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Who would you like to see direct the MLP movie?
murp662 replied to Plonkett's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
movies/tv First Trailer For Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
murp662 replied to Orablanco Account's topic in Media Discussion
Well, it looks very Star Wars (considering most things featuring a X-wing and the Falcon looks Star Wars), they don't have George Lucas (I love you for starting the franchise George, but you can't write scripts) and they kept John Williams for the music. His score is probably the best thing to have come out of the prequels. -
Of pure curiosity, why did you choose Norwegian? I didn't know many people studied it outside of Norway. Svar på norsk hvis du vil
Joda. Alle elsker mangfold.
gaming What are Your top ten Favorite Pokemon?
murp662 replied to BitterBubblegum's topic in Media Discussion
This feels like the time for a wall of text. 10# Hariyama This thing may not be the most beautiful Pokémon, it may not be the most useful Fighting-type, and he may have gained some weight on his legs, but I don't care. No Pokémon has saved me during my first playthrough (which was Emerald) like this guy. He arm-thrusted all the competition away like no other, and as the most logical decicion a newbie Poké-fan can make, I overleveled it until it could punch down the entire Flying gym on his own. But not the Psychic gym though... 9# Victini The second Pokémon on this list with wierd legs, I simply like Victini because I find it cute. I have no idea why. 8# Metagross Metagross is a four-legged chunk of steel that looks like he is calculating thousands of ways to tear you apart with his super-brain. Metagross is powerful, though, the main Pokémon of Steven, and looks ridiculously out of place with most other Pokémon. He simply looks cool. 7# Luxray I tend to like Pokémon that looks like dogs or cats. Luxray fits well in, along with the fact that it actually was a Pokémon that found an important spot on my team in Platinum. It's an early Electric Pokémon, and it's fast evolution rate makes it a great companion far in the game (or in my case, for the rest of the game). 6# Every Single Eeveelution Dogs and cats you say? Well then, meet Eevee. And it's eight cusins. The Eeveelutions manage to run a fine line between cute and awezome, and I don't have the heart to choose from them. While some of them might not be that useful in compedative battle, I don't care. They are cute, and I will bring them along all the way to the end. 5# Honchkrow When I first met Honchkrow, he instantly crushed my team of randomly collected Pokémon with no appearant strategy. While this made me resent it at first glance, I soon came to dig the mafia-like appearance of the bird. And it's nice combination of Sucker Punch and Moxie. And it may also be from that DeviantArt-comic Random Doom... 4# Mightyena There appears to be a large number of dog-Pokémon on this list, even though I prefer cats in real life. Mightyena has the honor of being the first Pokémon I ever caught... sort of (Pooch). And, of course, I brought it with me all along to the Elite Four (with some help from Rayquaza) and beyond. And while I quickly realized it was a really bad compedative Pokémon, I didn't care. And it did actually manage to do something good, with that Psychic-gym that rendered my Yama useless. Who would have though? 3# Latias Latias may not be as badass as Latios, but I prefer grace over awezomeness and red over blue. I also find Latias very cute, and I really liked it in the movie (even though they sounded wierd), where it had a crush on Ash for some reason. 2# Absol Absol really strikes me as the Pokémon who runs the fine line between beauty and fear, grace and badassitude. It is a feline, which is always a plus in my book, it looks awezome, it's Mega-Evolution looks awezome (with wings that do absolulely nothing) and it has a nice mix between black and white, ying and yang. But the most important part is it's lore and the fact that it's one of the most misunderstood Pokémon. Absol can detect natural disasters with its horn and will rush to warn people and Pokémon from most dangers. But because humans don't speak Pokémon and we tend to jump to conclusions, Absol is the one who gets the blame for the disaster, and has been hunted to near exctinction. Really depressing things in Pokémon. 1# Vulpix and Ninetales When I was a five year old boy with almost no interaction with media outside of Norway, Pokémon was more or less the only cartoon I actually grew up with. And it was at that time I discovered Vulpix, and I instantly decided it would be my favourite Pokémon. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen! Fast forwards ten years and to my first interaction with a Pokémon game, I once again found my love for Vulpix and Ninetales. The combination of a cute fox and a majestic kitsune blew my mind. Not to mention the fact that Ninetales is "sorta" psychic, with it's nine cursed tails and 1000 year lifespan. Wonder what is does the next 900 years after it's trainer dies? -
True that... never watched Handy Mandy, but he is more or less a Bob-clone. Plus, I don't spend too much time with shows that try to teach me to count to five. Well, they used the books and comics when they did the Luke Skywalker VS Harry Potter one, so I don't know. Would still be fun to watch, like the Eggman/Wily one.
