I sent a tweet to Babscon to find out where we can do trading at. Only space available is the tabletop gaming room. I'll be there with my stuff between 4:30 - 6:00pm on Friday. I have dog tags, blind box figurines, mlp cards, and some prints.
If any brony is interested, the IMAX is showing Furious 7 at 7pm. Best way it take the hotel shuttle back to the airport and take the tram to Powell St. Movie theater is called AMC Matron 16. Need to leave no later than 5:30 pm to the airport.
WOAH WOAH WOAH!, 9AM? *checks the schedule. Sees 8:45am* What are they thinking? I might as well watch a stream from my devices. Will see 45 minutes before everyone else.
Let's see, body normally wakes up 6am EST, plus the excitement of the premiere, minus residual jet lag and friday events, (carry the 2), I will probably be in line at 5:30 am. Anypony want to join me?
I'm starting a seperate post to see how many bronies are interested in seeing a movie Thurs night. The IMAX at this location is going to be showing Furious7 at 7pm. You can buy your tickets online for $20. I'll be in row E (for Equestria). Who wants to join in on the action?
Thank you,
For those interested, here is a link to this movie theatre: https://www.amctheatres.com/movie-theatres/amc-metreon-16
You will have to set the date to April 2nd, and the IMAX showing is at 7pm. Tickets are $19 per adult. Let's invade the theatre!