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Posts posted by Mantis01

  1. First off - *era


    Second, sure, that's what they started out as, but after that it was high-tech watches, stealth devices and ridiculously overpowered guns.

    Did forgot to mention it they were done by two developer Infinity Ward COD1, 3, 4 Morden Warfare 1,2,3 Ghost and Treyarch COD 3, Black Ops

  2. For me, Sonic 3D Blast and Super Mario Sunshine


    The only problem I had with Sonic 3D Blast was that the controls were too slippery. Otherwise, I enjoyed the game.


    and I honestly don't have any problem with SMS.


    And Super Mario Bros. 2 USA as well. The main excuse I hear for hating it is "IT WAS A RIP OFF OF DOKI DOKI PANIC." ScrewAttack put it on their Top 10 Worst Mario game just for that, no lie. Isn't that a bit TOO extreme?

    You got to be kidding now IT was done by the same developer.  

     Ew, no.


    COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


    And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 


     Ew, no.


    COD needs to stick to it's super duper sci-fi crap it's trying to be. Fallout's theme is very classic based. I mean 1950's classic, not renaissance classic.


    And I can't see how you're not a fan of the story. It's freaking THRILLING 

    Call of Duty take place in World War II Modern Warfare take place in the modern war error. 

  3. I'm sorry you had to see that rant. Damn it. It feels like I'm Joshscorcher and Mantis01 is Bhaalspawn.


    My rant is officially over.

    How are you like me ? You don't even know me.  I had only reply to topic on forum when I first join. This is the first topic I post.

  4. I only hate it with people misuse the word. 


    People who make top overrated  videogames list on youtube don't seem to know what the word. There some youtobers who do know the mean.


    Overrated:  have a higher opinion of (someone or something) than is deserved.



    A youtuber by the name joshscorcher did to ten overrated game list, he put Resident Evil 5, the game that wasn't praise by RE fans since they complain about it being a action game despite it good reviews.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 1.He has no personality.


    Being helpful and gentlest  is a personality trait on fim ans television show


    His relationship with Twilight is too forced and awkward.


    Actually it is Twilight who have a crush on him. 


    He is only on screen for the sake of "romantic interest." Say what you want, but Equestria Girls was not a romance movie. It was an adventure movie. And that pointless subplot about Sunset framing Twilight could have been cut out altogether.



    I mention that Equestria Girls is based a teen film. There going to be the teen cliches. Asking a girl out to a dance is one of the common teen film cliches Sunlight Simmer want to keep Twilight from getting that crown, by framing her, she can't go to the Formal. 

  6. That OP... just... no.


    So apparently people who want to ship their Gary Sue OCs with Twilight hate Flash just because of their OC shipping. I want to give you the general reasons people hate the character:


    1. He has no personality.
    2. His relationship with Twilight is too forced and awkward.
    3. He is only on screen for the sake of "romantic interest." Say what you want, but Equestria Girls was not a romance movie. It was an adventure movie. And that pointless subplot about Sunset framing Twilight could have been cut out altogether.


    Did I mention anything about OCs in there? Not at all. Research, dude. Research and get your facts straight.


    I'm not trying to come off as aggressive. I'm just trying to give the reasons.

    Not to be rude


    I seen pony oc on deviantart all the time, the are some to do pair them with Twilight. 


    I see Flash as minor character and have no reason to hate him. In fact Flash is a helpful character. 


    Equestria Girls is  to be based on teen films. In teenflm there is a boy to does try to help the girl, it was also be reverse, the girl will try to be helpful with the boy 

  7. Better start doing a topic on My Little Pony topic.


    There been people who like  Equestria Girls, there been people who hate. The character who got the most hate was Flasn Sentry, who Twilight gotten a crush on and I thought fan hating the Archies comic Sonic and Sally paring was worse.


    The main reason bronies are hating on Flash is because he pair with Twilight and they want to pair their gary sue OCs with her. I find this Flash hate to be ridiculous, what wrong with Twilight having a crush on Flash and what wrong with he being on the series. It not like he was in love with Twilight in Equestria Girls, he just wanted to help Twilight. I get that bronies like Twilight Sparkle, I also like her as well, but not too much and don't want to pair her with a OC's character. Why would they want to pair their OC with her, why do they fall in her with Twilight, and why would Twilight like their OCs, she have to know them. Back to Flash Sentry, I really want to know about his character, his strength and weakness. I do want to see him in season five. 


    What are your thoughts ?



    • Brohoof 1
  8. So a five year old seeing a pair of tits and a vagina is going to mentally scar them for life? When they will see plenty of it at a later age? I watched american pie when I was about seven and it did nothing to me. I hear plenty of swearing in real life, seeing it in movies and games wont do shit. I've seen plenty of violent shit in movies and games, and yeah, something like Saw would affect a small child, I got nightmares from seeing like five minutes when I was around eight. 


