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About Maukali

  • Birthday April 12

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My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. Main character, I would say Rainbow Dash. Something about her just makes me want more and more. That, and she's 20% cooler. Background character, I would say Princess Luna. Luna represents my favorite things in the world: The stars and the moon in the night sky. Not only that, but our personalities are almost the same. The reason she became Nightmare Moon is the same feeling I have sometimes. Even though I'm a guy (I hope this don't sound weird) a lot of times I wish I could carry the same celestial beauty that Princess Luna does.
  2. Isn't the brony spirit fantastic?

  3. Isn't the brony spirit fantastic?

  4. I know. This show makes me sane in an insane world.
  5. I feel it when i watch too! Isn't it an amazing feeling?
  6. This episode alone is why Rainbow Dash is one of my favorite characters, besides Fluttershy and Princess Luna.
  7. Maukali


  8. Night is beautiful

  9. Maukali


    I've been a brony for a couple years. I believe my favorite pony is either Rainbow Dash or Princess Luna. It's really hard to decide. I like the night, and all of it's beauty. But i like Dashie's awesome Sonic Rainboom and her plain awesomeness. The point: Hi, I'm maukali.
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