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Posts posted by frecklesareblooming

  1. Hell yes I do!



    I know right? My hair is now butt-long and gets stuck in door handles a lot. Ouch.



    Have you tried the Tangle Teezer hairbrush? This thing REALLY does the trick!

    No, I haven't, but I'll be sure to check it out. Anything that can make my day less painful is good news for me! Thanks~!

  2. I've only ever been hit on/asked out once, and it was preeeetty uncomfortable. Some senior in my high school asked all of his friends to approach me and ask me out for him, while he hid behind the building (very obviously) and watched. I said no and they pretty much harassed me for the rest of the school year. He even shouted at me from across the school yard to at least sleep with him. Luckily, no one else was around.

  3. I usually sweat excessively, have horrible stomachaches (actually happened yesterday when I had to take a test at my local college), or bite my fingernails. If my nervousness completely breaks the scale, sometimes I'll even have the feeling of having to throw up.

  4. I have been as of late. I used to have a horrible diet (fueled by root beer and fast food), and because of it, I've gained quite a lot of weight throughout the years. Now I've altered my diet, I've lost nearly 40 pounds and counting. So yeah, I do eat pretty healthily and it is very consistent.

  5. Major dog person here. While I like cats, I've never had good experiences with them. I'm a big snuggler, love to go on walks/car rides, etc. Dogs are perfect for these activities. Cats seem to be more independent and you just can't do as much with them. I've always had a dog as a best friend. I'm sure there are amazing cats out there; I just haven't met them.

  6. This isn't creepy, per se, but interesting. My dog passed away nearly a year ago. While outside, he had the habit of whining at the door when the garbage truck came, and I'd usually open it for him to come in. Two or three weeks ago, when the truck came, I heard his whining at the door. Sounded exactly the same. My other dog even noticed it, too. It could have been a trick of the mind, but it was still amazing.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I tend to worry about anything and everything. I can't even walk down the street sometimes without thinking someone will jump out and stab me, or take a car ride and not worry about crashing and dying horribly. I'll stress out about something as simple as a doctor's appointment. It sucks, being this paranoid, but I'm used to it at this point.

  8. Yes. During the summer, I'm mostly alone, since my parents work and my siblings are either gone all the time or in their rooms. The school year, I'm surrounded by people, but I don't have many friends and the people I do occasionally talk to, I don't know, I just feel like I don't belong there. I rather like being alone, but it would be nice to have a close friend to talk to and lean on at times.

  9. I prefer to sleep with my door closed, but since my bedroom has a sliding door and it jammed, I now am forced to sleep with it open. I'm really frightened by the thought of someone/something standing in the doorway and watching me, so it provides me with endless nightmare fuel.

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