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Discovery Dream

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Everything posted by Discovery Dream

  1. Starlight Glimmer is so good and I have to protect her

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf
    2. Discovery Dream
    3. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      Ok but tbh even if I agreed she was evil, which I kinda do, I would still defend her to her grave. Like, I liked SVENGALLOP. I have no standards

  2. I ship AJ x Coloratura OH NO.... In all seriousness I really liked this episode. It had some great character interactions and, to be completely honest, I loved Svengallop as a villain and found him to be amusingly narcissistic.
  3. I'm flattered that people still quote my posts around here, haha.

    1. Malinter


      I like it when my really old comments get the occasional brohoof... ah memories. XD

  4. Maud is so relatable in my opinion. We share a lot of personality traits.

  6. Maud Pie is literally me. We are the same person. Real talk though, without mentioning my status as Fluttercord trash, this episode was so funny and cute! I always like seeing new weird critters in Equestria, even moreso if they're callbacks from previous generations. The writers had a lot of fun with the Smooze and so did I. I also appreciate Tree Hugger. She's sweet. So glad Discord is still kind of a jerk. Love multifaceted characters aaaaaaaaa heart eyes fluttercord confirmed
  7. I'm gay! I don't really identify with any sort of gender label, but I'm DFAB and prefer women, so.
  8. [rises from the grave] Fluttercord tomorrow

  9. It's been 50 years since I've last been here oh lord

  10. Will be going on a butt-ton of coasters tomorrow. Wish me luck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      Yes. Less than a shit-ton but more than a buttload.

    3. SCS


      Have fun :D

    4. Discovery Dream
  11. Mine is named Discovery Dream (rather obvious, isn't it?). She is me, i.e a huge dork.
  12. Fluttercord is my OTP, long may it sail. BUT, TwiDash is a cloooooooose second. They'd be adorable marefriends I also like RariJack.
  13. I liked them all. Nightmare Moon was an excellent introduction to the series, Discord made for a great premiere and had extra impact because we had to wait a week between the first episode and the next, Queen Chrysalis had a kickass villain song, Sombra's deat hwas awesome, and Tirek was all-around badass. I'm going to go with my top three as Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek. Both season 2 villains were freaking awesome, and Tirek was just downright evil and everything a good fantasy bad guy should be. My favorite low-level antagonist is probably Gilda or Diamond Tiara.
  14. A black shirt that has Sweetie Belle and "meh" written underneath, tan cargo shorts, headphones, and a dogtag necklace with a rabbit on it.
  15. Luna and Fluttershy. Luna I think could use a different eye color to make her color palette a little more diverse, but the nightly color scheme overall is very nice. Fluttershy's pastel scheme works well with her personality, and the combination of yellow, pink, and teal is both diverse and smooth.
  16. Agents of SHIELD had its season finale last Tuesday, and won't be returning until this autumn. I'm in the same boat with Doctor Who and Sherlock :/ The struggle, it is real.
  17. Race: Earth Pony House: Probably on the outskirts of Manehattan near the coastline. Pet: Multiple; a huge fishtank. Pony I'm most likely to hang out with: Octavia sounds most likely to travel to the city on a regular basis, and she's cool. Job: An aquarium employee or researcher.
  18. Disturbing a floral tribute to George Washington? Euuunnggghhh...

  19. *voted Gen 4 ironically* I like most Gens save for gen 3.5, which was terrifying.
  20. someone talk about fluttercord with me i am very alone

    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Obstacle 1

      Obstacle 1

      og i wonder why id want to leave

    3. Discovery Dream

      Discovery Dream

      even in our darkest moments we must have faith


      you must endure

    4. Unicorn Coffee

      Unicorn Coffee

      Yes. i am god. please tell me why you would leave, my child

  21. Flutterbat was mildly terrifying. I like regular Fluttershy much better. Though I did enjoy her design as a batpony.
  22. I like the idea of her being disabled. It'd be nice to have a character with a visible disability on the show, and would not only provide representation, but an interesting story arc as well. Scootaloo's talent is, well, scootering, and part of her getting her cutie mark would likely involve her acceptance of her physical limitations.
  23. I support Dislestia as a past relationship, but not a present one. I think it'd be a fun explanation for a lot of Discord and Celestia's interactions. At this point, however, I don't think a stable relationship between the two would ever be possible. Fluttercord, though? Praise be to Celestia, this ship has sailed as my official OTP as of the S4 finale. I didn't ship it at first, and just found Discord's inability to convert Fluttershy to be funny, but then season 3 rolled around with "Keep Calm and Flutter On" and found it cheesy, but cute. Honestly I didn't really start shipping it until season 4, since Discord showed up a lot more, but the premieres, "Three's a Crowd" and the finale all displayed their chemistry really well and wow, what dorks. They're adorable
  24. I love these videos so much, for the exact reasons stated by SasQ above. They're brilliant social commentary done in an unconventional way.
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