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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by UCD

  1. What's the stereotype? Is it the one with neckbeards and all that son?


    I'm a buck fifty soaking wet, I've never masturbated to a pony, I'm straight I guess, I don't cross-dress, I don't spend much time on the internet, I'm a ghetto kid, I practice Satanism (research before commenting) and I am in fact employed. I like horror, rap, and over the top violence. Pretty much everything that MLP isn't. 


    If you met me IRL you would never take me for a brony

  2. Well it would depend on the tribute. 3 mokey mokeys won't do much for Ra's strength  :lol:


    I'd like to see Sophia, Goddess of Rebirth take on Celestia. Considering they both have powers that include banishment and light-based magic, it would be a pretty close match

  3. It's indeed horrendous, but you know what's the worse animation I've seen to date?


    so you feel the same. Thing is I was super stoked for this movie when I heard about it. the could have at least given it a good plot. That would have made up for the poor, $60,000,000+ quality animation. I honestly thought it would be something like this


    Lucky harnesses the power of the charms to kill off the other cereal mascots so he can dominate the sugary breakfast food industry.


    but what did we get? Charlie Sheen plays a washed up dog detective dating the abomination from Hell off of the Evil Dead. 


    Yeah I was upset about this one  :angry:

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I'm good on the theory, but I was wondering if you could critique some of my work? I'll send it to you through PM if you'd like.



    Actually if you could help me with chord progression and modulation that be cool. I'm a drummer at heart so my rhythm is pretty good, but I feel like all of my work has basic progression so I wanna do something more intricate

  5. well I come from a place called Longview North Carolina I know most of yall probably never heard about that but it's straight out of a Pro Era music video


    white people are a minority there and it was not uncommon to witness people getting assaulted. The cops were crooked and accepted bribes (moms once flashed an officer to get out of a speeding ticket lol)  I do not miss it.


    I got beat up a lot because of my skin color and the fact that I wasn't like the other kids cause of my skin condition . I had a handful of friends who helped me out but I was pretty much a target so I never left the house without protection (either a switch or my grandad's trusty .22)


    I guess I count but I'm only ghetto because of the environment I was in, I feel like I'm a hippy at heart

  6. Rarity only got fourth place... but she did beat out Applejack and Rainbow Dash to get there. So yay, team?


    she would have gotten first but she let twilight get it instead because you know


    • Brohoof 4
  7. one of many things that takes me away from the bleakness of the world


    it didnt quite save my life , but it has contributed. it has taught me the importance of love and tolerance in a bitter world that does not understand me and probably never will. it has also taught me that just because the world rejected me does not mean i must reject the world . i am not ghadius. (if you get the reference you are dope)


    growing up without a father was difficult. i don't know him, i don't care to ever know him. at age 8 i caught Stevens-Johnson syndrome after a bad infection, which caused boils and blisters across my arms and parts of my face that had to be removed .


    I lost the skin on my lips which have regrown to be much fuller and brighter than they were. coupled with damage to my eyelids that made my eyes extremely light sensitive . also permanent blemishes from dead skin cells that had to be removed. i am not a very strapping man lol


    i went into surgery covered in rashes and ulcers. my mom later told me the doctor said i had a 67% fatality rate. why the universe didn't kill me off then is beyond me. i am also "legally" a mental retard but i do not accept this because numbers do not define intelligence. 


    you can guess i was target for bullying . since youth we have moved constantly - from dingy one bedroom appartment to a 2 story house, but many homes in between. so i never had many friends , and the ones i did have i didn't keep because we were always seperated. everything sucked growing up , and since i've matured it's gotten a little better. 


    MLP helped me realize something through Spike . some people have tragic lives. they are underdogs . they are useless and overshadowed by the peers. they are the "comic relief" they are the unnoticed and uncelebrated . they have no triumphs other than living itself. but people like us have to exist to have balance. without us lesser folk , we could not have superior or outstanding people .


    without the bottom of the food chain the top would not exist. and nothing we do can change our position. i have learned to accept that life will always be unfulfilled for me . i will never be a star or an icon. no one will look up to me and no one will remember me. no one will lose sleep over me. i will never have a soul mate.


    i am a rain drop in the ocean. but i am still important. i have been someone's punching bag to relieve stress. i have been insulted and bullied so that my bullies could feel better . someone has had shitty day and thought "at least im not him" and so i have served my purpose. that satisfies me enough




    and also rarity is pretty so that helps too  :D

    • Brohoof 3
  8. i daydream all the time. often when i am walking in public i will be having daydreams and forget where it is i am walking to, or i will forget to stop before crossing the road (i almost got a ticket for jaywalking because of this)


    usually i am in the heavens making stars, or surfing comets , or jumping from asteroid to asteroid , or watching galaxies form. those are the good dreams


    but sometimes they can be violent . i often find myself thinking about hurting people, or people hurting themselves (mutilation) but according to shrink these fantasies are common

  9. My life is full of empty promises

    And broken dreams

    I'm hoping things will look up

    But there ain't no job openings

    I feel discouraged hungry and malnourished

    Living in this house with no furnace, unfurnished

    And I'm sick of working dead end jobs with lame pay

    And I'm tired of being hired and fired the same day

    But eff it, if you know the rules to the game play

    Cause when we die we know were all going the same way

    It's cool to be the player, but it sucks to be the fan

    When all you need is bucks to be the man

    Plus a luxury sedan

    Too comfortable and roomy in a six

    They threw me in the mix

    With all these gloomy lunatics

    Walk around depressed

    And smoke a pound of sess a day

    And yesterday went by so quick it seems like it was just today

    My daughter wants to throw the ball but I'm too stressed to play

    Live half my life and throw the rest away

    • Brohoof 1
  10. sooo I make beats sometimes. they aren't much, but I'm still learning how to make use of a shitty DAW so you will have to bear with me. Anyways this is my version of the "bicycle" song from Gold and Silver. I named it "Radio" because all of my tracks have weird names that are usually one word. Tell me what you think


  11. so I went to this movies theater right .. real tacky place "Marquee Cinemas" and I go to watch Evil Dead.


    I order 2 tickets, one for me and one for my date. simple, tickets were 11.50 with no sales tax (according to the sign hanging above the cashier's head).


    so how is my total 34$ ? I got no food, only tickets.


    so we argued and argued over the price. Finally the manager comes and settles things . there was a subtext underneath the "no sales tax"  stated that it only applies to food. Simple mistake , anyone could have made it.


    but 7% of 23$ is not 11$ .


    so after explaining this to the manager (he gave me an apology along the lines "sorry for trying to rip you off") we are finally able to see Evil Dead  , but the poor service caused us to miss the first few minutes. 

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