Before: Things like Muse,Linkin Park, Daft Punk, Prodigy and Pendulum and Eminem. So rock, drum 'n' bass and some rap.
After: Lot more electronic, house, club style, and I listen to a lot more remixes. Don't listen to Linkin Park, Prodigy and Pendulum, but still listen to Muse and Daft Punk, and every now and then Eminem.
Metal Gear Solid:The Phantom Pain
Batman: Arkham Knight
Final Fantasy XV and Quantum Break look quite interesting, may have to check them out. Should probably invest in a next gen-console first though.
Oh and Fallout 4 (I can dream dammit!)
What do some customers do that really grind your gears? I particularly hate slow customers, as in slow packers. I work on checkouts and I usually finish scanning their shopping and wait for what feels like a while for them to pack. I understand that if they're old, they're probably not going to be as quick, but I've seen younger people who are slow and older people who are quick at packing. Another thing is when something is waiting in line at the till between two customers with huge shops with just one item. It's like that's what the self checkouts are for. Finally, where I work, we have vouchers and sometimes they come in books for the customers to rip out at home and show the relevant voucher for me to scan. Sometimes though, someone will come with the whole damn book and be like 'see if any of them work'. So I have to check through the book, seeing which one's will work and ripping out the ones that do, while there are customers waiting in line to be served. There should be rules put in place for customers to abide by, honestly. Right, rant over.
Vent below, o fellow workers of mine!
Zecora or Pinkie. Zecora because we've not seen any of the Zebra lands and it's strange how none of the creatures in the Everfree forest stumble onto her or attack her. And Pinkie, well it's Pinkie. 4th wall breaking, accurate predictions of future events. You know, Pinkie stuff.
Sonic 1 and 2 for Sega Saturn. Pokemon Gold on Gameboy Advance, and Pokemon yellow on gameboy colour. That was seriously early childhood. Like 4 or 5 years old. God I miss those games.
I think the most aggressive time was when I was getting fed up of people putting things in my hood on my coat. It was my friends because they can be prats sometimes. Anyway I shouted at them in the middle of the quad and accused them of discriminating against me because I had a hood. I didn't realise until after I could take it off. I get angry a lot. It's my way of expression.
Gotta be Luna. She's had such a compelling backstory, and the episodes she is in I always find interesting, whether it's Luna Eclipsed or Sleepless In Ponyville. I always look forward to an episode with Luna.
I picked both but if i had to choose, it'd be Vinyl. I prefer electronic music to classical, hence why I prefer Vinyl. But when they work together and mix their music that's a different story.
I don't think it's too bad.I use it for general news in the fandom and music. The art that's put up on there as well is good. It's my go to for stuff like that because I don't know any other websites that are like that. I mean I know there are websites out there, but I don't what they are called otherwise I'd check them out too.
Ah, sorry guys! I was tired so I didn't realise it might be perceived differently than what I wanted it to be perceived as. I don't know how to change the title however.
As the title suggests, just dumb people you've seen/know and what they did to make them dumb. I suppose I'll start:
I was able to convince a girl that my name was Michael Sanders , I was Scottish (I'm English) but my parents were American (both English), and that I was in witness protection for witnessing a murder and that there was an unmarked police car outside her home. I had spoken to this girl a few times before in lesson. She is pretty dumb.
I couldn't give specific songs, there's too many! So I'll just give artists instead. I like Archie, Vylet Pony, Glaze, Mic, the Living Tombstone, Twitch, Black Gryph0n, Silva Hound, Aoshi, Scraton, Undreamed Panic, Synthis, Sim Gretina, and Feather.