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The Pony Pianist

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Posts posted by The Pony Pianist

  1. So there's a class at Purdue that I just got emailed about...


    It's called "Hasbro Synergy Teams"

    "This is an interactive, project-based course sponsored by Hasbro Toys. Honors students will form interdisciplinary teams and learn to collaborate across majors, approaches, and skill sets, with the goal of producing new synergies and creating innovation not possible within a single discipline. Working in design studio, each team will develop new toy concepts leading to a working prototype. Students will prepare formal presentations and present their ideas to designers and marketing professionals at Hasbro. The course will be team taught by professors from Industrial Design (Prof. Steve Visser) and Mechanical Engineering (Dr. Eric Nauman).


    Enrollment in this class is by invitation, in order to create the right mix of disciplines and skills. Students from every major are invited to apply. 


    To apply: email us with your name, major, level, and a short list of skills and/or qualities you would bring to the project."


    I wonder if "I'm a brony" is a valid skill/quality... :lol:


    Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of the way Hasbro makes toys, but this would definitely be a fun class to take.




    And of course some pictures. I like pixel art. It's pretty cool.



    Unless you get too low of a resolution.


    And then you get issues like this




    • Brohoof 8
  2. Since episodes (on the whole) only have loose connections and callbacks in later seasons, I would suggest you go with the best of the best. Canterlot Wedding, Suited for Success, Party of One, Lesson Zero, Return of Harmony, Winter Wrap Up, Hurricane Fluttershy, and Luna Eclipsed (not in that order) are all great starting points that tackle the characters and are maybe the most enjoyable for the uninitiated. The Last Roundup if you want a place to start with the whole loose 'Community and Creator' collusion that occurs with FiM. You leave some of the gems for her to find later.


    Thanks. I went with Lesson Zero, and I'm happy to report that she was laughing through a good portion of it.


    Especially this line:



    Maybe now my family will be less worried about my strange fascination with cartoon ponies.

    ...I think my father may have considered disowning me when I told him. :okiedokielokie:

    • Brohoof 6
  3. So it's the last day of my fall break. If things go as planned, my little sister (she's in high school) will watch a few mlp episodes with me before I head back to college.


    I don't know if I should start with season 1 episode 1 or just pick my favorite episode. Any suggestions?


    This is how I imagine it to be:




    I guess I can't expect her to be as excited about it as I am, but it's worth a shot. :please:

    • Brohoof 6
  4. I plan on going down in history as that guy who posts things in the wee hours of the morning. (Well, in EDT at least)


    Here's some more 3-dimensional fabulousness: http://shobey1kanoby.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-453568694











    She should more often wear jewelry like this, even thought she cannot increase her beauty with that, because how would you add to perfection?


    I love her eyes in this... They look like the most precious jewels... And they really are... They are enchanting and deep... Lovely and shapely...


    You speak with such poetic sincerity. :proud:


    Heck, with words like those, you could win over any woman your heart desires.









    But of course, how could they possibly live up to a standard like this?







    • Brohoof 7
  5. Still no Pony dreams for me either.  I wonder if I fall asleep listing to some songs. img-3156693-1-psU2uiB.png

    Well, dreams are typically the results stressors in your life. Generally mlp is the opposite of stressful, which doesn't make it good dream material.


    However, I think I dreamt it due to it becoming more "stressful" in a sense. I've had a lot more conversations IRL with people about the show (some of them very personal, some of them awkward/embarrassing). This probably has given my brain a lot of material to sort through in my sleep.


    I've always noticed that I remember dreams better when I wake up with an alarm and go back to sleep for another hour or so.


    I always find it interesting to try to connect dreams to their causes.

    • Brohoof 8
  6. Don't mind me, I'm just responding to posts from 3 days ago.



    And then, the long awaited Relationship Report!







    I wish I could brohoof this a million times. We can always use some more uplifting success stories on these forums. I'm happy for you. :D





    Gorgeous human version of Rarity :wub: 



    This also deserves a million brohoofs, for just as many reasons. I am in awe of artists who can create such beautiful works of art, perfectly capturing Rarity's personality no matter what form she is in.