Still waiting for Handy Mandy VS Bob the Builder... Even though Bob would win. Talking machines > talking tools Still would have been extremely fun to watch...
Being a Norwegian, I know that Finland is a nice country covered in forests and lakes. I know that almost no Norwegian can understand Finnish, and usually makes fun of it, but also that every Norwegian school will tell the students how we must try to reach the high school results in Finland. I know that the capital is Helsingfors (or Helsinki) and it has one of the most badass cathedrals of Scandinavia, that the classical composer Sibelius is Finnish, and that there are some other musicians I don't remember the names of. And also Finland gave us this lovely children's cartoon: If there was one thing that gave Scandinavian kids childhood traumas, it was this thing. I still shudder just thinking about her. The Groke.
Very true. I have always seen hate as something that is natural for a human to witness. After all, there will almost always be people who does things we don't like, or does thing against us that makes us hate them. Even when the hate may seem ridiculus or pointless, is something that is almost unavoidable. The big difference is what we do to react to those feelings. Instead of lashing out, being mean or hold grudges we should try to forgive or tolerate. Hate is something we recieve, it's our job to react or act to it. I'm not saying we should ignore murderes and such, but that should be a question of justice and safety for the murderers vitims, not pure hate. Summarized, everything we have, our feelings, beliefs and interests, are tools. It's our job to properly wield them. But should we use a hammer to construct or wreck? That will be up to you, but you should be wary how others may see you.
"Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate... leads to suffering" - Yoda Hate is such a wierd consept. It is a truly damaging thing that little to no good come out of, but still it has dominated human history above all other feelings. Do we need hate? It's natural for a human to dislike things, there will always be things that go outside our values or tastes, but do we need to hate the things we don't like? While liking and disliking are opposites, love and hate poses as slightly more... extreme versions of it. There are some things that we dislike to the extent that we would call it hate. But should we hate or should we dislike? Hate often leeds to dark thoughts, depression, anger and destruction, and rarely leeds to anything good. Some would view hate as justification. If someone burned down your house, should you hate that induvidual? What about people that would completely disregard the human rights in order to reach their goals? Should we hate murderers and racists? Or should we hate the twistet goals they're reaching for? There is no definitive answer for these questions, as the choice to hate something is dependent on you. You choose if you should hate or love something, work against it or tolerate it. But remember that hate rarely leeds to something good, and that you might find yourself dangerously close to the ones you are hating if you go too far down the path.
web What do you hate about the YouTube comments?
murp662 replied to CosmicHooves's topic in Media Discussion
Even though I believe highly in free speech, YouTube comments (or any comments at the internet) almost makes me re-consider it. Most of it is random dreck, people shouting out things that doesn't have anything to do with anything, hateful insults they don't know the meaning of or shameless self-advertisement. Appearently being gay is a perfect reason for something to have low quality. (omg tis bad, u gay) You like MLP you say? That means you have autism, because I as an internet commenter do TOTALLY know what autism is and am totally able to diagnose someone due to a single prefence. (lol, highest level of autism, go die) I did not like your work, but instead of giving an honest critique to point out your flaws so that you can make a better video next time, I will insult you, call you gay and say obscure things about your mother, because that will definetely help you improve your videos. You may have a different opinion than me, but that is because you are stupid. And gay. And autistic. And not to mention comments on videos such as Screwattack's Death Battles. Truly the one place where butthurt fanboys get to whine. And while I could admire their determination and investement in their fanbases, they don't actually make themselves look good by writing: omg, you f****ng faggots, u made fictional character X loose against fictional character Y, which is completely wrong because fictional character X is truly the best. Of reasons I won't comment here. Ur gay" I am not even suprised by the news that PewDiePie permanently turned off the comments on his future videos. All the comments on his videos where either haters, trolls, self-promoters, people doing the "wtf, ter is ony 10 milln ppl on ert plz" and people writing long texts that looks like parents blaming him for their children's problems, which looses all it's relevance once you realize 73 people have writting the exact same text down to each word before. And, of course, some of PewDie's fans are no better. I can accept some people trying to promote him, but no one is going to do that when you write: "omg, tis video suck, U SHULD WATC PODIEPIE, HIS VIDOS ARE BEST!" despite the fact that PewDie himself has discourages that promotion. This generally expands to anything that is promoted, no one will take your offer when you try to rub it as hard as you can in their faces. To end this, I would like to quote Albert Einstein: "The three most common things in the world are hydrogen, human stupidity and german panzer tanks" -
Queen Chrysalis VS Discord: DEATH BATTLE!
