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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by FortyTwo42

  1. I'M NOT DEAD! Just got super busy last week. And I might still be super busy for a little while longer. But I'm here! I'm not dead! I'll behave! I'm sorry! I won't disappear for that long again (hopefully). Don't hurt me! Really? Then, could you please get this 'Rainbow Factory'? as far from me as possible, Gatekeeper Stormgiggle? I feel being in close proximity to it sharply decreases my life expectancy. Welcome back! You know how to take down Stormgiggle? You must share with me your secrets! Welcome to this crazy game! I hear you're part of the plan to take down Stormgiggle? Welcome back, Counter Leader! I'M NOT DEAD, I SWEAR! You're post leader now? Does that mean you steal Crimson's Counter Leader title? In the Forum Games, the character limit doesn't actually apply. It still says you need 20 or more characters to post, but even if you don't have enough characters and that text is red, you can make the post anyway.
  2. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Thank you! Now, how shall I help out?
  3. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Well, without any chip to base it on, I can't guarantee I'll addition up the chips you prefer. But I can try! *Additions up some chips in front of Stormgiggle.*
  4. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Wait, what?! Remind me never to cross you again. Every single one? See, if you left at least one left, I could multiply them so you'll have more, but multiplying zero by anything gives zero so I can't help you anymore.
  5. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I like to chew on chips.
  6. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Hey everyone. I just kind of feel like winning something. So, here I am. There's a galactic villain leaderboard? I didn't know galactic villains were ranked. I'm sure you not being on the board is just a typographical error, Stormgiggle!
  7. I'd much rather be a Pokemon instead. Wait, you mean I didn't get promoted?! Well, I suppose I'll have to accept that another chat with 98 about the terrible work conditions is inevitable now... Oh Celestia, 100 is terrible. He acts so entitled just because he happens to be a power of 10. 256 doesn't act that way, despite being a power of 16. And no, 100, the decimal counting system is not inherently the best system there is! Hexadecimal is the best! I refuse to even talk to 73. No, I'm not spelling your name out in letters! I'm not contributing to another '5ive' incident! Why can't more numbers be like 24? He's one of the nicest numbers I know.
  8. Wait, do you work for the same company I do? I had no idea! I thought only numbers worked here. I'm not exactly happy about these work conditions. Getting fired twice and turned into a walrus isn't how I like to start my day. But hey, I got a promotion out of it! So, when can I stop being a walrus?
  9. Unbelievable. I knew 67 was going to mess something simple up like this. Now I have to speak to 98 about 67's poor management, but 98 is so unpleasant to talk to...
  10. What? How did Punicpunch gain access to my vacation days?! So I've been putting in all this extra work for nothing?!
  11. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    I didn't expect to see an animated lecture! It's amazing how smooth it all is; I feel like I'm watching the lecture as it happens through a window. I wonder what that book is about? Probably physics, judging by the whiteboard. I'm seeing all sorts of awesome stuff like Feynman diagrams, radioactive decay and Newton's law of universal gravitation! Although I'm not actually sure what that diagram that looks like a y in the very top-right corner represents. Maybe I need to attend her lecture so I can find out. When I asked for a pony in the rain, I was actually hoping to see ponies with wet manes, because for some reason wet manes look really cute. But don't worry, I didn't specify that and got surprised by a very awesome image instead! Add some lightning and some lens flare and you get an incredible image. Besides, in the next picture, young Celestia has a wet mane, so I'm happy. Cookie jar stealing. This is truly the most dramatic of crimes. Obviously Celestia and Luna put a lot of planning into this heist. Let's hope these two hardworking, serious, not-at-all-messing-around ponies are successful! They deserve cookies after all this effort! And now for my next requests: I want to see: Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall Rarity being fabulous More ponies with wet manes! And here's your images!
  12. Season 6 starts tomorrow?! How have I not heard about this until just now?! I have never gone from 'meh, no hype.' to 'OH CELESTIA I AM SO HYPED!' so quickly before!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FortyTwo42


      I think hype is good in moderation. Some hype is good, but you need to make sure you don't overdose and become what is known as overhyped.

    3. Riganthor


      I am hype, just open the english word book on hype and you will see me :P

    4. trademark2


      Im just as hyped for season 7!!!

