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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Yoshikupo

  1. @, "Well the inside is what matters, and ponies thought I was a freak too to let my daughter learn dark magic but I think she's a wonderful pony" He brings the food and sets it on the table "That's the rice and that's the sauce" He gets his own food and so does Dark "Be prepared" She takes a bite and it almost doesn't faze her
  2. @@SenpaiPinkamena, "Hey, Rough, Tell me what kind of crime would you do if you didn't get caught?"
  3. @@SenpaiPinkamena, "I can see you two are best friends" He mocked "Pastel, if you could be able to cast a spell what would it be?
  4. @@SenpaiPinkamena, "Its fine if you swing that way, Banner is like that too" *He points to the fight still going on between Fire Slash and Banner in the background* "Since I want to get to everyone, Midnight, what is the greatest thing about your life in your opinion?"
  5. @@SenpaiPinkamena, Neat, you know I'm a blacksmith too? Anyway, Pastel, if you could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
  6. So on! Anyway, Rough I wanted to know how you got your cutie mark since unicorns normally get your type of talent...nothing against you, just asking
  7. @, Dark obviously blushed, she hoped he would say something like that "You say to much" Dark kisses Hooligan lightly on the lips then pulls back. I can't tell hows leading the relationship, you or him. Does it matter? "Anyway, lets see what Ellie is up to" she smiled and walk inside the house to see Ellie making two things the meal, and a potion "Whats the potion?" "Just some magic enhancement" "You better not use that yourself" "I'm not...I sell it now" "Well, I would shame you for selling basically a drug but I do it to" "Well its not illegal or anything" "Yeah but its profiting on others mistakes" "Or on a pony that actually needs it in a pinch and won't overdose on it, most ponies I get are different and most have weapons on stand by...still don't know why an earth pony bought one once but still I think its fine if used properly" "Maybe we should stop talking about this" Y-yeah" He got plates for the food and put it on the dinner table next to the kitchen "Just a few more minutes" (I didn't get the mention)
  8. (Doing this invite again since no one responded, sorry for the repeat.) I'm hosting another cards against humanity online game again because I was bored (Yoshikupo's game, second server)

  9. @@SenpaiPinkamena, "So, Flame Slash...you want to fight?" "Seriously? Is that all you can think about?" "Hey, it was a question and I don't know much than he fights with swords so I have to know if he's outgoing as a swords pony and fights me or is more honorable and doesn't do it because he doesn't think I deserve it or something" "That was long...just answer it because she is also a fighter"
  10. Doing this again because I like the entertainment...also different text means different characters, I am black, Banner Is yellow, Chain is brown, Jade is green, Amethyst is purple, Dark is gray. I just want to make someones day with a few jokes between the cast I made.
  11. @, "If the one pony you would call a mare or coltfriend had some sort of big issue in his head, what would you do to help? I'm talking almost possession like difference on his personality"
  12. I'm hosting another cards against humanity online game again because I was bored (Yoshikupo's game, second server)

  13. @, "This...is not a rainbow flower, this was found at the rainbow river right?" She stood still almost like she was in a trance "I'll call it a Light Shadow flower" She looked at Hooligan "Or do you want to name it? This seems like the rarest flower I have ever seen" Her face was lit up by all of this "Not to mention that its beautiful" She blushed
  14. @, As Hooligan returned Dark caught a glimpse of something that he hid from her before she could fully see it "lets head home" They walked toward the house "I know you picked a rainbow flower back there so just show it to me already, I have a vase of them...or used to, from others before I was feared for no good reason" Dark realized something "Most came from Spirit when I was little, only one other pony decided to give me it and I would not like to talk about it"
  15. This will be a good laugh, look up loser.com

