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Discovery Dream

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Everything posted by Discovery Dream

  1. I liked it : ) I’m glad everyone ended up happy. I never doubted they would but it’s nice to see a definitive happily ever after. A nice lesson in “things change but friends still connect with each other”, as someone who recently went away to college it’s nice to see. Not to be a loser but the implied Fluttercord really sent me, I care about them ;_; Also really excited about Appledash, platonic or romantic. Mega cute. Neutral on Cheesepie. Overall wow the horses love each other 🦄/10
  2. Hey everyone! (I won't be using fandom-isms I'm afraid). It's been over 3 years since I last visited this forum. And indeed, it'd been about that long since I last kept up with our little horse cartoon. I'm a college sophomore now, though it seems I'm even less mature than I was when I was teenager. Or at least less inhibited. I fully embrace my love of video games, anime, and kiddie shows again, and so do my friends, so that's cool. I also came out as trans in real life and that's not going fantastic but it's not going badly either. Worry not, website that definitely doesn't remember me! I Am Thriving But no one comes here to just talk about everyday life. We are all united by our love for a really nice children's cartoon about friendship and rainbow ponies. And I'm actually super behind on it, so no spoilers for seasons 6-8, but I've gone back and watched some episodes Of Interest. Including The Final Problem, the episode of SUCH interest that my social media timelines usually flooded with anime were flooded with pony fanart instead. I really don't have much to say that's already said, and there's a lot that's old to fans now that's still new to me, but oh well. Figured I'd do a rundown of quick reactions since Wow I Care About Horses (And Other Assorted Magical Creatures): I fell in love with Sunburst at first sight but never got to any episodes past the one where he and Starlight meet up again. So I'm a fake fan I AM NOT A FAKE STARLIGHT FAN THOUGH. I adore her! She's one of my top favorites. I really like her x Twilight but no one seems to agree with me :sob: Apparently she and Trixie meet at some point though? That's extremely cute. I only have To Where And Back Again to go off of, so You ask why I've seen TWaBA if I stopped after season 5 and the answer is because I stalked the Fluttercord tag on tumblr long after I'd "grown up" and "moved on to other things" I care about that pairing so much that for a while after I left the fandom it was the only MLP thing I was still willing to talk about In hindsight that was pretty stupid of me since cringe culture is absolutely dead but that's a testament to how emotionally invested I am in a cartoon horse hypothetically dating the god of chaos My friend and I watched Discordant Harmony for the first time one night at around 2 AM and wound up crying real tears on the dorm room floor Oh yeah and also it Actually Canonically Happened baby my taste is NEVER wrong Cartoon pairings I like Happen. my love energy makes waves. Korrasami happened. Bubbline happened. Fluttercord? Happened : ) LYRABON HAPPENED TOO!! My power! My swag! Except Rarijack didn't happen but you can't win em all. Appledash is super cute and also gay rights so I'm not mad I'm Cheesepie neutral I'm just glad Pinkie Pie is happy. That's my GIRL I watched that Countess Coloratura episode. The songs went too hard. Also I loved Svengallop It's because he's a jerk and also has glasses. Love that APPARENTLY CADENCE AND SHINING ARMOR HAD A BABY? We'll watch that at some point she's super mega cute The CMC got their cutie marks, idk when that happened, and tbh I kinda hate them, but they're baby ponies and they love each other and that's more important We watched Flutter Brutter. I love Zephyr Breeze I know Big Mac and Sugar Belle get together BRO that's so cute horses in love is so dope BRUH I NEED TO KNOW HOW THEY CURED RACISM IN EQUESTRIA ALL I KNOW IS THAT IT HAPPENED (my guess is that they used the power of friendship) I saw some Cozy Glow (DAUGHTER. CHILD. I LOVE EVIL BABIES) but I missed aaalllll of that arc so IDK anything about the Changelings or where the dragons came from or who those yak creatures are I care about the yak girl. She is is big and strong and my friend I want to watch the movie soooo bad but whenever I brought it up in high school my friends thought I was joking : ( But not anymore. Ponies on main I want to meet that cat lookin guy And that's all I can think of. I miiiight stick around here while I watch the rest of the series but 1. IDK when that will happen and 2. I only have time for like 1 and a half websites nowadays anyway. Either way friendship is magic, thank you horse show, I will always love you
  3. Our show ended so I figured I'd come back one last time to give it the sendoff it deserves :)

