He also had something of a philosophical tint to him, though I don't know if he was aware of that or not. See in the middle of his deals over the phone, he was also talking to what I assume to be his daughter. She appears to be going down a similar path as him and he wasn't having any of it.
"You are wasting your life," he tells her over the phone, "I'm in my 40's and look where I am in my life."
He goes on to say something that hit pretty close to home for me; "You start off at 20 thinking about what you are going to do when you grow up, I know I did. Then I looked back at the rear view mirror and saw that I was 30 and I was still wondering what I was going to be when I grow up. Then I looked again and Bam I'm in my 40's wondering the same thing."
He goes on to say that the more you wonder about what you want to do, the more life is going to make those choices for you. He was speaking like a guy resigned to his lot in life because he screwed himself over.
Being 26 and having the life I've had up till now this struck really close to home for me in an inspiring kind of way. Procrastination is life's biggest enemy. If you want to be someone you can be proud of you have to fight for it, you can't dally around wondering how it could be done. The longer you wait, the faster time flies and the more decisions you have to make that separates you from whatever goal that happens to be.
Given the fact that I'm moving to a whole new state with a fresh start and new job, I think I'm going to take Georges words to heart and steer towards the future I want instead of just gazing at the proverbial rear view mirror wondering where the time went. Its amazing where you can get inspiration from if you just take the time to listen.