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orphaned account

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Posts posted by orphaned account

  1. How much does somepony normally spend on cosplay costumes?

    Is it like $300? $500?

    (Stories about personal experience is much appreciated! Cuz I love reading!)

    And is it okay to not seem the same weight as the character you're cosplaying? Cause I've heard people judge people who are overweight and they say they 'ruin the character or the costume', my mother being one of those people…

  2. Likes: MLP, Television, gaming, animating, music, tech, people, hanging out, having fun, cars, guns, Youtube, RoosterTeeth, Markiplier.

    You like Markimoo? You are officially my best friend!

    Name: Medley Chaos (I'm not going to mention my first name because I despise it)


    Age: 13, I was born October 31, 2001


    Gender: Female


    Country: USA, Indiana



    • Musicals
    • Theatre
    • Opera
    • Museums
    • Libraries
    • Art/Sketches/Drawing
    • Books
    • Music, can't say on what genre I like, cause I can't decide
    • Vast, immense words  
    • Markiplier (Youtuber)
    • Game Grumps (Youtuber, just started watching them so don't ask me about them)
    • DisneyFanactic2364 (Youtuber)
    • Gravity Falls
    • Invader Zim(! Oh my Celestia, I love this show, I really wish it was still on!)
    • WordGirl (it's a kid show on PBS)
    • Littlest Pet Shop (though I'm really behind on episodes)
    • Dan V.S.
    • Hey Arnold! (I just watch the Helga eps)
    • Video Games; The Sims 3, FNAF (then again, who doesn't?), Outlast, The Last Of Us, The Walking Dead, Alien: Isolation, Sly Cooper, Skate 3, The Evil Within and a lot more I can't list.
    • Daredevil (A Netflix Original)
    • Anime/Manga, still working on becoming a anime nerd, only have completed one series, working on finishing three; Vampire Knight, Yamada's First and ugh, I'm blanking on the name but it has incest involved.
    • Non-cartoon shows I like; Forever, Castle and I do watch NCIS and CSI: NY now and then.
    • LGBT (you love who you love, through if you hold a grudge because somepony won't have your wedding, than I am not gonna side with you, they have rights too)
    • Ponies & Rainbows (duh!)
    • Rain & Wind
    • Winter & Fall
    • The internet
    • Google!
    • The Sims 3!
    • Fox News (some things they say on there is so true it's funny)
    • History
    • Grammar/English
    • Immortals/Vampires/Other Supernatural Beings
    • Movies & TV
    • Star Trek: The Next Generation (still trying to get into it)


    Dislikes: Bad grammar, Summer, potheads/druggies/junkies, racists, hypocrites, spiders (but I love you Spider-Man!), Microsoft, Internet Explorer, greedy ponies, snobby ponies, business men who think they're better than any pony else, uneducated ponies whom can't speak proper grammar, bad story plots, girls whom can't grasp the meaning of chastity, dirty cops, terrorists, morons/idiots/fools/pinheads (need I go on?)


    Hobbies: Writing, reading, baking, singing, voice acting/acting, gaming, sleeping, swimming, talking/debating, sewing (though it's usually just mending), drawing/sketching, cursing, joking, searching the web, reading a thesaurus or dictionary


    Other Info: I love words, and learning, I'm a gothic redhead with anger issues and a mindless mind. I feel like crap after every (in-person) social interaction I have (mostly because nopony gets me or my jokes) and every bad moment in the day seems to plague my mind throughout the week and into insanity. I'm mentally unstable and really self-conscious, so if you fancy talking to a mental patient, feel free to PM me.


    If you didn't agree with some of my things or whatever, it doesn't matter to me, I couldn't care less, love and tolerance. And I think that’s about it.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Medley was brought into the world of Equestria by an unplanned pregnancy between an unicorn couple. Fearful of their names being tarnished the two abandoned their child at a local orphanage.


    Medley grew up making friends with every foal around her in the orphanage learning she had a way with words to draw every pony's attention to her. She loved being the center of attention and yet the spotlight she didn't enjoy is the one that was aimed at the series of accidents that seemed to follow her. Where Medley went an accident was bound to happen, some began to think she was cursed. 


    After years Medley was taught magic by the matron and as her magic grew so did the frequency and seriousness of the accidents that followed her. Eventually the fear the foals had of Medley spread to the Matron. To protect the orphanage and the other foals she kicked Medley out of the orphanage. 


    Sad and alone Medley wandered the city trying to find shelter, when she bumped into a tall unicorn who looked down at her. "What are you doing out here little one?" he asked. Medley looked up at him with tears pooling in her eyes. "I was kicked out of the orphanage because the others fear me." she answered.