    Having the age rating is kinda worse than not having one, would you rather have a child go into see an 18, and then be scarred, and they wanted to watch it, or would you rather have say a 17 year old want to watch an 18, but can't because they are one year under the age rating? And either way, someone around my age will get into an 18.

    Was you with a parent watching it ?  I has saw Conan the Destroy at a young, but didn't that it was rated R. We didn't know any better when we was kids.  Kids are not even supposed to watch R-rated since they're aim for a adult demographic . Yes Kids do play Call of Duty, mainly the multiplayer.  Kids are happen to be developing and they don't understand the content that is on the film mostly sexual scene and language.  My  mom didn't want me to watch the cartoon Duckman, I never understood why until I gotten older and watch it online I now saw why. It is up to the parents to explain to their kids why they shouldn't watch certain show or play certain type of game. 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. A yes and no. 


    Direct video release  of DC and Marvel movie are done tradionally, thought CGI is use. 


    People don't seem to realize the traditional 2D animation has flaws, if the animator make a mistake on the drawings they have to start over again that how we get blooper. CGI animator could correct the mistake since they're using a computer, but its flaws is detailing and render, mainly hair and fur. 

  10. You tell me: What's the point of having a multiplat game at all? So people who don't have that console would play it? Screw those people. If they don't wanna shell out the cash for a console then that's their problem. If two consoles are going to share so many games then there is absolutely no reason to have more than one console at all. The 360 and PS3 might as well have been the same exact console.

    Have you read my post ?

    I say that people are are to own a different console and want to buy the game for that console. I forgot to mention that some mulitplat got something exclusive for that the depending on which version you got .


    the 2004 EA Night Fight Round 2, the Game Cube version not only it it had SNES Super Punch-Out, the main character of the game is playable. People buy the Game Cube version for that. 

  11. I laugh at the delicious tears of people complaining about any game being exclusive. Exclusives are better than multiplats any day. They give us reason to have more than one console and more often than not an exclusive is built with that particular console's power and strengths in mind so it performs better overall than any multiplat would.


    I hate the fact that the PS3 and 360 shared like 90% of their library. I didn't need a 360 at all until the last year or two when there was more exclusive games. I hate the fact that the Wii-U is getting too many ports from PS3 and 360 rather than exclusive and original games simply because it has the power to do so.


    Fuck multiplats. Exclusivity is the way to go.

    Multiplatforms games have been around since the 16 bit era of videogames. What you're saying isn't fair to people who own a certain console not to mention the third party developers want to make a profit on the consoles. Everyone isn't going to own PS4. there are people who might owns the Wii U or Xbox one.  People are going to have a difference console and want to play that game on that  console. Some multiplats are better on a certain console.


    For example


    The Just Dance series, Release on PS3, Xbox360 and Wii.  The Wii version  sold better than the  PS3 and Xbox360 version  since its has the most casual audience.  


    Some game went multiplats because of bad sell as an exclusive, Crysis 2 gotten the reputation of the most pirated PC game. This effect their sales which is why developers release console version of the third crysis


    Rayman origins went multiplatform  because of the poor sale of WiiU and Ubi soft doesn't want to take a risk selling it as an exclusive.  Let not forget that Third party company don't want to take any risky selling their game on a certain console. 

  12. I'm all for consoles having first-party exclusives, but for third-parties? Hmmm... nah. There really is no reason to make this Xbox-exclusive, since I don't see how this can't run on other systems. I don't get Square Enix's descision, because Tomb Raider has been multi-plat for the last ten years and that's worked out well, so why go exclusive now?


    But honestly, we'll most likely see a port to the other systems in a couple months after the Xbone version launches.

    Square Enix is the publisher, not the developer, Crystal Dynamics are the developers.   

    • Brohoof 1


    From what I can see it's only gonna be a timed exclusive   While I can understand why some people are miffed, personally I think people are overreactingin a very similar manner to the Bayonetta 2/Devil's Third Wii U exclusivity reaction.   And it's annoying to see the unreasonable seething hatred over Microsoft/Xbone considering that I can guarantee that no one would've given a shit if it was a PS4 exclusive   ReviewTechUSA does a better job at explaining how I feel though  


    Atsushi Inaba state the Bayonetta2 would not exist if it wasn't for Nintendo since Sega had decided to stop publishing game title  after 7.1 billion yen lost. 


    I find it kinda of funny, when Sony when done some it okay, Such as  they saying remove the PS4 DRM, people was okay with it yet it been stated that it was going to have DRM just like Xbox One.


    When Microsoft remove it DRM, people wasn't satisfied when they was complaining like hell about it. 


    Because Sony done it. If this Tomb Raider game was exclusive on the PS4, you Sony loyalist will be excited. 

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