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Everything posted by ~Chaos~

  1. I usually wear a bland black. Perhaps it's time to make a change, and wear colourful undies. :3c
  2. That I need to get off my dang butt and start exercising one of these days. xP
  3. I know I have an anxiety issue. I may have more things but I haven't really went to find out yet.
  4. I'm feeling really good! Listening to music! Will probably make some tea soon as well ^^
  5. I like tea it is good this is fun and I'll jsut say things that come to my mind oh boy stuff good yes plkease help me ahhh no stopping now habndncjsnsnsss gibberish eeeeeeee yikes welp no periods here typos and food yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh geez man when are we eating oh snap son dam son yep again this is a trainwreck but I love it anyways cows and horses are animals they are sweet ass things chocolate is tatsyu i eat too much of it but i give no dams beavers. Part two here we go planes trians and names eel why and how my mind can't think propperly why is it saying these things i'm not fixing any spelling mistakes here this is a wild ride and i want to go to the store and get new tea cause it's life now so pick me up and drp me off so i can get that dang tea or something yes please thank you very much friends.
  6. *Brings you some tea* ^^

    1. Kiri


      Aw thank you babe! :3

  7. Feeling wonderful! Have my yummy tea and I recently decided I want to learn to play the guitar at some point. No rush though, it would just be a hobby. ^^
  8. I'm a new tea drinker and I love it! So far Chai teas are my favourite, but I haven't even scratched the surface in the different kinds to try. :3
  9. These are so awesome! Nice work
  10. Feeling unmotivated, I need to change this.
  11. - I have lots of anxiety. - Quite sensitive to confrontations, just sensitive in general. - I automatically think I'll fail at things (Like a job for example) So it's hard to even try it in the first place. - 90% of the time I have very low motivation to improve myself and my abilities. - Not great at being social. - If I think I've done something stupid I'll think about it way more than I should, for a long time after. - Bad at making decisions quickly. - I think I'm not smart, which isn't really true but I sure like to tell myself I'm not. It's nice to let that all out actually.
  12. We all aspire to become a living meme, yet many never get the chance to experience such a profound position.

    1. Satsuki Kiryuin

      Satsuki Kiryuin

      What an oddly insightful status.

  13. >:3c

    1. Kiri


      I am leaving this planet now.

    2. Lunar Echo
  14. Hot Rod cause it's just so silly and I love it. :3
  15. Drank some coffee so have a bit more energy than usual! Usually I drink decaf. But feeling pretty good! No complaints here.
  16. <3 U Forevs ^^

    1. Kiri


      <3 u always :3

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