    The unicorn offered to take her in, little did she know he saw her as a test experiment. After a long journey the two were far outside the city outside a small home in the forest. Once they enter he led her down some stairs that opened up in a large structure where it appeared to be a testing facility. Medley realized she came to a terrible place and tried to flee but she was grabbed and brought into the facility. 


    Once inside she was strapped down in a table and some peculiar helmet was placed upon her head. A switch was flipped and magic could be seen pulsing from a large machine to the helmet. The unicorn will stand beside the table "don't worry, you will be the first of many. We intend to open the pony mind up to a maximum potential. We will then fill your mind with knowledge, imagine it being able to know everything the world has to offer!" Medley felt a surge inside her head as if she were dreaming and that dream was being stretched outward to encompass an entire universe, her head feeling like it was going to explode. "first we will begin with the simple stuff, such as the arts and theater. Let your mind prepare for the more complex knowledge." The unicorn explained.


    As the arts finished flowing into her head Medley begun seeing magical knowledge and spells flowing into her mind. As she attempted to resist the flow of information she felt something 'snap' in her head. As if she weren't herself, suddenly the machine pumping this information into her spontaneously exploded. Sending these "scientists" flying across the room. Magical energy begun radiating from Medley, arcs of magic striking everything around her. Everything hit with this magic begun to act strangely, devices would begin floating to the ceiling. Equipment would fail in the most unexpected ways, substances changed between materials. 


    As Medley struggled to get control of herself one final surge of magic radiated from her encompassing the entire facility. As the magic permeated into the walls and ceiling of the area begun cracking with the cracks filled with a bright white light. Soon the entire ground above the facility and the walls begun floating into the sky. With one final flash on the table Medley disappeared and all the rubble that was in the sky now came crashing to the earth below.



    Medley found herself in a place she did not recognize and realized her mind felt broken but at the same time she felt a need to preform with so much knowledge of the arts flowing through her head. She ventured Equestria in a single direction until she finally found another city she didn't recognize. She begun living on the streets eventually she responded to audition postings around the city. She entered the world of the preforming arts and she ended up allowing the character she portrayed to take over her mind (part of her insanity, identity crisis when other identities are introduced.) For a while Medley would forget who she truly is. On stage she finally discovered he Cutie mark only to discover chaos stood at the end of the verse.

    It's long I know, i'm sorry lol... hope you like it :)

    Oh my god! I love it! I love it! Yes,my goodness, I love it, I'm gonna try to develop it a bit more, and such, I think I might make it a story! Oh my god, thank you! I probably wouldn't have been able to come up with this on my own, thank you for your ideas and feedback!

  4. I plan/might on going to BronyCon (2016) next year, and my sister wants these things (because she's not coming);

    • Rainbow Dash Pajamas
    • Cowboy hat with Apple Jack on it
    • Rainbow Dash Baseball/Trucker Hat
    • Rainbow Dash plastic face mask (like what those cows wore during Pinkie's and Cheese's goof-off in "Pinkie Pride") or ears with a tuff of hair on the headband or whatever it is
    • Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack and Tirek Action Figures
    • Apple Jack Jeans
    • Breezy/Kuledud3 Plushie

    Do even half of these things exist? And if they do, how much are they? And what/who's booth sells them?

    Does somepony carry a Discord plushie? :umad:  (for me ;3)

  5. don't worry I got this ;)


    I'll begin typing a longer more detailed explanation since you like the base premise :D

    also as another suggestion feel free to shoot it down because I know changing an OC's name can be a no no lol


    but being chaos is such an on nose term, what about medley Disarray? or Disarray Medley. 


    While I agree that Chaos stands out and might alert somepony and Disarray is a little more.... how should say this? Hidden? Not very obvious? Doesn't stick out like a sore thumb? I like Chaos better and it might scare ponies away from her but she has this aura around her that draws them near her and leads them to their doom.

  6. You can quite litterally spend $15 bucks on food all of your stay, thanks to the Dollar Menu at McDonalds. I have one or two fancy/normal meals, the rest is Subway or McDonalds whenever I get hungry. Hunger can be appeased with cheap things. But your inner pony fan will only enjoy the truly nice plushies which aren't cheap. Focus your money on merch and your travel/stay expenses. Food and things can be dirt cheap as you can get. That's my approach.

    Thank you! (All of you) I heard about some brony who said didn't have lunch and when he had breakfast or dinner, he got Subway

    Thank you everypony for being helpful! Could some of you maybe look at this post I made that's also important but didn't get a lot of feedback?