murp662 replied to TheMarkz0ne's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Queen Chrysalis VS Discord: DEATH BATTLE!
murp662 replied to TheMarkz0ne's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
If we were to follow the rules of Screwattack's Death Battles, this would be a 1 on 1 confrontation without any outside help, without the combatants having any non-canon knowledge of each other and lastly, no preperation time. - Queen Chrysalis Queen Chrysalis, on her own, is likely the most powerful Changeling, but her powers require love to charge them up. In A Canterlot Wedding, she reveals that it is the love she drained from Shining Armor that actually helped her overpower Princess Celestia. We also don't know the exctent of Chrysalis' magical power. We know she can fire a beam of charged energy, and she is most likely able to do other similar offensive attacks. Disguised as Cadence, she was also able to trap Twilight Sparkle in a ring of fire and send her to the Canterlot Caves, most likely a teleportation spell. And altough it is not shown, she can probably create forcefields, levitate heavy objects and do other things the Princesses can, but with it's efficency dependant on the love she has drained (and if she is prepared for an attack). Chrysalis' main feature, however, is her shape-shifting. In A Canterlot Wedding, she is able to replicate both Cadence's physical form and her voice. As Cadence is physically smaller in shape than Chrysalis, this also means the Changeling Queen can reduce her size, but wether or not she can become small enough to replicate the normal pony shape is unkown, but I will just guess it is here. I don't know if Chrysalis would be able to peform magic disguised as a pegasi or an earth pony, but even if she could, it would be quite obivous that something isn't right. Just how the shapeshifting works is also up to debate, but when Chrysalis sheds the Cadence form, we can se feathers blasting off, so it is most likely not a simple illusion, but actual shapeshifting. Her endurance is likely on the same level as Celestia, but the queen being an equine insectoid probably gives her a sturdier skin that ponies. Lastly Chrysalis is able to fly, even tough her insect wigns probably isn't as effective as pegasi wings. And she is a schemer, making up a plan and sticking to it. She is shown to be manipulative, cunning and daring, due to her high-risk plan and tricking of Shining Armor. Sadly, plans rarely work in Death Battles, as the battles are spontaneus events. I have practicaly no idea how old she is, and the extent of her experience. She could be an immortal ruler like Celestia and Luna, or simply a mortal queen that someday will be switched out, I don't know. - Discord Discord's power levels are... hard to decide, seing as he has yet to reveal his ture limit. But, for the sake of it, I will list up some of the abilities Discord has shown to have in the show: Item Manifestation: Discord has the ability to make literally everything he wants from thin air. While he seems to do it mainly to create chocolate milk and other non-lethal objects, there is nothing to suggest that he isn't able to materilize weapons and dangerous objects if he actually wants. Body Manipulation: In his appearances, Discord has been shown numerous times to be able to warp his own body to great lenghts. He can loose any body parts at will, split his head in two, grow extra faces, stretch and warp and generally do whatever he wants. One important question, however, is if physical harm can do anything against Discord. My theory is that Discord can use his magic to prevent any injury by warping his body, but that he is actually suspensable to injury (as seen with him backing away from the Tatzlwurm) Power of the Sun and the Moon: In Return of Harmony, Discord speeds the day cycle up, lowering and raising the sun and the moon on a whim. Reality Bending: Discord's most important power is his ability to warp physics and reality. He can practically morph any object into anything he wants, change the texture of the ground, deny gravity, change the size of objects and creating food-related weather. Again, he can practically do whatever he wants. Mind Warp: Discord can hypnotize doubtful minds into the reverse of their personality with his eyes, and even if that doesn't work, he can forcefully mind warp anyone with a touch. If this will only reverse the personality or change it into whatever Discord wants is unkown. Object Animation: Discord can bring objects to life. If this is true sentient life or simply an animation is unkown, but the function is the same. Cloning: Discord can create copies of himself (as seen in Keep Calm and Flutter On) Illusions: Thanks to his mind powers, Discord should be able to produce hallucinations and illusions to users, either to a single induvidual or a whole crowd. While he has never been shown to do this, and therefore I will not calculate this ability, it is very likely that he can. Discord's age and experience is very sketchy. While he appears between the Unification of the Pony races and Celestia and Lunas rise to the throne, we still don't know how long he was