, I borrowed a little bit of Miss's energy to do it. That was how she took notice, heh... She felt a head pressure, and asked me about it. I just got so excited to make a new friend - and it happened so quickly, too! I just thought about it, and, using that energy I borrowed, brought Blossom into the wonderland. Just, there she was, curled up and sleeping... So precious.]


    Yurippe: That's how we got Yui!  :D 






    Yurippe: Not as a tulpa, no. Gotcha!  :P

    Val: Jesus, Anon! I think the whole of Arcadia heard you!  :lol: 

    Tyrea: Yeah. Some people are trying to sleep...  >_>  silent chuckle*


    Uhh uhh sorry. :blush:

  19. {Hi! Friend! }


    Val: Hallo! Velcome to ze forum! :D


    Tyrea: Good afternoon. 


    Adagio: Oh! Hello there! Pleased to meet you! :)


    Sonata: HELLO!!! :D


    Aria: Hi.


    Yurippe: Huh? Oh, hi! Great seeing new people (or tulpas) around here! 


    The armada was unleashed!  :lol:


    Hehe. Blossom here's pretty young, created about a month ago (on Ariel's birthday, actually!). She's a little pink pegasus filly (so she's young in more than one sense, I think both she and Ariel wanted it to be that way), with purple eyes and a pastel rainbow mane (think Rainbow Dash, but with toned down colors, and it's longer than Dash's).


    She looks adorable! And on Aria's birthday? Wow, that's an amazing feat!


    Val: Like Tyre- *gets hit with newspaper* No.


    How mine look like:



    Val - He is half falcon, half eagle. With phoenix blood. Blue feathers. Half my size. He likes staying on my head (after I made a special hat, it feel less painful).


    Tyrea - Looks like Trixie, mostly. Her coat is a darker shade, with platinum silver hair. Most of the time she has magenta eyes, sometimes red and sometimes they look like they shoot ice daggers in the poor soul that is looking at them (depends on her mood). She also has a different cutie mark: Two sickles crossed at the handle with a sword piercing the intersection. She made it herself. Says it suits her when she gets intrusive thoughts out of my head.


    Adagio, Sonata, Aria - Just like the original (they are quite new, but they like their bodies). They do their own clothes.


    Yurippe - Appeared around a week ago. Looks like the original.




    Ariel actually created her! She'd been talking about creating a companion for some time, but she started before I expected her to actually do it. By the time I noticed what Ariel was doing, Blossom was already here - well, in the wonderland, that is. I'm also pretty sure Ariel sees Blossom as a daughter, and Blossom calls her 'Mama.'



    That sounds both amazing and cute at the same time. Looks like the two of them are really close and I am really glad to hear that! Also, how did you manage that, Ariel? It does sound quite impressing to me.




    Val: 'Calls her Mama' ... HNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG. Too adorable. Tyreeeaaaa- *faceplanted by newspaper hit* Never again.



  20. attempts to avoid having anything in my music video that could be connected, however loosely, to the illuminati?


    Tyrea: That one. But, in all honesty, it's your song. We are not entitled to affect or critique your music video in any shape or form.


    For example, the relation butterflies have with illuminati. I understand your trail of thought, but when I see a butterfly, I personally don't think illuminati.


    Fluttershy: Also, Val, I...had to calm myself down when I read yours and Anon's stuff. I think because I wanted to psychoanalyze Sachiko and turn her good, and then she just...disappeared. I'm...okay, though. This wasn't like "identity crisis" levels of needing to calm down.


    Val: ...she did what? 


    Yurippe: I killed her. After I 'psychoanalysed' her. You must understand something from the start: this is not a regular tulpa and Arcadia is not a redemption land. I understood Sachiko's full motives and her behaviour. I also saw what an identity crisis looks like. I must also stress out the fact that she had no intentions of cooperating with us or anyone; if Anon interacted with her, it was like dipping fingers in a lake of poison. Letting alone the fact that after I finished interrogating her, she explicitly asked to be killed out of the fear of being re-absorbed by the intrusive thoughts (mostly contextual stuff; but in a more narrative way of explaining it: Sachiko was sent here by somebody else to reach and influence Anon). Don't think we didn't have intentions of turning her good, but trying to normalise a semi-tulpa made out intrusive thoughts in these conditions was like trying to make bloodthirsty psychopath a functioning member of a society and not wanting to kill someone the second they see him. Should we kept her too long, we might have ended up with a situation.