  13. FortyTwo42

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Sorry about taking so long to reply! Things are getting really busy at uni now, so my forum availability varies wildly. And last week, I had very little free time. But I'm back, so let's talk pony images! Spike looks really cute sleeping with all those dolls of his friends? I wonder where exactly he got them all? And of course he has the Rarity doll in his arms. And then a little while later, we learn that not only does he have a Rarity doll, but he has a pillow with Rarity's Cutie Mark too! It's almost like he has a crush on her or something. Technically, Tank isn't 'flying' into anything. Although I suppose one definition of 'fly' is simply 'move very fast', which Tank sure is doing. Besides, you made a Super Mario reference, so this picture is immediately awesome anyway and I don't care about the technicalities! Although the shell needs to hit eight enemies before 1-ups are awarded, not three. Yeah, I'm a pedant; it comes with being a mathematician. But don't get me wrong, I still love this image! It's cute how Rainbow Dash is correcting them on Tank being a tortoise and not a turtle. That's one way for Pinkie Pie to fly! I don't know why it never occurred to me that Pinkie could ride another pegasus. Or griffon in this case. It's nice seeing Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo together like that, but I didn't imagine Gilda would be too keen on giving Pinkie Pie a ride. Well, they seemed to be on good terms after the second episode with Gilda, so it makes sense. And of course Gummy is biting onto Pinkie's tail. Why wouldn't Gummy join Pinkie in flying on the back of a griffon? If it wasn't balloons, Pinkie Pie's crazy flying machine was the other idea I had for Pinkie Pie to fly with Rainbow Dash, and you've got that here! I love how this image is showing all of the mane 6 'flying' in some way. Pinkie Pie seemed really good at finding ways to get off the ground for somepony who isn't a pegasus, but I never really thought about how Rarity and Applejack would go about it. Applejack's method doesn't seem very fast, though. Come on, everypony, don't leave Applejack behind! That first bonus picture... Just... Wow . Ponies riding ponies is crazy enough, but then there's all the 'bait on a fishing pole' they're using which is personalized to each pony... A sonic screwdriver for Dr. Whooves, a toupee for Cranky, alcohol for Berry Punch, human gloves for Lyra, Sweetie Belle for Rarity, Angel for Fluttershy's bear and Fluttershy (although I think flying is cheating, Fluttershy!), a bone for Screwy, the Smartypants doll for Big Mac and love for Chrysalis. And there's a few other jokes, like Tank actually having treads like a tank, and Trixie being all the way back in last place. I sense there's a joke involving Diamond Tiara as I've identified a joke for all the other ponies, but I'm don't get it. This might be one of my favourite images, it is exactly the kind of humor I like! Oh, and I'm rooting for Team Chrysalis and Cadance! There's not as much I have to say for that last bonus image. It's just cute! I love the lighting effects in that picture! And now, more requests! I want to see: Ponies at a lecture. Ponies in the rain. Celestia and Luna being silly. By the way, I'm always the one making requests at the moment. I want to give the other role a go . Do you want to give me a request next time, and I'll see if I can find a picture related to it?
  14. Good to know I'm not an idiot! I recognize the software; I've used it before myself. But I'm thinking about doing something different. I have some experience with a program called Game Maker, especially when it comes to making platform games, so I thought I'll try to make something along those lines. Don't expect it to be done anytime soon, though. It'll probably be a while before I have anything decent to show. Yes! DANCE, WATER, DANCE!!! Stormgiggle, are you sure you didn't accidentally upload the same version by mistake? I played through the new version and still can't get past him.
  15. Right. I think I've done everything there is to do in the first version of the game, so I think it's time to try the next version. Just to make sure I'm not missing something incredibly obvious, is there something you can do to get past that demon in the top left of the map in the first version? He just blocks my path and doesn't interact with me. I kind of want to make my own game now. Hmm... Probably a bard. I want to be the kind of person who inflicts good status effects on allies and bad status effects on enemies. I think that fits with me 'use math to alter reality to suit myself' type of abilities.
  16. The description of the Aqua Lute brings back many nightmares of one of the most difficult boss fights ever...
  17. I'm sticking with my original version then. :okiedokielokie: At least until I see everything it has to offer. But I'm only given the opportunity to change Punicpunch's name, not anyone else's... Speaking of 'anyone else', does anyone else actually make an appearance in the game? The only people I've seen so far was that guy in the opening cutscene who refuses to speak to me anymore. Yep! I discovered Super Guard plus Healing II is a powerful combination!
  18. Does it carry over your progress from the previous version?
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