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Everything posted by Drunkfrank

  1. THat looks really cool! Can't wait for that one!
  2. HMMMMMMMMMMM Just a Pony Light of your cutie Mark You're in my head like a Catchy song You'll play your part.
  3. So far I only think season 7 has had only one mediocre episode with Honest Apple, so..I am pretty confident they will all be good
  4. Yeah...shes not 17... shes definitely older than that. I mean, some old article doesn't really mean anything Taking in show references the only thing we have gotten was RDs cake having 21 candles on it. I assumed it was accepted as fact that the mane 6 were all in their early 20s and whatnot. Don't ever use EQG to try to guage there Equestria age. Celestia and Luna are thousands of years old in Equestria yet they are like 40 in EQG. Sunset Shimmer was an adult when Twilight was a filly, yet they are both in high school in EQG
  5. Fame and Misfortune sounds pretty good actually Triple Threat I am hoping to be amazing, it can either be great or bad. Campfire Tales I am expecting to be like the CMC in the shoes of the legends they are telling, so that could be really fun
  6. Well, just one post, no biggy I guess. Still though, if the pony of shadows is the villain and ends up being the great darkness from the comic, I will be very excited.
  7. I am worried it's going to do to her what 28 pranks later did to RD, regress her character.
  8. *Reads* Oh my god! COMIC VILLAIN PLEASE, HYPE. Uhh, how do I delete posts...no idea what just happened there, posted two...
  9. Yes, Sombra basically killing Amore in friendship is very messed up and I wish it was canon (not the siege arc though because fukk sombra redemption) Hasbro is trying to market mlp as a gender neutral show now as well, with the guardians or harmony toy line, I would love to see some more action-adventure episodes, sadly, looking at the episode list up to 23 of season 7, seems like it is all slice of Life.
  10. 5- Best episodes of the series 7- Catching up to season 5 4- Was neat 2- Also neat 6- less neat 3- Too short to be neat 1- No nostalgia aside, not quite neat.
  11. Well it's just what you prefer out of the older/newer "version" of the show, I didn't love season 6 either but I still voted for 4-7 because 4,5, and 7 are my favorite seasons Season 5 was the season that had me saying "new favorite episode" the most... The premiere was creepy and interesting, darker than what I expected from the show. Castle Sweet Castle was a great followup to Twilights Kingdom in terms of the lirbrary, with a fantastically fun song to boot. Tanks For the Memories had the first amazing Rainbow Dash solo, and was just very touching, this one held my favorite for a bit. Lost Treasure of Griffonstone felt like the type of adventure episodes I want more from the series and really hope we see more of that type. Amending Fences is a lot of peoples favorite episodes, I did love it, but it never hit that top mark for me, however, it was still incredible. Do Princesses Dream was an amazing Luna episode with a 2 part like story in 1 part that somehow as paced very well and had a great flow, best Luna episode imo. Rarity Investigates is Johanna Lewis and Kristen Songcos first real debut, my god they are just amazing and they made a hilarious and unique episode to show it. Crusaders of the lost mark is special, it has two major point in it DT redemption and CMC marks, but somehow is still paced well despite being a musical, still in my top 5 of the series. The Mane Attraction was a good sendoff to AKR, heartwarming, funny, with one of the best songs of the show. The finale was my favorite two parter, a great trip down memory lane with the villain, I got to see my favorite villain Sombra again, and I actually really like Starlight not being totally evil, just misunderstood. Maybe I would have liked season 6 more if it didn't start with such a weak opener. Season 7 wasn't even a two parter and I still consider the first two episodes miles better.
  12. For the record my full thoughts MLP should have a darker season wide story arc, but not every episode dedicated to it, premiere starts the serious arc off, maybe 5-7 arcs in the arc mid season, and then the finale finishes the dark/serious arc
  13. Wow, far different from mine 5>7(so far)>4>2>3>6>1 I don't think season 1 was all that great, twilight was shoehorned into every episode often making the pacing feel clunky or just bad Season 2 was a big step up, more character development, better animation, no more forced Twilight I feel season 3 would have been better than 2 if it were 26 episodes, but I did enjoy it Season 4 was the game changer to me, opening with an epic premiere followed by great episode after great episode with the exception of a few certain ones Season 5 I feel was just as good as season 4 but improved Season 6 had the weakest opener at the time, delivered decent episodes all the time, rarely pushing out amazing ones and more often than not having just bad ones. Season 7 feels like a return to form for me, with some amazing episodes like Rock Solid Friendship, A Royal Problem, and especially The Perfect Pear.