  7. More so along the lines of trying to create more intelligent ponies, a world where no pony is stupid. An attempt at trying to open a ponies mind to more then the mind should be able to handle.


    Which yes causes an issue with her mental faculties and could explain why she has such a talent in so many different things. So she didn't get so much academics and history. But more magic and the arts  

    Yeah, now, though how does she escape the hospital or wherever she is? Escaping in the middle of the night would is overused and not exciting. Now, I like my abandoned found by a professor idea and maybe he felt like father her, and felt guilty about causing her to go insane let her free, may be a little predictable but it's sweet.

  8. That could likely be trimmed down a little if the overall price tag has you concerned. Is it too much? That is up to you. If you are comfortable in spending that much money on a PonyCon ...  go right ahead. I spend a decent chunk on BABSCon (not going to state how much ... but yeah) I was fine with the expense. People who went there have spent more, and people have spent less and had just as much fun. 

    Yeah, I was thinking about taking $500 off of vendor money. But, what I'm doing about going to get the money is probably going to barely add up, any suggestions?

  9. What about something way out there? she was taken as a filly for experimentation where they tried to open up the test subject minds to a vast knowledge of spells academics and history. 


    i agree rape is too over used and abuse wouldn't cause insanity

    Oh my yes! And it could have gone wrong and made her insane. And since I'm sure no parents would be okay with this, she's probably an orphan or abandoned and was found by a professor whom was testing this experiment on her. And after the experiment happened the insanity didn't take action right away, the experiment was successful but after a little while she starts...um, well, I'll think on that, help me if you could. And what do mean by "a vast knowledge of spells academics and history."? Like she knows so many things of the past? Things normal filly should know? And has power as powerful as Discord's?

  10. Is spending $2,174 at BronyCon too much? Or is it just average?

    Why is my amount so much? I'm taking a train, not a car or airplane. (And I'm coming from Indy)

    Train (Amtrak - 50 Cardinal) - $174.00 ($87.00 + $87.00) for round-way.

    Checked Bags - Free, I'm only taking 3 bags, 2 are carry-on, it'll be 4 on the way back.

    Registration - Silver: $500

    Money for Vendors/Food (only 2 meals a day) - $1,500

    Hotel - I plan on sharing with somepony else.

    Should I bring more for vendors and food? Advice and stories of previous experience is greatly appreciated.    

  11. It is a PNG image if you download it but if you want i can email it to yu still

    Well, I don't think my computer likes PNG, it's using a different program to view the image (I did download it), than my computer usually opens to view photos (I think it's just because it's PNG, and not JPG), but it's okay, it doesn't matter, I can view the photo, it's cool

    (My original thought was that the site was making it PNG, and you might have in JPG, sorry if I caused any confusion)

  12. True True, can't argue with that one :P

    as to the backstory are you wanting it to run along with the series(such as similar concepts/standards) Or are you wanting something a bit darker 

    I'm going for something dark, yes, something that happens in her filliyhood, something so mentally scaring that it causes her to run away and become insane. And as she grows up she becomes clever and cunning. I'm still thinking of a backstory but, I'm thinking she escapes to a life of theatre to forget her past life.

  13. I designed you a cutie mark . I think it looks nice but it is up to you weather you wanna use it or not. It is music notes with a Chaos symbol at the end meaning that


    When she finishes her song

    Chaos will come.


    (Could you e-mail to me? I can only download it in png, I can view it on my computer if it's jpg)

  14. I'm a little unclear of a couple things about BronyCon, could anypony help?

    A lot of these questions sprouted because of this 'guide', but to be honest, it confused me even more.


    (I'd suggest reading the guide before reading my questions)

    • There's a game room at BC? Why?
    • What kind of food do they have at the convention? How expensive is it?
    • What kind of tax on the room? And how do you pitch in the pay with somepony else?
    • What is the best way to search for the best price? At vendors whose prices are higher than others.
    • Who is Pixelkitties?
    • What are art commissions?
    • "Also, for commissions, be sure to get them in early!"? What does that mean? Do you request and pay for something for an artist to draw and wait until the end of day, and hope they're done? I don't understand.
    • What do comic artists do? Do they sign a comic you bring, or do they specially make something for you?
    • How many kids are usually there? From what age? Are there more girls than boys?
    • If you can't ask about the upcoming season, what can you ask?
    • "Be prepared to WAIT and PAY."? Wait, "pay"? You have to pay for the voice talent to sign something? Why? Seriously, why?
    • Wait, why is it best if I arrive on Thursday? A day before the convention? Why? And is it okay if I got there on Thursday at 7:00pm instead of in the afternoon?

    I got some more questions but they weren't inspired by that guide.

