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Due Diligence

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Everything posted by Due Diligence

  1. This, precisely. They can pick up verbal cues more clearly on a phone call than they could if you had a crappy internet connection as well.
  2. A used riding lawnmower seat on eBay, $9.99 of the $500 budget for a Rainbow Dash go-kart I'm building.
  3. It totally describes my personality. My OC is basically me in pony-form.
  4. Sriracha on EVERYTHING

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Due Diligence

      Due Diligence

      But Sriracha Chapstick is still a thing, so anything you eat can burn like it if you want it to, which you should.

    3. Enemy Stand

      Enemy Stand

      Where can I find that?

    4. Due Diligence

      Due Diligence

      Same place you can get Sriracha popcorn and Sriracha underwear, http://shop.theoatmeal.com/collections/sriracha

  5. I just completed my interview and I can inform anyone worried that it doesn't come across like we're being stereotyped or anything remotely negative. The person I spoke with asked some good questions and was receptive to what I had to say and it never seemed like they had an angle or were trying to lead me at all. If you can, I'd recommend participating.
  6. This may be a little more unusual than the standard artwork around here, but hopefully it still counts. To compete in an event called Power Racing Series, you need a custom go-kart built out of a childrens toy like a Power Wheels car, and it has to fit all of their rules to be allowed in. If you're interested in more details the link is in my signature. Half the points are from speed and half from crowd votes. I thought, what's fast and could draw a bunch of crowd votes? --- Not my art. This thread is to track the process of the Sonic Rainboom kart from Team 20% Cooler (link in signature as well). Feel free to ask questions, or if you see me making any newbie mistakes I welcome you pointing them out. There may be a Fluttershy car as well... if there's enough Brony support. This is the pedal car body I chose to start out with. It's pretty small for an adult to ride, so I'm going to do some chopping and stretching. Here's the current progress on the design. The front half will be skinned with velcroed-on blue fur, the back half with rainbow fur, because of course I'm taking this seriously. There's already been some anti-Brony sentiment, to the point where they discussed not letting me compete because I'd possibly have an unfair advantage with the crowd vote side of it. In the end, the organizer allowed the design but offered a 300 point bonus to anyone who makes a car from a cartoon he chooses... When it comes time to race this early next year I'll need some Bronies in the crowd pushing the button that is 20% cooler than the rest. Here's a video of the event this year for some idea of what Rainboom will be competing against.
  7. After the Cloudsdale anthem, totally yes Spike.
  8. Made this one a while ago, still have no reason to change it. Rarity makes sense if you think of weapons as accessories.
  9. I come home from what was usually a crappy day at work and watch Pinkie Pie bouncing around and everything is right with the world for 25 minutes.
  10. If I acknowledge that being a Brony is just a little bit weird, people usually react more favorably. It's like they think, "He already knows that he's weird," and then it's not fun.
  11. I hate Walmart because part of my salary goes to Walmart employees via food stamps, which they spend at Walmart. So even if I don't shop there, my money supports their machine. Here's a two minute explanation video: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2014/04/walmart_living_wage_if_the_company_paid_its_employees_more_how_much_would.html
  12. I wouldn't drive a car without a name. If something doesn't have a name, how can I fully know or trust it? When my Mercury - "Ella" - went into the shop after an accident, they wrote her name on the windshield and referred to her by name the rest of the week they had her. If the name fits the car won't quit, right?
  13. Brought the pineapple salsa with chocolate bhut jolokia in it to work for a potluck today and four people offered to buy the jar off me, so I'm super glad I work with spicy food fans. Find any spicy goodness recently?
  14. Best teacher I ever had said, "Swearing is for those too ignorant to find the proper word for a situation." ...Not that I with the [expletive deleted].
  15. Built a custom guitar a few years ago and mailed it to a paint shop for a professional poly paint job.. and they professionally took off with my guitar and I haven't heard from them since. Of course I paid up front and didn't realize it was weird until the eight weeks had passed that they quoted so I couldn't dispute it with Paypal. Deal local, save yourself the headache.
  16. I love the city in the background and the shadows around the neck line of the shirt. The shape of the muzzle is a little odd but I can't pick out why to try and describe it. Love the whole thing anyways!
  17. Hurricane Sauce got hotter overnight. It's entirely possible that I'm melting.

  18. You can build up your spicy tolerance if you work at it. I started off thinking ketchup was all I'd every need, then tried some mild Indian food and got it a little hotter next time and little hotter every time.. Now life is delicious.
  19. Welcome! There are several, but the basics are, Earth Pony - Pinkie Pie, Applejack. No wings, no horns, generally quite strong. Unicorn - Twilight Sparkle, Rarity. No wings but they have horns and magic. Pegasus - Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy. Wings and no horns, usually very fast. Alicorn - Celestia, Luna. Wings AND horns, super powerful magic, usually a princess. http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Ponies
  20. Emailed her and she got back to me already, guess I'm doing a phone interview now. Thanks for the heads up about this opportunity!
  21. Alcohol neutralizes the capsaicin better than the fat in milk does. I've seen Iron Chefs do it and it seems to work pretty well. Same principle makes it a good idea to wash your hands with alcohol after handling peppers to get the spice off before you rub your eye or something.
  22. I may need one for my Hurricane Sauce. This is a new recipe and I just tried it.. I named it appropriately based off the destruction it caused. Milk and yogurt didn't cut it, I had to gargle a shot of vodka to get my face to stop sweating.
  23. Howdy from the spicy South! I've got a project in life to find a hot sauce for pretty much everything, and sometimes that involves swapping recipes. I just finished a fatalii-mango hot sauce (Sriracha consistency) that is cooling down right now, and I've got a bhut jolokia-pineapple salsa that is the second hottest thing I've ever attempted to eat. Sriracha-lime cupcakes have also been baked, though I seem to be the only one that liked them. Have any good recipes, spicy finds or stories to share?
  24. Spent four hours safely making hot sauce then rubbed my eye on the way to the sink to wash up. Yep, it's spicy.

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