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Posts posted by Cosmonaut

  1. So while I was playing Kerbal Space Program the other day, I contemplated the new Rainbow Powers for the Mane 6. "Yep, they are needlessly girly and a rehash of the EoH" I thought, and then it hit me (I'm not talking about the beach ball that was thrown into my face), what if the Rainbow Powers were sentient?


    What if it didn't just shoot rainbows at the villain right away and instead needed a reason to do this.


    The thought reminds me of the Moment from the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary episode, and how it wouldn't just destroy a planet on command. It would talk with the user, telling him/her why they shouldn't do an act of destruction, and bring logic and reason into the conflict.


    The Rainbow Powers could be like this. Instead of obeying, the Rainbow Powers would have to be summoned, and reasoned with. It also would need proof, like acts of friendship similar to the ones the Mane 6 went through during S4, or a lesson they learned.


    This would make the Rainbow Powers it's own thing, and not just a rehash of the EoH. It would also give deeper character development to the Mane 6, as well as others like Celestia, Discord, and Luna. However I doubt it will be a thing on the show. Even though, what are your opinions on the subject?

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