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Snuggle Fiend

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Posts posted by Snuggle Fiend

  1. Welcome to the forum :)
    I see you're training in psychology? That's interesting. Planing on becomming a psychologist or a psychiatrist? In any case. Have fun, and I hope to see you around. Also, how did you find out your personality type? I'm intrigued to know mine :P

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Having read this, it is clear that people are not clear on what IQ really is. It rarely changes, and can only notably change through neurological stimuli, NOT psychological, unless of course you cheat for a test, but then it's not really your true IQ score. Don't trust online tests, I've had from scores of 50-160 on those, so don't take them as law. IQ measures what is known as Fluid or biological intelligence, which is inherantly genetic, but can deteriarate, or in some inexplicably rare cases, exponentially increase. However the rarity of this is exceptional, so don't get your hopes up. Also, IQ has a TENDANCY to negatively correlate with EQ, or emotional intelligence, although this is not always the case, the two are more or less held in inverse equilibrium...ish... if you look at the two holistically in any case.

  3. Quantum Pulsar. Unicorn, physicist and exceptional genius with no common sense. for instance, he could tell you what Planck's constant to the power of the sqaure root of pi to 12 decimal places in binary is, but forgets how to open doors and walks into glass on a daily basis.

  4. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony


    How did you find MLP Forums?

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony

    Yay! You're still reading this! Have another hug, you deserve it. *Hug*. Physics is my thing mostly, (sub)atomic, theoretical, and cosmological. I'm always open to conversation, provided I'm online obviously. I'm not really into roleplay or anything like that, but I have an OC (Quantum Pulsar, Unicorn). Well, that's it then. Feel free to add me. /)^-^(\ 

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