    1. ShadOBabe


      Shows end, but fandom is eternal. XD

  4. hi i love sunburst goodnight

  5. If you hadn't noticed, I returned to the forums almost solely to deck out my profile with as much Sunburst love as possible. He's My Type in pony form. It finally happened. they made a nerdy megane pony
  6. He looks good, and I trust him. I will gladly hug this pony
  7. I don't like it and feel that if you're going to be making mature content of the show, then you need to set up your own space separately, away from search engines and such; it's a kids' show and kids search for it on the internet, and as older members of the community we need to make it a priority to make MLP a safe space for its target audience.
  8. i have new art of my OC but the sun son looks so cute so i guess i'll keep him

  9. Do people still make "ponysonas"? I revamped mine. Name: Discovery Dream Race: Unicorn Gender: Male Eye Colour: Dark steel blue Appearance: Average build; cyan coat w/ white rims around the eyes. Curly, light gray mane & tail of medium length with streaks of darker gray and blue. Cutie Mark: Ocean wave & an orange nautilus shell Hobbies: science experiments of varying safety levels, drawing, studying pretty much everything Backstory: Discovery was born, raised, and still lives in Canterlot. He earned his cutie mark on a family trip to the beach, his special talent being his ability to learn and memorize facts and trivia quickly (representing the "sea of knowledge", if you will). His eagerness to learn and good problem solving skills earned him top marks early on in school, though education later on become a challenge when Discovery began to shirk work to do trivial research in the library instead. Other Info: his magic reflects his talent: he is most adept at memory spells (to jog his own memory, mostly) and can write without need for a pen or pencil. Additionally, he has an affinity for water magic. he currently works as an independent researcher, and writes articles on the side. just me as a pony more or less Full artwork here
  10. Twilight Sparkle is who I am as a person, and I'm glad such a bright, caring, easily anxious, and stubborn person gets to be the main character of a TV show, especially one for young girls. She is incredibly smart and by-the-book, but can get too absorbed in her own goals and ambitions sometimes, and she's still learning how to manage her work anxiety. Twilight forms a great deal of her identity from her intelligence and her status as a good friend and I do too, so I really love her.
  11. I am a My Little Pony verteran and let me tell you...the amount of similar names I memorized was absurd. Rainbow Dash vs. Rainbow Flash? No difference to my parents, but it was an important distinction: one was pink, mom, and the other was blue!! I guess that's why I have less of a problem with the similar names than others?? I'm just used to it lmao They are both lovely ladies and I will defend them
  12. Hello there friends...I think that we need a thread for a very important stallion thanks to this season's premiere. Rules: no profanity no bullying/flaming/what have you...this is a MLP forum! We're all friends here. no NSFW images! thank you
  13. I only ever seem to watch the two-parters anymore, because I find them the most engaging and fun to watch having mostly moved on to other things. I still love Starlight Glimmer. I'm glad she's joined the cast, and she's very cute. I thought the overall storyline was a bit silly, but hey, talking technicolor horses aren't exactly a logical concept. The only thing I thought was weird was that I had assumed alicorn-ness was genetic; it would make sense in a hereditary principality and all, but I guess that wasn't the case. Oh well My favorite, favorite part was the subplot with Starlight and Sunburst, almost entirely because I think Sunburst is an adorable delight with a great design and a relatable personality. I liked the whole "sometimes you don't grow up to be what you expected to be" thing, and his issues in school. It was a small thing that I probably shouldn't be blowing out of proportion, but I really appreciated the writers throwing that in there. It's reassuring. Anyways, nice premiere overall.
  14. i logged in bc i just watched the season 6 two parter and i love sunburst. ok bye