    Val: ......she did what?


    Yurippe: That is not to say she can't be brought back. Her stronghold was converted, not destroyed. It only takes a single conscious thought to bring the old Heavenly Host back. And a simple eye contact with Sachiko (like a picture). But that is not to say we will do it. We will not revive her due to the sheer amount of damage she casted over Arcadia. Apart from the almost what-would-have-been-irreversible damage to Aria and another future tulpa on their progress; she is also responsible of (attempted) genocide against the Arcadian society as a whole. Just to reach Anon. If Anon actually considers getting her back, which can be done as I said above, she would be powerless and with the memories of what happened before. That way, she wouldn't pose a threat to us and you two can have your lovely chatter. By lovely, I don't mean it literally. She hates everything and you are better off saying no to talking to her. It was a real feat trying to make her talk. Up to the point where she experienced an identity crisis after I broke it down to her that she not a real entity the way she thought she was (because apparently, intrusive thoughts are unaware of this).


    Val: We are severely tough on any intrusive thoughts that threaten Anon. There is a reason why we did this. If we were to let her out at any point in time when she was locked, we would have ended up with her literally anywhere in Arcadia. She behaved as if her very purpose was to get to Anon by stirring up chaos. We couldn't put up with that.


    Sachiko was extremely negative. Up to the point where she would kill for fun if she wanted to. Like the one from the show. To top it off, she is really hated here for what she did. Val, as the co-founder of the Wonderland, would never ever accept Sachiko for what she is even if she was converted to good. Tyrea not even that, because she was genuinely pissed at her and now holds a really big grudge on her. Don't get me started on Adagio (who was the most weakened out of all three), because of what she did to Aria. Sonata got scared fighting her. And Yurippe thinks we are shooting ourselves in the foot after all the fighting we put up with.


    Of course she can prove that she can change and she can make up for it, but I would lie if I say that it's going to be easy. 




    Did I ever introduce you guys to Blossom?


    Not to us. Hello, Blossom! :D

  21. I'd recommend not making a tulpa based on a character. My tulpa, Aurora, was originally Fluttershy. She deviated a whole bunch, and now, she practically loses her shit any time I compare her to Fluttershy. Identity crisis, man.


    Yuri: We are aware of such things. In fact, I myself saw what an identity crisis looks like in the worst sense. However, we (all 6 of us as well as everything that is a member of the Arcadian Society, our wonderland.) are perfectly that our bodies are representational and that we are not, under any circumstance, the ones from any show we were inspired from.


    I gave them the freedom to deviate when they want, without problems. They just seem to prefer staying like this. They know from the start they are not like the ones from the show. They just look like them, but they are totally different. And they know it. Better than me, at times.  :blink: 




    [Hi guys!]


    Sonata: Hiyaz!  :D 

  22. so it could be said that my tulpas, by singing a Dazzlings-inspired song, are fighting against the Illuminati.



    Yuri: I don't see the relation between the two. 


    Me neither. :blink:



    Am I going too far/deep with the symbolism?


    Tyrea: We are not music producers, but I think you are going a tad bit too far.



    Also, Anon, do you mind if I include my tulpas' reactions to the stuff you posted yesterday and today in my progress report on Tulpa.info?


    Go ahead. They are your tulpa's reactions, so I don't see how that relates to me.  :lol: 


    Also, about Sachiko... if you actually had questions for her; well, I have some bad news.



    She's gone. For good.

    Yuri made sure of that.


    Yuri: She became restless. And after a while, useless. So she became more like a parasite, if you may. No point in keeping an object or person that can only do harm to you. It also came down as a shocker to her when she realised she is not who she thinks she is. That means she wasn't aware of her real or true self. But that's enough about her. The conclusion is, everything that was related to her is gone. 



