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Everything posted by QwenTalis

  1. You know Terminus, I don't even exist... Thank you!
  2. Oh no, one of these posts again where everyone makes it original and fun and then there's me who doesn't know what to write... Hello, I am QwenTalis. No-- my firstname isn't Qwen if you already thought of that. I am 16 years of age. 16 years I've roamed this Earth. 16 SAD AND DESPERATE YEARS. I usually spend my time either playing Xbone (Xbox 360, PS sucks), and on the computer doing random stuffs such as 9gag (No, I don't use 4chan), or getting some work done. I listen to electronic music such as: Dubstep, electro, house, etc... (I hope they call it that otherwise I'll look stupid). I don't mind rap either!! Ask me a question if you want!!
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