    On a different note, I had my first pony-related dream last night, in which I interacted with other ponies and believed myself to be a pony (for the duration of the dream). 'Twas an interesting experience and reminded me to get back on the forums.


    To quote my sister (two years younger, who I am slowly converting to the herd): "You're in deep, bro."

    • Brohoof 8
  7. Ooo, lookie at this :D







    So pwetty :wub:


    Fabulous. This is way off topic, but I got to see Pentatonix in concert last night, and they had an amazing Daft Punk remix

    • Brohoof 6
  8. Edit: To add to the awesomeness, picture with the few bronies that came to the viewing.




    Seriously, there were like 2-3 young girls only





    That's pretty awesome. I was going to ask where this was taken, but then I saw the statue at the right. :P

    I know a couple of people who went to see the movie in Indy and loved it. They said the turn-out was about 50% kids, 50% bronies. I just hope we aren't scaring away the small children :please:


    Also, I found this:



    Was the linked-image problem ever fixed? I'm still uploading everything as attachments.

    • Brohoof 7
  9. Well, i for one asked the artist if i could use the picture i have for an avatar, but i doubt that anyone would truly mind if you would take this one. And even if the artist minds, he would just request that you remove it, not more. I say go ahead.



    Easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission, right?



    • Brohoof 6
  10. attachicon.gifimg-2494265-6-gallery_69_17_44320.png


    Three things:


    It has a piano in it.


    It has Rarity in it.




    You, sir, have won yourself 500 points! Plus another 15,000 for the awesome story. (I vote that you write more)


    Although, I've been wondering... how do copyright laws work with forum avatars?


    Lol. Needs a diamond pickaxe on her butt.


    Well, there's this. Probably not what you were thinking: http://wolfjedisamuel.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-of-Diamonds-376253824

    • Brohoof 8
  11. sounds like you've been busy with school as I myself

    img-3115129-2-Rarity_covering_her_head_wI feel your pain and suffering


    Amen to that. Just finished 10 pages of thermo homework. That pic sums up my night quite accurately.




    I need a new avatar. Something Rarity-themed. I would make it myself if I had any time. (Ugh)

    If you guys have any suggestions, let me know. I'll give 500 bonus points to whoever picks the best one.

    • Brohoof 9
  12. When the workload is piling up, I need only think of our lady of fabulosity. She knows that small, tedious tasks are important steps in the process of creating something beautiful.




    Alright, it's time for some feels.


    My mom has a very large sewing room (not dissimilar to Rarity's) that she spends most of her time in. She makes quilts, clothing, curtains... you name it. I've never really thought about how much effort she puts into her hobby. She doesn't make any money off it. She gives away every quilt she makes for weddings and baby showers. She also lets our guests (we live in a bed and breakfast) use her quilts, often resulting in there being wine/coffee stains on them.


    I've never understood how someone like her can be so creative but also so generous with what they've created. My mother's quilts are absolutely amazing (well, at least I think  so). Such as: http://oakhaven.net/room_ms.html .Seeing Rarity praised so much for her creativity and generosity makes me want to treat my mother the same way.


    So let this be a tribute to Rarity, to my mother, and to everyone else who is under-appreciated for their selflessness. The world needs more people like you. :proud:



    • Brohoof 9
  13. Happy birthday to @The Pony Pianist I hope you have a fabulous one :D



    Happy birthday @@The Pony Pianist


    You should post more...




    Also, happy birthday @The Pony Pianist ! May your day be fabulous!



    @The Pony Pianist who hast created our Fan Clubs theme ... have a Fabulous birthday!




    Happy birthday to @The Pony Pianist! Have a good one, and we hope to see more of you :D



    Thank you for the Birthday wishes! (Hope I didn't miss anyone's post ^) I'm sorry I've been gone. :( Engineering is a very time-consuming degree. My birthday usually falls on the same week as Industrial Roundtable, which is a major career fair that goes on at Purdue (So basically a rush to get jobs/internships). So yeah, organized chaos.