  15. I picked AJ! She's family-oriented and committed to the truth, which would make her a good political leader. She's also a hard worker and doesn't give in to stress easily, and tries hard to be an open listener. I'd have picked Twilight, but I think her anxious tendencies would get in the way of being effective.
  16. I'm rewatching The Mane Attraction and Svengallop's cutie mark is a trash can probably

  17. Note that I like them all! Fantastic characters, every one of them. 1. Twilight Sparkle: I relate a LOT with her, from the pressure she puts on herself to her love of logic, science, and rationality. Her job description can be summed up as "wizard librarian princess" and I think that's great. I've really connected with her in particular since Lesson Zero aired; we have a lot of the same anxieties. I see why some might not like her, but I really identify with her a lot. 2. Pinkie Pie: She loves to make people laugh and so do I, and I envy her endless optimism. But she's also shown to have a lot of insecurities and I think that's important. 3. Applejack: She has a big family and I can relate! She's always true to herself and tends to be blunt, which I like. 4. Fluttershy: Beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure 5. Rarity: I can't really identify with a lot of her traits outside of her theatrics, so she scores a bit low; but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that she's a feminine character whose love of fashion, glamour, and other things often depicted as "superficial" is never ONCE delegitimized. 6. Rainbow Dash: She's a sports pony, making her the character I connect with the least by far, but she's got some great development that I can appreciate nonetheless.
  18. I'm in!! Starlight is too precious! She has the best expressions IMO: And she is super cute <3 (Click the artworks for sources)
  19. SO I managed to re-submerse myself in the hellpit that is technicolor cartoon horses, so here's my overall thoughts: Top favorite (new) characters this season were Starlight Glimmer, Coloratura, and Svengallop. Two pieces of garbage and a cinnamon roll for good measure. (It's the hair.) Hate the CMC's cutie marks! Hate 'em! But there's no lasting animosity. It's just a cartoon. I just dislike the shields and wished they had more individuality about them. Whatever. Both Discord episodes were A+, 1000000/10. I love this chaos god so much, holy lord. What a loser. What a dweeb. And his interactions with Fluttershy are always so sweet to watch. And of course, there's the 100th episode. What a mess. What a fun, zany, cartoony mess; it was a trip and I have to say that I quite enjoyed it! And LyraBon is canon. It is confirmed. Fight me I'm in tears just looking at this image. They're girlfriends And I suppose if we're talking ships, here's some more to add to the pile: Childhood fillyfriends? Yeah. I dig it. We've all had the summer camp experience. Some of us never forget it. YIKES WHOOPS THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR Too late now. I want the purple unicorns to date
  20. I'm hoping so, honestly. She's a real cutie pie. She'll likely be a sixth ranger as described above, though.
  21. I'll be honest, I haven't really been into the show that much, and likely never will be as enthusiastic about it as I was two years ago. But it's still cute and I derive enjoyment from it, and perhaps it was my absence from the fandom, but I seemed to receive Starlight's Freudian excuse a lot more favorably than most. I suppose it is a bit unrealistic and hard to believe, but hey, this show's always been exaggerated in most everything, so I can buy it. And she's so cute, besides! So what I'm saying here is that I am 100% ready for more Starlight Glimmer. It was said she is skilled at magic in her own way, and we see that she and Twilight are an even match; this also seems to be controversial from what I can tell, but I thought it was sort of nice to hear that Twilight isn't the only magically-gifted pony in Equestria. It gives them a common interest and talent that they can bond over, you know? I'd like to look into how Starlight got her cutie mark and how she reacted. I love villains, I love redemption arcs, I love it all. Not Starlight-related: I'm always in the mood for Fluttershy and Discord, the Princesses, and fluffy slice-of-life episodes in between quests to save the world.
  22. The minute I saw time travel I knew it had to be good. I love Starlight Glimmer and I'm glad her true self, not clouded by jealousy or loneliness, got to show in the end. This is such a fluffy, cute show filled with fluffy, cute things, and I'm here for it.
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