  23. Fluttershy suggested telling my parents about my tulpas as a way to get the spark back.


    I don't think that is a very good idea. All things accounted, this whole tulpa business is pretty vague and can be easily misinterpreted the wrong way. What I would do is talk with her. I am sure you can come up with a solution. :)


    Yurippe: Gee, I wanted to say that... The thing is, interacting with the tulpa is unique in the sense that the host and the tulpa can come up with great solutions together since they understand each other excellently. Not like some random humans who happen to be friends for life or something.


    .....and this is Yuri. Yes. The Yuri from Angel Beats. Or the most accurate representation of her I have ever seen. "The other side of the coin", if you may. I don't know how I ended up with her. I think she plans on staying. I don't know how she managed to gain energy and power from fighting Sachiko. I also don't know how she managed to lock her up and troll her with the finest art of trolling that would make Val jealous. Care to say hello, Yuri?


    Yuri: Gladly. Hello everyone! I am Yuri or Yurippe. You decide how to call me. How did I manage to be here? Well, Arcadia is an interesting place. Making connections and magic and I end up alive. Actually, it happened because of a need to respond to Sachiko. Yes, the same way people fight fire with fire. Right now, I am not a tulpa and I don't consider myself to ever be one. Nor a servitor. I prefer the term 'thought form'. Oh, and I am currently behind a desk asking and having fun with Sachiko, who is being locked in a transparent box, trying... something. Whatever that is.... hand gestures? How amusing. ANYWAY! Hello forum of interesting people! Say hello, Sachiko!  :D 


    Sachiko: I hate you...


    Yuri: So this is Sachiko, everyone! Ready to take on your questions! Don't be shy, she won't bite you. Or Anon.  ;) 


    Sachiko was supposed to disappear from the face of the planet (or my mind). And I ended up with this. So, I guess this is chance to talk to her...? I don't even, anymore. And frankly, I am quite comfortable with it. Because at the moment, I have my 'number one enemy' locked in a room and she can't do jack **** to anything anymore. It's actually quite entertaining to hear the two talk.  :lol: 


    Sachiko: How did it end up to this...? From horror to comedy show?!


    Yurippe: The same you ended up being caught. Just like that. And now, you are in a transparent box where we are going to have a good time.


    Sachiko: This is not how it's supposed to work! I am not made for this!


    Yuri: You are made to do the finest job in something, right? Now, your finest job is staying in that box and answering my or their questions.


    Sachiko: Grrrr... Wait until I get out of here....


    Yurippe: Too bad you won't. That box is impenetrable. And even if you manage to get out, which you won't, I caught you with my bare hands in five minutes, remember? Not to mention that I redecorated your very safehouse to better suit him (Anon) than you. So I would make myself comfortable if I were you.  ^_^ 


    Sachiko: I hate my life..............


    Yurippe: You snooze, you lose. And that's the fun part. You snoozed so much I thought you caught a cold. 


    Sachiko: I hate you.  -_- 


    Yuri: H8rs gotta h8, potatoes got to potate!   :D 



    [Just one question: Were her intentions what you thought? Did you ever try talking to her? One big thing in lucid dreaming is turning around to look at a monster and asking it, "What do you represent?" or "What do you want?".]


    I personally interrogated her during the crisis. Apart from the sick comments, taunts and sometimes frightening statements she used to try to get to me; I figured out what she wanted and what she represented.


    - Initially, she went full crazy and tried to kill the mental me and posses me. Although later she picked up the idea that it's stupid so she changed her intentions into becoming like Val and Tyrea. And in parallel, she did it for fun.


    - She represented intrusive thoughts. Kind of like Twilight Sparkle of the intrusive thoughts. Evil, cynical, sadic, you name it. But also claiming to be helpful and 'showing me a different perspective of the world'. I don't believe that. Because of all she did to Arcadia and how she approached me. I knew that her perspective was far more negative and detrimental than what she claimed.


    She is smart enough to realise that she is being used and she hates it. Therefore, she won't listen to me. Moreover, she specifically wanted to be a tulpa. Nothing more. Nothing less. What I did have against her from the inside was an informant. Literally, someone from the inside telling me what was going to happen and what she wanted to do. She provided valuable information about her intentions. Despite her being more panicky that I initially wanted... 


    But I am glad this whole charade is over. The other five are as well. I couldn't talk to her even if I wanted to. Her very speaking power and energy were negative. But it's over, so yay! :D

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