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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by ~Chaos~

  1. I like thigh high socks, really cozy.
  2. I'm single because I enjoy being just that. Don't want to be in a relationship
  3. Hello C:

    1. Astralshy


      Hello :>

    2. ~Chaos~


      Hope you're doing well C:

    3. Astralshy


      I am

      I hope you are too

  4. Hello! C:

    1. A mysterious air dancer

      A mysterious air dancer

      Hellow :fluttershy: how are you?

    2. ~Chaos~


      Late reply, but I'm doing well! Hope you're doing good too C:

  5. Feeling pretty good atm, having some wine and just chilling
  6. Hope everyone is having a good day! :fluttershy:

    1. Astralshy


      Thank you!

      I've got a good idea. I hope you had one too

  7. I'm feeling good right now! Can't complain at all
  8. Probably about 7-8 hours of sleep, luckily I've always slept pretty well
  9. In my room on my PC, got back from a walk
  10. Sitting outside in the smoke, not the best for my health but eh.
  11. I only drink once in a while, and when I do it's just usually one. Ciders are my go to, not much for liquor.
  12. Anxiety is the main thing for me, lots of social anxiety, also just general. It really sucks and it can really put a damper on doing things in life. Have had it for as long as I can remember.
  13. It would have to be between Yoshi's Island and Super Mario 64, Both have good memories tied to them and I'm glad they were part of growing up for me. If I had to choose one then it would be Yoshi's Island.
  14. I didn't mind it but I fell off of watching it and just haven't went back.
  15. It's pretty good, it is growing and getting busier but that's just what happens.
  16. This is a pretty great song.
  17. I have a dog named Zula! We got her in November of 2018
  18. You're doing a nice job! Hope you keep up the art journey
  19. It would be very hard to adjust. I mostly talk to people online, but I suppose it would force me to be more social away from the internet, haha.
  20. Thinking about the early days of being on this forum back in 2012, damn time has flown by.
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