    • What kind of stuff is sold at BronyCon vendors?
    • And what would it take to be scheduled as fan talent like BlackGryph0n, Mic the Micorphone, The Living Tombstone or EileMonty?
    • Can I bring my own prints to be autographed?


  15. This is non-pony related, I need help! I can't find a piece of paper that had questions about Invader Zim on it.

    So, if I ever went to InvaderCON, I would ask them (that was before I knew that in 2014 was the last, I wish it wasn't) but I can't remember what was on the paper. Help?

    Two (or three) of them were questions about ZaGr. This is what I think one of them was about.

    • (To Jhonen) In an interview, you said something about if you brought romance into the show, you would have paired up Zim and Gaz together, how would you've started their relationship if the show continued?
    • ^ Alternate ^: (To the voice talent, if Jhonen is not there) Jhonen said if he brought romance into the show, he would've paired up your characters; Zim and Gaz, how do think or how would you've liked your relationship to start?
    • (And I can't remember the other, help? Suggestions?)

    And 6 others, mainly for Jhonen, but can they be answered by the voice talent?

    • In the episode "Bestest Friend", after Zim's device removed Keef's eyes and replaced them, and Keef looked out the window and saw a squirrel and the device in Keef's eye sockets reimaged the squirrel larger than what it was in reality and as Zim, now, since Keef thinks he's looking at face of Zim but since the squirrel is shorter than what Keef's imaging it to be, wouldn't he be looking over the squirrels head? But when we see outside of Keef's eyes, we see that he is looking directly at the squirrel's face, not above his head as the most likely flawed machine mechanics would cause. How exactly does the machine behave? And what's programing exactly?
    • Did Tak ever really care or have feelings for Dib? And will Dib remain alone forever?
    • In the episode "The Attack of the Saucer Morons", when Zim and G.I.R. crashed the voot-cruiser carrier into the alien convention center, how did they escape this problem with no extra carrier and no extra help to create a diversion?
    • How come Invader Zim was so expensive? Was it the animation? The writers? The musicians? The voice actors?
    • What did Gaz mean by "I have a squiggly-spooch…"? Did Zim implant one in her to upset Dib? Or is she possibly referring to a certain female organ?
    • In "Parent Teacher Night" Robo-Mom threw Zim into a punch bowl, and he didn't burn but in "Tak: The Ugly New Girl", Gaz sprayed Zim with 'Poop' and he burned, so, does Irken skin burn when soda or water touches the surface their skin, but not Kool-Aid?

    Now, yes, it may seem as if I know all of what I said, but I don't know if I worded them as I did on the paper, does anypony have any suggestions to word them more properly.

  16. I have a 15 inch tall Fluttershy, and her hair's end is all…scratchy? :confused: It seems frayed? I don't know, it's coarse, and I don't know what to do! Does any pony else own one and is dealing with the same thing? Any tips? Is there anything I can do? Any products? What should I do? I've tried brushing, she has too many tangles and it pulls out all the hair! I can see the seam of where they sewed in her hair! I don't know what to do! I just got her back in February, I don't want to think of the idea of replacing her! I just don't!  :(  (Hey, they added new emoticons!)

  17. I like the lavender coat color scheme.   cutie mark is hard to say, first one to come to mind is theater masks since most her talents involve entertainment.   Backgrounds is probably by stronger point in OC creation I'll let you know when my think tank produces something



    Thanks for the feedback, I'll mull over the colors through, the lavender scheme says sweet and nice while the magenta says deceiving and something else I can't really word, dark maybe?

  18. Could somepony help me with my OC, or fan character? Her name's Medley Chaos.

    My two color ideas for her are;

    • Lavender coat, and creame and pastel pink hair with icy blue/sky blue eyes.
    • Emerald coat, and black and magenta/ruby hair with lavender eyes.

    She's a unicorn talented in magic, writing, singing, acting, cooking, photography, music; song-writing, playing piano & violin and sewing.

    And I can't think of a Cutie Mark, but I have more than one talent, so if somepony could help me come up with a Cutie Mark that matches my name, much would be appreciated, and also helping me decide on a color would help to. 

    And maybe help me conjure a traumatizing and insane backstory and maybe detail her personality a bit more, it's kind of like Discord's, just a little more emotionally unstable, senseless and melodramatic.

  19. I've put my suggestions for sections below. I left out a few as I would need more information on the subject of the topic to properly place it.

    Also, you seem to have just reached Muffin status! You can click on your muffin badge at any time to see a full list of ranks with the required post count to reach each.

    Oh, thank you! If I explain some of the topics to you, do you think you could help me some more?

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