around before that. He could basicly be anything between a thousand years old and as old as the world itself. While he should techincally have tons of experience, he doesn't seem to use it very well. Discord's main flaw is his personality. While he has the power to seemingly destory Equestria, he prefers to mess around with ponies and not do any actual physical harm. He is goofy and arrogant, sometimes underestimating his opponents and their ability to resist his magic. But due to his enormus magical potention, there is little that can actually harm him. Celestia stated that she and Luna combined posed no match to him, and therefore had to use the Elements of Harmony, the only real counter to Discord, to defeat him. And Tirek, too, knew he was no match to Discord, and therefore tricked and backstabbed him, using the momentum to drain Discord's powers. And while this may seem good, Tirek is so far the only one shown to have that particular ability. - Conclusion Based on this, it is pretty clear that Discord would trump Chrysalis in a 1v1 matchup. While Chrysalis managed to infiltrate Canterlot and almost conquer the capital, Discord managed to manipulate all the Element barers, exept Fluttershy, by making them doupt their elements, revealing that he had lots of knowledge about them even when being turned to stone. Discord was also the one to discover the "Rainbow Connection" to the Tree of Harmony, proving that he indeed does know the Elements of Harmony well. All this makes their planning abilities, thanks to both their triumphs and failures, pretty similar. Even without planning, Discord easily trumps Chrysalis in magical ability. His magic allows him to negate all of Chrysalis' main attacks, and he is technically able to turn her into a mindless taco with the snap of his fingers. Even if Chrysalis had brought the Changeling swarm, Discord could have gotten out of the situation in multiple ways, either by creating an army of himselfs, teleport out and create magma rain or make the Changelings fight themselves. Chrysalis' main ability, her shapeshifting, is what would be her best chance agains the God of Disharmony. The only problem is that Chrysalis most likely doesn't know about Discord's connection with Fluttershy, and even if she did she would have to have good knowledge of Fluttershy to actually be able to trick Discord. And lastly, even if she could trick Discord, then what? Would she try to blast him with a beam that's most likely innefective or backstab him in a heart that could be located anywhere in his body, if he even have a heart? While Discord normally wouldn't harm anyone, on of the main Death Battle rules is that all restraint from killing is removed, and even if Discord still would prefer to play and trick with Chrysalis, he would have no moral hinderance from killing her. In the end, my vote goes to Discord in this matchup. -
Well, once I dreamed that I saved three cats from an evil organization and flew off in a the Burj al Arab hotel in Dubai with a rocket engine. Then, another time, I dreamed I helped the 10th Doctor saving Oslo from a steampunk Dalek and Cyberman... And once I dreamed I watched a concert with a full symphony orchestra playing WoodenToasters Nightmare Night and other brony songs in my school, before a short man with rasta braids attempted to swindle my family... Finally, I once dreamed I sat on the back of a motorsyckle driven by an old man from a Swedish children book (Gubben Pettersen) while he did some extreme wall-jumps between some barn-buildings. At the end of the dream, I realized I was actually Stonehenge... Is this normal?
how strong/powerful is discords magic?
murp662 replied to ~XCOLIDE~'s topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Discord's powers, as statet above, is still not explained or explored enough that we can get a clear picture of his limits. And while he seems to only do tricks that's mostly harmless, this could very well be Discord himself not finding any amusemt in violence and death, and thus keeping his spells more at a troll level. If we ignore the possibility of him simply playing illusions and mind-tricks, Discord seems to be the most magically powerful being we have yet seen in Equestria. Celestia states in the Season 4 opener that she and Luna cannot harm him without the Elements of Harmony. And Tirek too knew he was no match to Discord, she he instead tricked him and later backstabbed him. And after all, we have seen Discord completely reverse a pony's personality with a touch, move both the sun and the moon as if it were nothing, create life (or at least manipulation objects to the point that they may seem alive), change density in an object, reverse gravity and create almost any object at will from nothingness. However, while Discord probably could create a storm of swords or make it rain magma instead of chocolate, I don't think it is in his nature to do so, unless extremely angered. And if Discord is truly pissed, I dare not phantom what he would do...- 30 replies
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- discord (mlp character)
- magic
(and 2 more)
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