  16. @, While picking the roots out of the ground, the black and white flower stood out in the rainbow. It was the perfect contrast to its surroundings and even looked like it took light out of where it was. Dark and Ellie were almost done "Hey Hooligan! You almost done? We don't need that much of this stuff" "I'm just going to head back and start if that's ok" "Its fine" Ellie left but Dark still waited
  17. @, "Yeah but you get bored of it after a while when you see it everyday" "Dark used to go out when she was young at night just to see the stars and the town...she said that it felt nice in the dark even when you know there are bad things out there" "Well my choice of magic wasn't a random pick" They got to the source of rainbow falls which had trees around it in all the colors that can be seen "Now don't pick to many tree roots from one spot or the tree will die, also to fill Hoolie on this, the tree roots are edible and very soft. We don't need to much" Dark and Ellie covered some ground to pick the roots and the only place not covered was one that was on the other side of the lake of rainbow. Behind a tree which covered the view of the others was a flower, a black flower which petals tips were white.
  18. @, "Great, my legs were getting a bit tire-" Chain was interrupted by the sound of fast hoofsteps getting closer "Here comes the welcome wagon" Chain's mother came into the room not two seconds later "So did everything go well? I trust that my child was great on the date" She mumbled something about money in the bank that Chain ignored "I guess you can say that because I spend whatever money necessary for my friends to have a good time with no restrictions" Chains mom got visible a little angry at that but went back to smiling "That's great, but I want to hear it from her"
  19. @, "Well me and her were in a situation with a dragon, Banner found her and the town overreacted...one pony was a poacher and tried to kill her which Banner dealt with in a fight I can only describe as one sided. I on the other hoof used the whole attack to show what happens when the whole town is afraid of something they don't understand. The dragon left when the migration came to town. I know that its not very descriptive but it was kind of a blur in my eyes" Chain sighed and chuckled "You know I didn't know about a gamer being set up with me but I guess that is a broad title"
  20. "Well I haven't had to many curries but I'm pretty sure it is from experience...of course I got kind used to it" "We had to eat it for a while as we accidentally got to much rainbow because we thought it could make a potions...there are very little useful potions you can make out of it and so we made food out of it. I feel like spicy things can't faze me anymore" Dark says catching up to the two at the front door "Dad? Do you remember anything about last night?" "No, I don't...stop worrying. Nothing bad will happen and if it does then a high class mage is with you" "I know Hooligan is here but what about you?" She smirked "I think I made a monster" "But I'm your monster" They walked out the door to the side of there house where the falls started
  21. @, "You brought my daughter to me, that and the fact I know she has the hots for you makes me consider you a part of the family" "Your going to do this all day, aren't you?" "Of course, my head my be killing me but I will still make awkward dad comments" He starts for the exit to the room "I bet Hoolie wants to try some rainbow curry" Ellie seemed like nothing was wrong. I don't know if its mean to suggest that this may be some sort of too good to be true moments...nothing is this perfect for you. I'll keep that in mind.
  22. @, "Of course, I'm fine, just on the ground after how knows what I drank last night" "Were really just glad to see you ok" Ellie looked like he had a headache but looked at the two while getting up slowly "I cant believe I slept for the time you started searching for me, that train takes hours so you must have been on it long" "Actually Hooligan teleported us a while ago" "Sure you chipped in right?" "No he did it with his own magic, his scrabbled mind made sense of it" "Next thing your going to tell me he found eternal life" He sighed "I'm ready to be bombarded with your motherly questions about how stupid I acted" "No, I shouldn't have yelled at you that hard" It was my fault...I am just a parasite that should be gotten rid of, ask him about the potion. No, your not going to just leave now. But I need to, I'll drive you inane with my othe- myself. I don't care. Dark knew something was off from what she last said "Well if you came to make up then I might as well do something with you two...who about we get some rainbow root?" "Wanting to make something spicy again?" "Maybe" "Your an open book" "Then what chapter are you in? I'd really like to know how far you know me, you might even learn something I don't know or remember" "Shut up" Dark hugged him "Hey hoolie want to get in on this?" "Dad" "Sorry, I feel like its my job to do that stuff"
  23. @, Nopony answered the door. Dark sighed and pulled out a key from a invisible box next to the door "Good, its still here" She unlocked the door to see the slightly dusty old shop with some outdated potions on shelves and some stairs leading to the bedrooms "Well, he's not here so he must be in one of the bedrooms" She walked up the stairs and passed a bottle, a bottle used to make potions, on the way. There was an eerie silence and most of the optimism in Dark was being used up in her mind as she tried to stay positive of what happened to her dad. She heard something, a creek, not from her but from the parents room. She opened the door to see a seemingly drunk Ellie. Dark and Spirit in her mind sighed in relief "Dad get up, you had me worried" "Uhhh" Is the only response given
  24. "Some ponies in this world can be complete jerks because they want to" Chain says with a little distaste "I hope your mom is doing good if that counts for anything" Chain sighs "You know there was this one time that I stood up for banner, less in fighting standard like her and in a more in a logical reasoning way...want to hear it? Or do you have a story like that too?"
  25. @, His first kiss...it felt wonderful but it was over and he was walking behind Diamond in no time. Chain snapped out of it when the next question was asked "Uh...my grandparents died and now all I have is my uncle and my cousin how always says that I'm connected to her just because her name is locket and lockets are on chains...she is young" He explained "I don't know my uncle a lot but from my dad said he is a very good at taking care of ponies and is a doctor"
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