  14. Maybe on this forum, which I always thought was a bit too negative anyway when new episodes came out, but on EQD and other places, season 4 was considered one of the best seasons, and on every "Best season" poll EQD is one, it has been season 5 first, season 4 second.
  15. So, the season 3 finale was kind of when the show began a new, Twilight is an alicorn, season 4 premiere takes place 1 year after the season 1 premiere, and I use to see a lot of hate *primarily during season 6) and people saying that the show was way better in the old days, I am curious what people really think, do you prefer seasons 1,2, and 3. Or do you prefer seasons 4,5,6, and 7(so far) For me personally, I consider 4,5, and 7 to be the top 3 seasons of the show, followed by 2, 3, 6,1 so for me it's 4-7, I think besides season 6 which I still enjoyed, the show has been on mostly a constant uprise.
  16. Nah, most of my friends ask me why I like it and when I tell them they usually just accept it or try the show for themselves. I did have one friend who constantly how I could like some gay faggot kiddy show. Very healthy friendship right there. I convert most of my friends
  17. Well my friend tricked me into watching it in 7th grade. "Hey, we should make a bet, we both watch a dumb little kids show and whoever turns it off first does something (I don't remember what)" "Okay, how about Dora" "nah I was thinking My Little Pony" "lol okay" Little did I know he already liked the show After watching like all of season 1, I told him to turn it off saying this was terrible, a week later I was talking about it, little over a month later I was fully caught up Like 5 months later I admitted that I liked it to the fam, they didn't give a shit. But how I get my friends to watch it "hey, you should watch MLP sometime, it's good" "K"
  18. I agree with the princesses thing... But Meghan got her hands on Celestia and makes her get stomped all time. I wish the princesses would be treated more seriously. Season 7 has been pretty good with this, but yeah.
  19. Nope, and I think that's a good thing, the movie will very likely drive interest in the show, and people will go start watching it (or watch it again for those who stopped watching) and what better to get people into it than another big epic following a few slice of lifey episodes. Also, I don't want to compare the movie to the finale when watching hte movie, which I know I will be doing in my head, so I am happy the finale is likely airing after.
  20. Larson wrote some good episodes, but I never really loved him and while it would be neat having him back, I wouldn't need it. I don't want Meghan ever coming close to being the show head again, that would mean she would be writing the premieres and finales, and Meghan will ignore plotholes and consistency for the sake of a cool moment, that said I LOVE the two parters she did make, I just don't think we need more of her style, let the (imo) superior writers Johanna and Kristen breathe as the current showrunners AKR was special, writing some of the best episodesof the show, I doubt she will come back but would love it if she did!
  21. I think she will murder Starlight and everyone who claims to hate her will cry their eyes out and then come to the forums an hour later saying "YES, so glad that Mary Sue is dead" Okay but for real. Maybe the "fake" Triple Threat synopsis wasn't fake at all, but just the wrong episode, Chrysalis revives Sombra and frees Tirek, and then we get Twilight, Celestia, and Luna vs Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek God I would love that.
  22. Episodes I am hyped for: Triple Threat Daring Done To Change a Changeling Episodes I am optimistic for: A Health of Information Once Upon a Zeppelin Marks and Recreations Campfire Tales Episodes I am skeptical about: Secrets and Pies It isn't the mane thing about you
  23. I can pretty much confirm that the great darkness has nothing to do with the movie, the movie is supposed to be a compliment to the show, but it is meant to be nothing outside viewers couldn't pick up, also, the guy we see in the comic that references the great darkness doesn't appear in the trailer and would pretty much mean everything we have been told about the movie by the press releases and staff were misleading us. But you are right, likely not a 3 parter, by likely, most probably not, but I can see another epic two parter coming our way... Don't forget, the current show runners are Johanna Lewis and Kristen Songco, they could probably right one of the best two parters of all time. (Gauntlet of Fire, Top Bolt, Celestia Advice, All Bottled up, A Royal Problem, The Perfect Pear)
  24. Either of those would be...disappointing, I didn't hate the season 6 premiere, but it was really lacking...lackluster start to a lackluster season I suppose. Mirror Magic was fun, but I would be upset if something like that was the finale I am hoping for that guy from the comics to be the villain and we finally get another epic evil dude two parter...which we haven't had since season 4
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