I have found out how tall the ponies are. While I was watching Pinkie Pride, Cheese sandwich started singing and then there's a scene with him in a police line up and it seems the ponies in there were all 4 feet. Then I see a male pony standing next to a female and the male was about a foot taller than her, so from what I know this is how it goes:
Foals- about 1 foot
fillies/colts- 2 feet
Mares- 3 feet
Stallions- 4 feet
Royal guards- 5 feet
Princess Luna without horn- 5'3-5'6
With horn- just under 6 feet
Princess celestial without horn- 6-6'2
With horn- 6'5-6''8
This is what I think and saw from the episode and if you think I'm wrong then correct it if you want