    Anyway, I've been hanging out with the Purdue Bronies every Saturday, watching marathons and doing random artsy things. We also have a minecraft server, on which I am building a monument for Rarity. It looks kind of like Barad-dûr or Orthanc from LotR, but trust me, it's fabulous inside.




    I'll be be able to make a giant floating Rarity-cutie-mark above the tower when I somehow acquire 93 diamond blocks. Right now I have 2. It may take while. :please:


    To give a bittersweet conclusion to this, I must say that I still will not be spending much time on the forums. Probably up until winter break at least. The Purdue Bronies have welcomed me into their herd, and have proven to be a quality group of individuals. But I will never forget everyone on Rarity Fan Club and how you all have impacted my outlook on life, ponies, and all things fabulous. :D


    Edit: More screenshots for fun

    Interior stairs:


    View from the top:


    • Brohoof 5
  14. Sweet Celestia that's cool. Any Rarifans? :please:

    No Rarity fans... Yet. But I don't care right now. These are the first bronies I have met in real life. So much win.


    But there's this:



    And so many activities!




    And this...






    • Brohoof 8

    One YouTube comment reads: "I don't know about the rest of you, but I know a green-clad Elf that is going to be wondering where all of his money went."

    I had no idea this game existed! Rhythm Heaven Fever is one of my all-time favorite games. I need to play this.


    Edit: I downloaded it and am playing now. :D

    Edit Edit: There is a DDR version but no Rhythm-style game. :( Sadness.

    Edit Edit Edit: But it's still good.


    Edit Edit Edit Edit: This post has lost all meaning.



    • Brohoof 5
  16. One does not leave google pics unfiltered.


    That's the scary thing... I had SafeSearch on.  :(


    *erases memories* Okay all good now.


    There is only one acceptable pony/food crossover. And this is it.



    • Brohoof 7

    Warning: Do not search Sushi MLP on google images, it's a really bad idea, for real. Some people have weird minds (Even weirder than mine...)




    Curse you, reverse psychology!


    • Brohoof 6
  18. After becoming a brony this summer, I did some research into the Purdue Brony Club. As far as I could tell, it was dead. Nothing had happened for at least a year.


    But today I came across these:





    Hope has been restored! Maybe I'll have to pull a Ghostie on this club.  :pout: I just hope this callout amounts to something.


    And I must say, Brony chalk art is far more fabulous than all the other clubs' chalk art combined.  :proud:

    I walked all over campus trying to find one featuring Rarity (no luck yet).



    • Brohoof 7
  19. I second the vote for @ooBrony as club Historian.
      :o Can I exchange all of these for a real-life brohoof? (I've always wanted to do that)





    Has anyone else noticed that Rarity is extra-touchy feely with Twilight?  :confused: It makes me a bit jealous  :wau:



    I like the hooves and furry/fuzziness in that picture.



    I can't find any pictures that haven't been posted in the last 3 days... I'm going to have to start learning how to draw, just to bring something new here.  :okiedokielokie:

    • Brohoof 7
  20. so i'm guessing you make other music as well? :please:


    Yeah, but it's not that good. I finally got around to buying FL Studio a few days ago, so hopefully it'll be worth the investment.

    • Brohoof 7
  21. @The Pony Pianist made one dedicated to the Rarity Fan Club a bit ago (or maybe it wasn't that long ago ... time works differently in this thread).



    I think it's called Fabulosity in <I forget the key sig>


    Fabulosity in E-flat Major :D I forgot I even had that on there. I need to update the name. And add more of my music to soundcloud.


    it sounds absolutely fabulous and sexy I love it and I give it two thumbs up :D


    I'm glad you enjoyed it :)



    I'll just post links to some pictures to avoid the hassle of attachments



    • Brohoof 9
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